Imagine yourself on the edge of a large crowd. A huge crowd, in fact. You know nothing, but as you look around, you notice people holding hands. You stand on you tip-toes and notice that there are certain people who tower above the rest. The further you look over the sea of heads, the outstanding figures can still be seen. You notice the largest of these figures is at the centre and everyone else is formed around this (To look at this structure from above, the larger figures would appear the same as a freeze-frame of the Solar system. With the largest and most important being, representing the Sun. To look at it as a whole, but still from above, it would appear more like the cross section of a tree, ring after ring of new tissue, sporadically spotted with knots).
You reach out and connect your hand to another. Instantly you are filled with knowledge and the more hands you touch the more knowledge you gain. The amount of information gained is only dictated by yourself and how long you choose to stay connected to a specific hand. As you are a blank canvas you can connect freely to any hand you wish to gain knowledge from. Eventually once you have found enlightenment you complete the connection with both hands, in permanent contact with two different points.Before this decision is made you spend your time gathering knowledge, you are filled with information along your journey. Sometimes you find yourself questioning some information you have been supplied. Until you resolve this issue yourself, you will find yourself unable to re-connect. Under normal circumstances this simple rule seems to keep the crowd balanced. It grows organically, equally and infinitely.
Like a tree's rings swell and shrink, indicating years of growth for better and for worse, so does our metaphorical crowd, of connected beings. But try to connect to the crowd now, in the 21st century, and you will find it impossible to maintain the original connections. Now with only one hand gripped tightly to another, people have reached out to complete the connection, only to find out that the connection has been lost and nothing seems 100% true anymore....
After time, a ring of people, not properly connected, and only able to pass on some of the equation, have formed. A ring that offers a new unstable structure. People are now connected to a new layer that has created new, large, mysterious, figures, to whom we now orbit. We surround these new figures like before, but they only offer a single hand and unlike before they do not connect with the other new groups. Like a spider diagram the original group is now being separated into ever decreasing sub-categories. In uniformed groups, standing back to front in a perfect 'T' shape with one hand connected to the mysterious figure and the other outstretched in the opposite direction, ready to build a new layer. The outer most layer is now just a circle of outstretched arms. With palms that no longer seek to offer compatible information. They now just seek another hand to help steady themselves. They have to disguise their shaky formations with ever increasing levels of deception and distraction.
We now silently pass the problem along to the next un-witting layer, who is in turn left with no choice but to offer out his own leprous hand. If the hand held out is so infected that nobody wishes to carry on its connection, then it is lost. The circular formation begins to warp, information is no longer absorbed and shared evenly.
You are still allowed to connect and revive a forgotten connection, it is not always the fault of the person as to why he is contaminated, but if you do, you yourself then run the risk of becoming a lost connection. Every hand will always contain a truth of some kind but the infection is strong. To perpetuate the truth, in today's society, you also have to ignore or accept the infection carried with it. Some have tried to beat the infection and pass on only the truth. But while they are now unable to connect with other groups, and with only one hand connected to their own, they are severed from the group, with ease
There are those who know very well that they carry a disease. These people only look to strengthen their own position, regardless of the consequences. As we go back to our bird eye view, we will notice that these folk are the 2nd layer of our 'new world order'. The 1st layer of the new order seems to have been created by the same large figures that were, celestially, spotted around the 'old order'. But instead of being placed randomly, this new group have now positioned themselves around the entire circumference of the 'old order'. At various points around the new layer, certain individuals again stand taller than the rest. This time however, they stand in the updated 'T' position. These new outstretched arms, are now the only place we can connect to the group...
Look closer at the offered hand and you will see it belongs to one of two grotesque beings. One riding on the shoulders of the other. Their oily, green, skin hidden under a coat adorned with jewels, and made from the finest wool. These abominations have besieged our old world and now only offer a single hand, a tenuous grasp to 'reality'.
Looking resplendent behind their many different costumes, from cuddly Panda to glorious robes and Crowns, they have managed with unashamed intentions, to convince others to stand with them in supporting the new order. The second layer, insulating the first while incubating the disease to be passed on to the next layer. Perpetuating new separate realities, the 2nd layer do not bury the truth underground, but instead, surrounding them within an infectious membrane. Anything extracted from the old order must now pass through this barrier but the thicker this 2nd layer becomes, less of the truth survives its passage. The first order has supplied a reduced number of connections, they have broke the usual form and created more centralized 'hubs' that the 2nd layer gain knowledge from. For this NWO to carry on growing, one hand must connect to the group and the other must stay isolated and unchallenged....
It is impossible to find the truth anymore in almost every subject. To find your place in the archipelago of knowledge you must now narrow yourself into one of the sub-categories on offer. Those who want to join any of the, seemingly hospitable, groups, must now adhere to social responsibility. Some groups are so contagious that if you stay too long, your only way to survive is to uphold their tainted values. Whilst being on the outskirts it is all to easy to lose concentration and before you can free your self, another layer has been added and your hands are tied. To free yourself now, you have to convince the layer above. But just like you, when you were in their position, they only look for a supporting hand. You change your mind and cry out, "4 fingers"! "I see 4 fingers"!! well now it is too late. The small community, to which you found most closely represented your beliefs, has decided to uphold the lie. "5 fingers"! they reply in anger, "5 fingers"!!
For the sake of all the rest, for the 'greater good', you must now see 5 fingers or leave the group and start again.
So I say to you, the reader of my thoughts, what group have you decided to support? What questions do you hide from? which groups do you avoid? Do you belong to an island that is sustained by its own isolation? If so you are doomed to starve, your only salvation becomes the ability to separate yourselves further. Each society distilling itself down, further and further until we evaporate into the atmosphere....
Returning to the 'old world order' is the only way out of the mess we are in. Holding onto our separate values has never been the problem. Examples of tolerance and acceptance can be found throughout the ages and from all races, religions and species. Even wild animals find compatibility and balance among one another. To redress the balance we must take a large step back into the past. Find the point at which the 'new world order' began, identify these beasts and strip them of their costumes.
Now this is going to be no easy task. I challenge you to spend tomorrow doing what you normally would but as the day passes, note down every instance in which your actions support, at least one or more, of your oppressors. From lacing up your Nike's to posting a pic of your Sunday roast on-line. Only then will we realise the extent of our own ignorance. Maybe when we look at our own hands in more detail, we will see that we are all part of this 'Ministry'
We are all Mr O'Brien and we are all perpetuating the need for the reply to always be, 5 fingers...
Peace and love to you and yours
Rebel Dan.