I've Got to Get Out of Here.

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

I've been using an anonymous local app recently to gather a rough scope of how society is beginning to change here in my American city, and in short, it's not looking good.

It's true that those that don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it, and I have to say that MGTOW helped really open my eyes to the battle between the sexes.

  • The Men on the app search constantly for sex. It's not about building a future or getting anything long term -- the normal state of the app is to appeal to a women so that he can get laid, or to "find a relationship" which mostly consists of getting laid.
  • The Women on the app are oftentimes broke and are there to either vent emotionally or look for a man to buy them things and work their way up the ladder. They ask for loans, they make themselves look pretty to get free food on a date, and of course they perform "favors" for cash.

Obviously the app is part of the lower tier of society and it won't last long on my phone, but periodically I check in to get a reality check on just how purposeless the people are becoming, more specifically the men.

I expand this perspective into my daily life and between the failing of past relationships, the unhealthy habits all throughout my family, and the lack of any real fulfillment on my part, I can see the writing on the wall. It says: Get out of here.

Being conditioned to want money or to want women or to work for the system, and seeing my friends fall into the same paradigm is leaving me pondering about my exit plan.

Not only for getting out of this house and out of town, but financially and with my whole life.

I realize us men have been taken over and realize more daily the full scope of this collapse. The collapse is not only monetary with the transfer of wealth away from the people, but to the unaware it's a stripping of morals and destruction of the things we've attached our egos to.

  • Money is simply a concept in itself, represented by the fruits of labor and only comes about consistently through purpose-led work. In my eyes, I don't want to work for money, I want to work for me and have money as a byproduct.
  • Women and pursuing them leads to ruin for most of us, especially those that can hardly afford the dinner dates and the wasted time watching netflix, considering the women in our choices, and ultimately getting cheated on if we "do everything right".
  • Power is only good to those that can handle it well, and from the time we're born the system does almost everything it can to take power away from us: School, Jobs, Debt, Relationships, and Social Media.
  • Friends either drag you down or bring you up. You either spend your time laughing and tossing money you ought to be investing, or you build an empire with them and push each other towards success.

What happens when men have no money, no women, and no real friends, and can't understand their situation in the broad or inner scope?

Madness. Fucking madness.

I've got to get out of here. The Red Pill is an intense set of blows to ones reality, and considering that it took a lot of research in my time alone, perhaps I'm a few miles ahead of the curve.

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I resonate with this hard. I feel trapped too and have been thinking of just up and leaving for some time now. My personality has dulled so much over the years because of me being a slave to a failed system. I'm not myself anymore and I just want to escape and do something fulfilling. I honestly wouldnt even care if the money wasnt that good, as long as i feel whole instead of this constant void

It sucks, but I listen to those already on "the other side" so to speak. They say to look within. They say it doesn't matter what you do or what you have, but who you are.

Perhaps that helps.