Adventures In Pet Sitting - Back To Work, Finally..!

in life •  8 years ago 

It doesn't happen often, but sometimes appointments are farther apart than I like.

A few days in between is usually the norm. This one stretched over ten days. Thankfully, today that came to an end and I got to visit with Coco - twice!

The better news is we'll be hanging out three times a day til the weekend!

He's a perky little guy and knows how handsome he is. He loves any attention he gets. Scratchies are a big hit, too. He will let you know if you've stopped too soon by tapping you 'til you continue.

I'm going to try to get some more pictures. He's been to the groomer recently and is sporting a new haircut. Fingers crossed he stands still long enough for me to get a good shot!

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Aww thats a nice shot of the little bugger.

Thanks! He's a ham. That helps. ;~P

That second picture had me laughing out loud. All I could think of is Ace Venture.

What a cute dog.


Hes gorgeous, :)

Aww...those ears! That's a pretty dog. Have fun pet sitting. Hope this pup is a blast.

I know, right!?!

He's a Papillion, which is French for butterfly - because of the ears. He's also light as a feather. I doubt he weighs 4 lbs! Big personality and bossy as hell. Cracks me up constantly.

This little doggo is as lucky to have you as a puppy sitter as you are to take care of him! How cute🐶

Awwww, thanks! That's the best part of the job and I get kisses as tips!

I wish I could say I get kisses as tips but some of my clients are not the kind I'd like t0 kiss lol

Lol! I could see how that might be the case...

Yes, I could get arrested lol

Bwahahahaaha... omg!...

Can't have that...

What a cute pupper! I have done a few petsitting gigs myself. This one couple asked me every year to care for their dog and 2 cats while they went on 10 day cruises. When they were in Turkey a small fitting on the toilet broke flooding their house. At the same time the dog had a tumor on her spleen that ruptured and she had to have surgery. Oh dear God, it was just awful and I felt terrible. Was so traumatized I vowed not to do it again😉🐓

He's a hoot! Always leave there smiling.

Pet sitting is a huge responsibility - as you found out - and it's more than the pets. You can only do so much in certain situations. Sounds like you had your hands full and then some on that occasion! I hope things turned out okay.

I've had my pet sitting business since Nov '09 and understand having to think on the fly and make tough decisions quickly. It surely makes life interesting!

I have learned that to be successful you have to love what you do. I know you love your vocation😀 I just felt really awful for the people upon their return home. The dog did fine recovering from her surgery, so all turned out in end. 🐓


And to that I say meep meep🐓


Agreed! So glad to hear the dog recovered, and you did, too! I'd feel awful for them, except they had you there to look after things. I have a feeling it would have been much worse, if not for that! They obviously trusted you with good reason.


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