From humble beginnings!

in life •  6 years ago 

There is always hope, where there is a stout heart and a willingness to strive, learn, teach and share.

First step: Understanding people!

Observe things around you. Analyse people from all walks of life, and how people re-act to situations. 

  • What they like and desire most? What they don’t like and avoid? 
  • What they are willing to work for and strive for? 
  • What they find easy to do and what they struggle with? 

Second step: Learning from the best:

If you are aware of people’s behaviour, you will be able to see how the successful do things. And what held the poor back from being successful too. 

  • If you’ve been a sports person, who’ll know how important working as a team and collaboration is.  
  • What is to be a coach and managing people and the philosophy of interaction between people! 
  • It teaches you how to encourage people and build bridges between people and various departments or groups.  

Third step: Thirst for knowledge:

If you’ve haven’t had any proper education, this shouldn’t stop you from seeking knowledge. 

  • Keep note books and fill them up with things you have learnt. Each note book: to cover one theme topic. This becomes your own personal library and can be used for revision! 
  • Remember research includes testing and trying out things for yourself. In the process you learn new skills and techniques. 
  • If you're 'spoon-fed' info, you don’t learn so much. We learn a lot more from experiencing something for ourselves. 

Third step: teaching others:

I once heard of someone who didn’t have much money, but still took music lessons (once a week). This is how he afforded to pay for his music lessons: 

  • He only had enough money for his first lesson. 
  • Then after each lesson he went home and taught their neighbour’s children (for the other four days of the week). 
  • He would teach what he had just learnt. He charged each child a small fee. When adding up their fees together, he had enough for his own next lesson and a little over for his food and boarding. 
  • But while teaching the others, he got practice in. It was like doing revision on his lessons. If there was a problem, he could go back to his expensive teacher and ask advice.  
  • Having experienced what is like to teach, he could appreciate what his teacher had to handle. That made him value his teacher more and what he was learning. 
  • Conclusion: He was striving and working hard to earn his living and become successful. 

Fourth step: Challenging changes:

Taking up challenges and having to make changes in our lives teaches us how to cope, take risks, and overcome fear.  

  • The more experiences you have to undergo, the stronger you are, and learn how to handle things no matter what you have to face. 
  • Your courage and how you handled your experiences inspires others. And naturally you stand out as a leader, because you were willing to tuck in and do what was necessary, even against great odds. 

Fifth step: The sharing law!

Having learnt so much, it’s your obligation now to share what you have learnt.  

  • It’s the law of the universe! The more you give, the more that comes back to you. 

It’s like when you water the garden, somehow you always get wet too!! 

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Fantastic advice! I do consider myself a leader for two very simple reasons: I say what needs to be said and I do what needs to be done. I am never afraid to ask for guidance if I need it and I am always willing to share what knowledge I do have. If I know something has to be done then I don't wait for somebody to tell me, I do it. I am also a very big fan of learning new things everyday. Interacting with people is one of the best ways to do that. I read somewhere a long time ago that everybody you meet knows something you don't. It has always stood out to me and I believe it to be true. Thanks for the life guidance in this post. I'm sure many can benefit from it.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I also heard that everyone has something we could learn from. So that's why I observe and listen carefully to what is said and done.
And I also do my own thing. Why? Because the opposition I had, made me more determined to succeed. Now today those unbelieving people are smiling and eagerly watching what I'm up to next!

I am totally agree from your first point it will more helpful understand people.

When I think I understand people, I find out that I don't know them at all! So I have to check up on whats happening all the time. You never know when you've missed something important!

Yes you say right dear...thankyou for reply.

Knowledge sharing is a culture that we need to encourage people to do so. So they can work together more effectively and collaborate with which other making organisational knowledge more productive

The universal law of haring is a culture most people don't understand. But once used, are surprised how it works.

First step: Understanding people!
Observe things around you. Analyse people from all walks of life, and how people re-act to situations.

What they like and desire most? What they don’t like and avoid?
What they are willing to work for and strive for?
What they find easy to do and what they struggle with? this step is soo much important if your successful to follow it your blog will be the best in everyone and thanks for all the tips regarding blog making not only blog making worthy blog making dear @artguru

Really felt motivated after seeing the last step of your five step technique. Apart from all the valuable information you shared I loved the story of the poor person learning music and then sharing to the rest of his surrounding for living and love.It means firstly one should try to learn and then share what he can share. It's really helpful if you share something valuable with others which can help them in life because one way or another you will get rewarded either in the form of some pennies or a bit of appreciation and prayers. And yes I'm a sportsman(remains captain of my cricket team in school, college and in club) and I know how difficult to understand others and how you can use them for your benefits as a team or if you think from a business point of view how can they help you in developing your business.

It's true "nature has it's best qualities and one of them is what goes out will one day comes around".

Like they say, when you're in rome you behave like the Romans. But i believe you need to learn the roman way first. Take your time, study people, know the dos and don'ts

Rome or Johannesburg! He he! Some people do crazy stuff!

Thank you for step by step guide

I find the trial and error approach indeed imperative for the deeper understanding behind mechanisms. When we only learn the theory we try to avoid the mistakes that others previously made, so it is considered as good to avoid mistakes. But if we have the practical trial and error lesson, then we have thd intrinsic root experience as to the cause of things. It is then that WE become authors with original experience. ;)

Those are some nice points to take on in everyday of our lives.

how to cope, take risks, and overcome fear.

I think alot of us struggle when facing changes, lost in deep comfortable zones. I tend to like it when we stay in a much familiar place we have always been.
It's a good thing to be able to face challenges and embrace change.