Today's motivatin:" Deal with the life as it deals with you...!!"

in life •  7 years ago 

Hellow my dear ones.....!! :)
Hope you are enjoying the life at its best.
Sorry for my late appearance...cos sometimes life don't give you a rest ;)
hahahaha well...I think l that's enough.....!

So my dears do you know the one who cares the most about you??
After your Lord?

Seriously No one...!!

No one would care about you....until you do...!!
You are only your well wisher....
No one will come here for you to help you to lift you up....!
you have to do all this by your own self...
Life is your journey....not theirs..!
Others may walk with you...but no one will walk it for you...!
you have to face all your trials and challenges all one will do it for you..!
Similarly, you can't delete hardships from your life....because they are already have been written in your destiny.....!!

So my dear :)
As you know that you are only the fighter of this great trial....then why you don't care about yourself.???You know that you are only your well wisher so you don't give yourself a time??
Don't waste your time in useless depressions and regrets....we are human beings...created for mistakes...but don't let your small mistakes to take over your life.

Deal with your life as it deals with you....!!
Deal life with perseverance as hardships of life teases you with perseverance ;)
So why are you waiting ....??? Stand up !!!
and let the trails know whom, they are dealing with... :)
cheers :D

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