The video at the end of this article, is one that will stay with me forever. It has no scenes of violence, just Veterans giving their own accounts. But I am struggling to work out how to approach this subject. If I do get this wrong and you begin to glaze over after a few lines, at least watch the video near the end of this post.
I have no Military experience and I have no (real)friends from either the USA, or Vietnam. I wasn't even born when this happened. So what can I add to this subject? More importantly, how do I write this article without over-stepping the mark? We are all allowed an opinion. But we must remember to remain respectful when we swim in waters with no idea of their depth.
I have decided that the best way for me share this video and not be misunderstood, would be to give you a 'Civvy's' perspective on Army life.
My intention is to highlight how the propaganda effects people like myself and the, life changing, possibilities that it can lead to. I will use the advantage of hindsight, to give a contrasting reality. What I was experiencing at the time and how I perceive it now, are vastly different and I believe there is a valid point to be made within these boundaries.
It has only been 3 years, since my awakening to the corruption of mankind. Before that, I saw the world very differently. Because of the short period of time, between now and when I was sedated, I am still able to recall my other-self. More importantly, I am able to remember the way I perceived the world...
I know this ability will not last forever. So it seems wise, to use this bi-focal viewpoint while I can. By doing this, I hope to pay my respects for those who have innocently participated. While at the same time, exposing the more eager participants of war.
Let me take you back to my first experience of the Army life.
There are two significant moments in my adolescent years that made an impression on me as a youngster. I am not sure which came first, as they were so close together, in regards to time. However, the time of these events is irrelevant. It may be 25 years ago, since my first encounter, but the Army still have the same agenda and from what we hear, they still carry out the same atrocities.
I was only 12 years old when they announced the declaration of war against Iraq and its despotic ruler, Saddam Hussein. I remember the moment with crystal clarity. Don't ask me why, I just do.
I was on a family holiday at the time and I remember being in the kids room of a hotel. At that age, my notion of war was one of romance and the inevitable sacrifice, for a chosen cause. But for me, a Brit. Sacrifice doesn't come into it, we never lose...
A long time had passed since WWII and the people who fought in it, spoke a different language. They hated our music and said we had no respect. Why would I listen to their words of warning? And besides technology had moved on. Great Britain and the USA were best buds and from what I was told at school. You Yanks had some pretty unbeatable weaponry.
It seems evident that I have chosen the Bookies favourite. How could anyone want to start a fight, with that as a possible outcome?
But just in case I had any doubts, over who to support. I was given this visual delight. Who needs Rambo?!
Wow! And if the all the noise and explosions weren't enough to get me in my G.I. Joe out-fit , the Stealth Bomber certainly would!!
But just in case your Mother decided to get herself concerned about this fatal attraction. They made sure to give her a reason to let her children commit suicide, by going to work for the big green killing machine. But how the heck do you convince the parents to allow their child to join such a dark-fated path?
Looks like Hollywood had the job of getting us and your Mum, all pumped up for the fight to come, just 5 years later.
Little pig!!! (Work experience)
The time line has become clear to me now. I was 1994 when I did my work-experience. If you don't know what that is. It is where you spend a whole week working in a real job instead of going to school. There were many different options, but most of my friends chose to do the army training camp. Fortunately, I have always been very hard to wake up and I was wise enough to know that this would be something I would have to fix, before I considered doing anything like this. I didn't know much about Army life, but I did know that they woke up at twat-O'clock.
Not for me thank you. Besides, I had the inside track. My elder brother had informed me that if you work for East Midlands Airport, they give you £25 at the end of the week. £25!!! Hey man. From where I'm from, at 14, £25 was like winning the lottery! (Ironically, I only received £15 because I had turned up late. Told you, I don't do mornings!)
From the stories that returned from camp, I can only assume that it was made to be a pretty realistic experience.
I've always been able to fight my corner so the crowd of friends I had, would be classed as 'The in-crowd'. That's not me showing off, that is just the way public schools work. Anyway, because my friends were not seen as being as vulnerable as some of the others, they were all to pleased to talk about their experience. Other than juvenile bravado the constant variable in most of the stories, involved a lad called, Michael Lawson. Michael was classed as a geek(in those days), why he chose that as his first experience of work still confuses me to this day. He was an intelligent lad. But for some reason, he wanted to test his metal. From what I heard, there were two guys who were there to guide the group and give them a week of Army life. The Army life that my friends experienced, was one you would see on the adverts. However the experience that Michael had, was shockingly different.
From what I heard, Michael was bullied to the point of tears, on a daily basis, by the two professional soldiers.
On one night, they decided to single him out(and whoever was in his tent)and give them the scare treatment. In the dead of night, they apparently spent hours screaming "LITTLE PIG!" WERE GONNA GET YOU, LITTLE PIG!"
Michael was 12 years old FFS.
That story has always stuck with me. I dread to imagine the isolation he felt. Everyone else using him to absorb the punishment, while they had it easy. You would have to be one cool customer to come away from that without a scar.
I doubt he signed up after that horrible experience. Then again, that was the point.
Fortunately for me, it was enough to put me off the idea of Army life, regardless of what time I could wake up in the mornings. You can keep your 'little piggy', thank you very much.
From this moment on, the Army was just something I was fascinated by. Not in an obsessive way. I was just one of the majority who believed what they heard on the Telly. I didn't want to be in the Army, but that didn't mean I wasn't a fan. And I could always change my mind, because at that point, I was no where near the cut off age. Looking back, I did well to resist the temptation. It wasn't like they weren't still trying...
Cool, I think was the message that they want us to take from that.
These adverts are ongoing today. More so now, in fact. Cannon fodder is getting harder and harder to find, you know?
Robotics, ran on AI, will be the fix for this. The lack of willing civilians will make no difference. Those in charge get what they want and do as they please.
I am going to allow my self, a small self-compliment. It is testament to my soul, that the what caught my eye, as a young-man, was not bombs and guns, after all. When it came to issues of war, this is what I found myself relating to...
Those of you who- didn't start singing or dancing to that, can you please make your way to the recruitment office.
What a film and one with such an important message. Still, it is worth noting that the films depiction of war, although distressing, was toned down for it's main-stream audience. Thinking about it now, that was my first experience of a conspiracy theory, I suppose.
The image was tame but the point it made had a deep impact on me. Now my fascination with war had moved focus. The urge to join had petered out completely and now, I had a fascination with the soldiers themselves. The Bravery of these men was inspirational. But what always played on my mind, was how they managed to turn these people into killers. People of all types join the army and we can't assume that they are all natural born killers. From the movies, it would seem that it was always one or two individual 'bad-eggs', who took their own madness out on their enemy. Ultimately though, when the shooting begins, it involved everyone.
Self preservation.
This is where my mind found sense in all this controlled violence. As I said before, I had no intention of joining but stories of war still grabbed my attention. In between the constant bombardments of recruitment videos, which were getting more and more manipulative as we passed through to the new millennium, I kept picking up on stories of groups participating in the most terrible of war crimes. It seemed that the army had a very dark history of genocide and it was one that didn't just involve the Jews. These tales of mass murder no longer came from the movies. Hollywood had grown lazy in there depictions of war. Even the most memorable war-films, were now more about the special effects rather than telling any kind of deeper truth.
Besides, mind-control has advanced and humans have other influences to darken their soles. Games of Cowboys and Indians have turned to flight simulators and first person combat games. These days, when the army receive a new recruit, they now get folk who are already familiar with the idea of killing. Still, I imagine the digital fantasy of war is quickly dissolved in a bath of harsh reality, Army style.Those who make this mistake, can find things going from bad to worse. The Army-base in the UK, known as Deep-cut Barracks, has had it's fair share of mysterious suicides. It appears that this prestigious training ground has developed some amazing soldiers. Some even have had the ability to shoot themselves in the back of the head, twice...
Here is a report from 2016, written by Jonathan Owen for the Independent.
In the Army, it seems it's a case of, "My way, or Heavens highway".
We have seen what happens to the 'little Pigs' who don't fit in. But what of those who do? We have plenty of tragic examples, from those who have been spat out by the armed forces. But what kind of stories do we get from theother side of the asylum? The attraction of joining the Army, for someone with violent tendencies, must be very powerful indeed. Unlike the movies depiction of one or two 'bad eggs', corrupting their fellow infantryman. I get the impression that the ratio is slightly higher. Worse still, with barracks like Deep-cut, I can only assume that the biggest nuts rise to the top.
Not so much the blind leading the blind. More like the the petrol leading the flame. Only the flow isn't random and every now and then, a little to much fuel is poured on the flames.
You must remember this story (And still to this day, the 'lady' in the picture shows absolutely no remorse for her part of this).
I am very suspicious of any msm news report. I am not saying this is staged, but once the dust settles, it must prove to be a great piece of propaganda. Much like the beheading videos scare the shit out of civvy street, this must have a similar effect on the civilians we wage war against. But how about the stories that didn't make it passed the twins?
The Phoenix program
I wonder if this will ever make it way to the big-screen? I doubt it and if it has, then I imagine it would somehow be blamed on the Russians. The narrative, that this kind of operation, is for the the case of war, just for the sake of world peace is crazy.They would like us to thinks it's all Love bombs and peace seeking missiles. Not advanced mechanics, employing tactics of covert terrorism. As you can read for yourself, in this report written by Douglas Valentine, what a Civvy street thinks of as modern-day war crimes, don't even come close to the real horrors of war."In the darkest days of the Vietnam War, America’s Central Intelligence Agency secretly initiated a sweeping program of kidnap, torture, and assassination devised to destabilize the infrastructure of the National Liberation Front (NLF) of South Vietnam, commonly known as the “Viet Cong.” The victims of the Phoenix Program were Vietnamese civilians, male and female, suspected of harboring information about the enemy—though many on the blacklist were targeted by corrupt South Vietnamese security personnel looking to extort money or remove a rival. Between 1965 and 1972, more than eighty thousand noncombatants were “neutralized,” as men and women alike were subjected to extended imprisonment without trial, horrific torture, brutal rape, and in many cases execution, all under the watchful eyes of US government agencies."
I have much sympathy for those who served in the Vietnam War. Getting involved in a country that has been occupied by the Dutch, the French, and now it was the Yanks turn to break the will of the nation, once and for all. It also served as a great opportunity to test out some new weaponry. Weapons people had no idea existed...
Geoengineering, what a great addition that is to the world. Just ask the poor folk who live in the town of Lynmouth, UK, in 1952. Suppose you have to test the weapons out somewhere. Just not sure why they always have to kill folk in the process???
Operation Cumulus
In this frank report about global warming, Operation Cumulus is mentioned, and it sounded a little closer to the truth than the poor excuses given by government at the time.
***"Cloud seeding to create rain has long been practiced in the UK (as well as the rest of the world) and there have been times when this “weather tampering” has had adverse effects. You only need examine “Operation Cumulus” and the flooding of Lynmouth, Devon in 1952 for evidence of this.
Yesterday, after weeks of ping about and doing nothing, the politicians finally decided to get off the backsides and launch a P.R. stint – so as to appear to be doing something about the problem. This was probably prompted by three dozen severe flood warnings given by the environment agency – that and, perhaps, the flooding of several Greater London / River Thames regions known to be preferred residence of certain elite figures."
Such an evil style of governance and one that advances in every direction, as I type. At this very moment, plans are being laid down in order to concentrate this social conditioning to the point of complete insanity.
Through the pioneering research of the secret services all across the globe, including studies carried out by scientist like Edward Bernays - He was funded by 'Big-Bruv', to study the inner workings of why we do what we do. He then wrote us them an all you need to know, guide-book, on mind-control - Other prominent influences, over here in the UK, were places like The Tavistock Institute of learning. From being on steemit I have learned that this group of collective minds, gave us bands like the Beatles and were big players in the pro-drug movement, known as the 'Swinging 60's'.
But the Tavistock wackos and Eddy's brain-ray, are subjects so vast, that for now I will just point you to a very good steemian I have come to know. This series of articles will take you through the finer details, of how our social conditioning has been implemented without us realising.
Here is a perfect example of the lighter side of mind control. And who better to explain it, than good old, Uncle Eddy, himself.
As amusing as Eddy's little anecdote is, it is nothing more than test run, a quirky example of how the government discovered it could manipulate the will of its citizens. We must bare in mind that this discovery has gone on to change the fate of Humanity for the worse. The reason that modern-day society has become an unnatural entity, favouring a powerful minority while enslaving the sedated majority, is very much down to Mr Bernays. Seems Eddie learned a lot from his, reclusive Uncle, Sigmund Freud.
Sigmund and his Nephew had come to the same conclusions about our species. Humans had a huge weakness and while Sigmund seemed to live a reclusive life and turn his back on society. His Nephew had other ideas. Edward Bernays was just as intelligent but his mind had a darker perspective. Like a thief with the keys to Fort Knox, Eddy knew he had unlimited access to the collective social-construct. With these blue-prints now in the hands of our global government, we have witnessed a rapid decline in all aspects of our society. Whether Eddy had meant his work to have such effects is always up for debate but whatever the answer, Eddy is dead. Even when he was alive, he was just a pawn. Avery clever pawn, definitely. But while Eddy was reminiscing, about how his knowledge had brought about out taste for swine in the morning, his Paymasters were using it to much more devastating effects.
(I warn you that this video, while it has no images of violence, is very graphic in its description of events)
The Massacre of My Lai, Vietnam.
(video of M=interview with My Lai Veterans)
I will leave you to make your own minds up, as to who was forced to and who participated willingly. I watched that video this morning and some of the comments are still echoing around my mind.
If I have caused any offense to the honourable veterans of the Vietnam war, I give my heartfelt apologies. You have been struck with the sharpest edge, of social conditioning. Your government has forsaken you and it is unbearable to even imagine the mental scars you carry. I honestly wept after watching that video. Mankind can show itself to be the most grotesque of monsters and I must admit, the Nation I belong to(UK) has committed crimes even worse than this.
MKUltra. Tavistock Institution. Gladio B. Eddy Bernays. The Russian Gulags. Genocide committed against the Aboriginals of so many lands. Our history is saturated in Mother Nature's blood. We have betrayed every instinct of our natural being. The looks in those soldiers eyes tells a thousand words, by itself.
There is light at the end of the tunnel and we can survive. Our species has good soul but we have forgotten who we are. We carry on with our day to day lives as if all this is just one big movie. Sorry but the blood is real and the people shot dead, for nothing more than "target practice", are still waiting for Justice to be served. That will not come until we come together again. This is a common cause for every person on the planet, but for whatever reason we are not ready to come together again. So to help this process along it is up to us to be active in our community. Active in our family lives and passionate about our labours. The world doesn't have to be this way. Thank you to steemit for lighting up this dark path. We are all entering the unknown and we must shed away our old skin and step into our new form.
One we can be proud of. Remember we may only get one chance at this. Lets start seeing the beauty around us and learn that anything more than being healthy isn't really needed. The wars going on are happening to sustain our divide.
Rebel Dan sending my love to the world.
Links -
**1. Good morning vietnam image -
**2. Deep-cut barracks report -
**3. Call of duty image -
**4. Phoenix project -
**5. Operation Popeye - -
**6. Lynmouth image from 1952 -
**7. Lynmouth flood video - YouTube
**8. Fireworks Over Baghdad: 1st Gulf War - Jeff Jones
**9. Interview with Vietnam veterans -
**10. Army recruit vid - adstasher YouTube
**11. Good Morning Vietnam vid (censorship) YouTube Russel Chander
**12. GMV Video - James brown song -YouTube Steve Proctor
**13. GMV Video - Wonderful world Louis Armstrong - JOSE MANUEL COLMENARES
**14. Eddy Bernays (Eggs and Bacon) - YouTube SpecterPR
**15. CIA link to My Lai Massacre -
**16. Eggs and Bacon report -
**17. Blackwater report -
**18. Guantanamo images -
**19. Top Gun image -
**20. Stealth bomber image -
Certainly brings back a lot of memories and saddness. I was a teenager when the draft was taking many of my friends. Those that came back were forever changed. I grew up in a small community so really we spent more waking time with our school friends than we did our own families.
Sad to know that there was no justifiable reason for the loss of life, loss of limbs and the stories these guys had to live with for the rest of their lives.
War was never an answer, only propaganda for personal gain by a few. But the mind manipulators have proven themselves worthy of their own self serving agendas. What they did and do, they did and do well unfortunately for humanity.
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The story of My Lai is one of the worst I have read about but I assume there is worse out there. We (the majority) have outgrown this system, we are intelligent enough to know no that it serves only a few. Seems they don't want to let go of their old ways. Thank you for commenting Vickie.
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