The Ability to Choose : Man's Greatest Superpower

in life •  3 years ago  (edited)

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You have heard me say that the ability to choose is Man’s greatest superpower.

When we exercise the power of choice, it makes manifest who we are. It reveals our character or lack thereof. And because some choices are better than others, it will always lead us into one of two fields; either the field of blessing and fruitfulness or the field of consequences and repercussions.

So how do we activate our powers?

  1. You must own your choice. When you are some who owns their choice it prevents and precludes you from being a victim. Victims by definition are powerless people. There is the delusion of control and prevention. There are some things that you have absolutely no control over. I have learned that you can do everything right and still have things go wrong. What you do have control over is how you respond and the course of actions that you take. But you have to own those choices.

  2. You must accept your humanity – and the humanity others. Remember I said there some things you have no control over. That would include other people. If you have ever been married, I am sure that you can attest to this. But here’s the real key. You will make mistakes. In other words, You will make some bad choices. Cut yourself some slack. There is the imaginary you that exist in all of our heads. This imaginary you is perfect and never makes mistakes. It is the idealized version of you. You know when the Imaginary You is talking because typically it begins the conversation with The imaginary starts each conversation with the words “By now I should be…."

  3. Learn from your mistakes. This a direct byproduct and function of the previous 2. It’s called growth. When you learn from your mistakes, when you accept your humanity, and you own your choices, you will discover that over time, you will begin to make better choices. And with better choices comes better options.

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@tipu curate

Thank you very much for this beautiful message. I try to learn from my mistakes and change on the daily basis the way I face difficult situations.