in life •  2 years ago 

When we try to do things in the same way that doesn't work without getting a better result, then we just waste time, the point is to change the way we do things with new attempts. Creative persistence is true persistence, we should not keep repeating things that don't work, we should replace them with a new way of working that will bring the right result. Nothing happens by chance and there is a reason for everything, if we want to achieve results that are much greater than what we have achieved so far, then we need to make more mistakes and learn from them. It takes courage and persistence to overcome the fear of failure because fear keeps us locked in the zone of comfort and safety, when we don't do anything then we don't make mistakes and we don't have stress, but we also don't have good results. Our goal is to achieve our dreams, goals and ambitions, that is why it is written through thorns to the stars, through mistakes and falling to success. We decide for ourselves whether we will go through obstacles and reach new heights and successes, or whether we will regret that we did not try and that our life is average.

Your choice can change everything, when you decide that you will make mistakes and recover from them, try again until you achieve your goal, until then your life will be aver village.

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