Performing beyond our own expectations!

in life •  7 years ago 

  We under estimate what we’re really capable of! When we `pull-out-all-the-stops’, we find ourselves on the adventure of our lives.

What are all those stops?

  • Perhaps, our feelings of inadequacies because of our past failures? 
  • Low self-esteem… we feel not good enough for some silly reason or other? 
  • Perhaps because we feel we don’t have enough education? 
  • It could be that we think we don’t have enough capital money to achieve our goals? 

Is it fear?

Of what? Is it that serious? Why do we allow it to stop us from living our dreams? 

Is the bar too high?

Other people setup such high standards… it’s hard to reach their level of achievement? So why do we care about how other people are doing, when we have special talents of our own! 

From my own experience:

  1. Decide what you would like to do. Begin anywhere, with anything you are good at.  
  2. Smile while you are doing it. Happiness is a great booster of confidence and pleasant consequences. 
  3. My motto: “Cast on stitch by stitch, knit one row at a time. Row by row, before you know it… the `jersey’ is finished.” 
  4. And silly me, I never give up! Even when I think I’m wasting my time. I suppose it’s because I love what I do. 

How to win against all odds:

Believe in yourself and your talents. And push your own talent boundaries. 

  • Give more than what you expect of yourself. `Go the extra mile’ in what you are doing. 
  • Find ways you can do better. Seek knowledge and facts. Try them out. See how they work for you. 
  • As the saying goes: `Practice and experience makes perfect’. Only after you have done a lot, over time do you see where you have improved your skills! 
  • And amazingly the consequences, you'll get to understand how money follows to those who get up and do something. That something, whatever it is, is like a foundation to build on, to kick off from. 

How does this apply to blogging?

Satisfying your readers is more important, than your inadequacies. 

  • If you care more about them, your confidence will grow, and so will your followers. 
  • Why? Because your writing skills are affected by your open relaxed, caring personality. 
  • Followers get to know how much you care. And to what lengths you are willing to help them. 


The more you give, the more you receive. And the more you write; the more connections you make. 

Opportunities only come, when you open the doors yourself

And friends and customers only come in, when you give them a warm welcome and there is something really nice waiting for them to enjoy!  

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We are only ever standing ourselves in the way as a result of all the No's and Dont's we have been conditioned to assume internally. In this way, we give our power away and play victim. How stop playing victim? By undoing external clutter and returning to our inherent Truth devoid of No's and Dont's. :)

Often people think someone or something is standing in their way, but all it is, is ourselves, just like you said.

My motto: “Cast on stitch by stitch, knit one row at a time. Row by row, before you know it… the `jersey’ is finished.”

A step at a time.

I think sometimes we need to get out of our comfortable zones and embrace the change. It's always one thing that stop us from holding ourselves back.
Thanks for the encouragement up there.

Hi. You know why that was my motto? When I was very little, about the age of eight years, my eldest sister, made me create my first jersey. It was a short sleeve one, pink with a row of holes every few rows. First she taught me how to cast on, then I had to knit so many rows before she checked it and gave me more instructions and so on and so on. It was such fun, and before I knew it it was finished. A learnt a lot from that experience.

How wonderful it was, I realize too I learnt alot of things by doing, slowly by slowly someone was there to guide after I sort of was about to mess up.
So..cast on stitch by stitch... I have alot i should learn from you.

In any case, one must be able not to look back. Past mistakes can create a sense of low self-esteem, and this negatively affects your productivity.

Perhaps, our feelings of inadequacies because of our past failures?
Low self-esteem ... we do not feel good enough for some silly reason or other?

I agree that this may be the reason

You must always do more than plan.
As for blogs - it's not as easy as it may seem. Creating a quality blog - requires effort and time. This is an intellectual work and it can greatly deplete your energy. It is important to observe the balance. A heavy load must be accompanied by rest. You need to be able to get distracted and the main thing is to get pleasure from the process :)

Good advice as always, thanks

Yes, it takes time and much thought to write a good blog. But sometimes everything just seems to fall into place and Walla we have a fantastic blog. Why, because our heart was in place, we were enjoying ourselves doing our thing (the thing we know most about). And people just love your spontaneity.

This is really inspirational and motivating article @artguru. I really appreciate your great opinions. We should
never get discouraged when things go beyond our expectations. Always remember that The Greatest Glory in life is not winning But rising every time when you fall.
Disappointment is jut the distance between expectation and reality. So Either expect less and Accept the Reality or Except a lot and turn into the reality. This is the truth of life.

The more you give, the more you receive. And the more you write; the more connections you make.

This is very true. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Very effective

a very good post

Steemit is for sure helping me learn to write better. I actually got an awesome offer to write an art business advice column in an art magazine published in NYC. The publisher saw a post I wrote for Steemit that I posted on facebook and loved it! Super stoked to have found Steemit, it makes social media fun again :)

There you are. All because you did something!
Good luck, we wish you the best.

Thank you!

thanks for teaching me to be better, my reason for not dearing to perform better is the fear of failure from past ventures

It takes courage to say and do your thing, isn't it. But if you do, do it, what do you actually lose?
....Your very experience at doing it (creating it) has taught you so many things.

Brilliant words!
The main sincere desire to help and serve others!

I just followed you, kindly follow back.

I really needed to read that today. Thank you

Thanks for the thorough explanation. 🙏🏻

Past failures and low self-esteem often go hand to hand and can be a very nasty thing, hard to let go, leave behind and move on.

Here's a quote similar to your statement with doors and opportunities:

If an opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.

And one of my favorite about failures:

By now, you should know that I don't like to advertise, but since you are an @artguru, I can't help but to ask you opinion on Can certain video games be considered a form of art?, if you have the time.

Cheers! : )