Health information is very important

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Clove of garlic:
Squeeze a clove of garlic with a medium cup of milk, and drink on the saliva daily for a full month, and repeat the recipe every two months once (means the month used and no month).
1 - gives the body a wonderful force, even in gray.

  1. Strengthens the immune system and eliminates all viruses even AIDS.
    3 - Eliminates worms and intestinal bacteria of all kinds.
    4 - addresses the inflammation and enlargement of the prostate.
    5 - Eliminates inflammation of almonds and glands.
    6 - prevent flu infections before getting them and treat them if they get.
    7 - lowers high pressure and purifies arteries of fat.
    8 - Purifies blood from toxins and prevents the poisoning of eating and other.
    9 - Pest off harmful insects until the scorpions and life.
    Note: To eliminate the smell eaten orange peel after drinking milk quarter of an hour ...
    Chewing a grain of cardamom or two tablets is useful in: -
    1 - Treatment of intestinal tract
    Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome
    3 - relieve the symptoms of colds and cough
    4 - useful in the cases of bronchitis
    5 - useful in the treatment of mouth ulcers and congestion of perjury
    6 - helps in the treatment of inflammation of the tract
    7- Appetizer
    8 - go gases and abdominal sounds
  2. Relieves constipation
    10 - helps in the treatment of gall bladder infections
    Tomato juice
    Tomato juice contains many nutrients and ingredients rich and very useful, especially in strengthening the immunity of the body, the most important anti-oxidant famous "Lycopene" which is responsible for giving the red color tempting, and in tomato juice, the proportion of lycopene is usually higher as the preparation of the juice passes through steps of them The tomato juice contains many vitamins that are also counted among the natural and powerful antioxidant groups, namely vitamin A, vitamin C and many minerals such as Caleb Tacim, phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus and little sodium, tomatoes are generally low in calories and high in water content does not contain fat or cholesterol, in addition to contain vitamin "B" boat.
    The most important benefits of tomato juice for the body and to enhance its immunity:
    1 - contain tomato juice on very high levels of antioxidants makes it a major role in the fight against cancer tumors, especially prostate cancer and cancer of the lungs and colon and rectum.
  3. Reduce the risk of heart disease, strokes and strokes.
    3 - promote the health of the digestive system and fights inflammation and prevents indigestion and protects against constipation, and helps in the prevention of kidney stones and gallbladder, and promotes the health of the colon.
    4 - help to reduce weight as a low-calorie and high fiber and helps to feel full.
  4. Promote prostate health and protect against cancer.
    6 - containing the dietary fiber works to reduce the levels of cholesterol in the body.
    7 - The food fiber contained in tomatoes in general help regulate blood sugar.
    8 - has a role in the protection of bones and strengthen and prevent from fragility, as a source of calcium and vitamin K, which activates osteocalcin and responsible for the establishment of calcium in the bone.
  5. Reduces the risk of blood clotting, and its containment of calcium plays a role in controlling blood pressure levels.
  6. Reduces the chances of miscarriage by containing antioxidants that fight free radicals and toxins in the body.
    11 - fights acne and skin problems and promotes health of the skin because of its content of vitamins A, K and C.
    12 - has a role in the fight against wrinkles and signs of aging.
  7. Promotes hair health and growth.
  8. Enhancing vision, eye protection and prevention of night sickness.

The cucumber is considered to be one of the most ancient plants that have existed for a very long time. It belongs in its vegetarian classification to the Qur'aan family, which includes some other plants such as ding, zucchini and others. It is a very moisturizing plant and is therefore very useful when it is eaten on high temperature days. Some of the amazing health benefits of the option and information about it:
1 - The cucumber is a low-calorie plant, where every 100 grams of it contains only 15 calories, and does not have saturated fat or cholesterol, peel cucumber is a very good source of plant fiber that prevent constipation and protect against colon cancer by eliminating Toxic substances in the intestines.
2 - is a very important source of potassium, where contains 100 grams of cucumber 147 mg of potassium and 3 milligrams of sodium, which works to reduce blood pressure and heartbeat by controlling the effects of sodium.

  1. The option contains a percentage of antioxidants such as beta-carotene, gamma-carotene, vitamin C and vitamin A. These substances greatly help to rid the body of harmful free radicals and active oxygen, which cause aging, skin diseases and many other diseases.
    Each 100 grams of cucumber contains 17 micrograms of vitamin K, and this vitamin plays a very important role in bone building and Alzheimer's treatment by reducing nerve damage in the brain.
    5 - helps the option to grow and strengthen hair and this is due to the containment of silicon and sulfur
  2. Eliminate eye bulge This can be done by placing two slices of cucumber down the eyes and leaving it for 10 minutes.

7 - treatment of sunburn by putting a quantity of option on the affected areas and massage it because it works to moisturize the skin

  1. The option works to regulate the temperature of the body, and this is evident when using a glass of cucumber juice with with some of the parsley juice.

9 - helps the option of urination and purification of blood, and remove bladder impurities and helps to cure headaches.
10 - Helps the option to rid the body of toxins, especially diabetic patients and therefore advised diabetics to take the option where there is an option element works as an insulin.
Dried figs :
Dried figs :

Eating four servings of dried figs a day helps to treat anemia because the fig contains a high percentage of iron. For best use, it is preferable to eat a cup of orange juice rich in vitamin C, which helps to absorb the body of iron with better images than plant sources.
Dried fruit is a fruit that has undergone a process of extracting liquids to maintain it. In this process, fruit is never damaged because sugar concentration is high. Sugar and salt are a preservative. They absorb water and fluids from fruit. When the liquid dries, the bacteria and microbes will dry up too. They are always edible.
Benefits of Sardine Health

  1. It is rich in proteins that contain important amino acids such as arginine, tryptophan, and others. It is important to preserve the tissues of the body and to build what the body needs in the restoration processes that occur to the tissues of the body.
    Fish is an important source of iodine and phosphorus. These are essential for teeth, bones and blood, an important source of calcium.

  2. Fish contains vitamin A, d. These vitamins are present in fish liver.

  3. Fish meat does not contain sugars, glycosides, so it is given to those who follow a diet for weight loss.

  4. The phosphorus found in fish, particularly sardines, activates memory and has an important role in building bones.

  5. Fish contains a high proportion of glutamic acid, a substance necessary for the functions of the brain, nerves and tissues.

  6. Most important of all, the presence of omega-3. Which is found in fish fat and all sea fruits. In contrast to cholesterol, which is harmful to human health, the containment of fish oil on the substance of Omega prevents the injury of the bodies of blood clots that affect the heart and the brain, if the fats in animals of sheep and cattle are harmful to health, Fish is required for the health of the human body, because the more fish fat the more omega. All fish contain omega-3 in their body. In some fish, fat accounts for 1% of weight, 2% of weight in other species, 15% of tuna, and the most important fish with high levels are tuna, sardines , Salmon, Escambrian fish. Heart patients are advised to eat fish three times a week to produce complete protection, but recent research has shown that eating fish once a month is good prevention.
    Omega is found in fish and all aquatic creatures of different proportions, which are polyunsaturated fatty acids.

  7. Fish rich in omega-3 diets are essential in the diet of patients with multiple sclerosis. It is a disease that affects the spinal cord " . Fish prevent the disease, which has not been effective in treating it. Sea fish are preferable to river fish and prefer to eat fresh fish.

  8. Strengthens the fish and nourishes the body, especially the reproductive energy, especially the eggs of the sturgeon fish. It is called "Caviar". It is also eaten with alcoholic beverages to relieve alcohol damage on the body, and Russia and Iran are important exporting countries for caviar.

Fish is used for those who want a diet to lose weight and patients with chronic diseases and chronic diseases.
Olive relieves pain

A team of American chemists has confirmed that olive oil contains compounds similar to the work of the drug "ibuprofen", which is used for pain relief and anti-inflammatory.
The researchers said in the research published in a scientific journal that the olive oil, although it contains a substance whose chemical composition differs from what is present in analgesic drugs, has an effect similar to the drug ibuprofen, noting that the discovery raises the possibility that long-term olive consumption may help prevent Some diseases are treated in the same way as ibuprofen. - with Fa Bi.

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