in life •  6 years ago 

The word "Islam" has been derived from an Arabic word " Slam" which means Peace. the literal meaning of Islam is "to enter in peace". Peace in Islam does not mean the absence of war but the absence of corruption, injustice and tyranny. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) has been sent in the world as messenger of peace and mercy for whole humanity. He is " The Messenger of Peace"not only for Muslims but for whole humanity. As Allah Almighty says in Surah Al-Anbya, Verse No.107: " And We have sent You ( O Muhammad) except as the mercy to the world". The Holy Prophet (SAW) wants to see peace in the world. His biggest example of Mercy is battle of Badr, when Muslims won the battle of Badr and seventy prisoners came into Muslims' possessions. the followers of Hazrat Muhammad ( SAW) said to kill these prisoners, but the Holy prophet (SAW) released them upon the payment of ransom and those who were literate were released on the condition that they should teach ten persons that how to read and write.
When holy prophet s a w went for any war then he said to his followers that they should not kill children, women and animals which is the biggest evidence of his role as a pacemaker in the world.
Hazrat Muhammad s a w has resolve many issues even before his profit would and promote peace in the society. During his youth, two tribes of Qurasysh disputed over the right to erect the Hajrui- Aswad in the Holy Kaaba and it was feared that is civil war made broke out. Our beloved Holy prophet (SAW) has resolved this issue in such a peaceful manner that history is unable to present such example. he put the stone in the piece of a cloth and asked the people of all tribes to take every corner of the cloth in their hand. Then with their help, he himself put that stone in the Holy Kaaba.
Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) worked a lot in establishing peace and unity in the world. In his last sermon, he removed all kinds of inequalities. He said:
" There is no superior tea for an Arab over a non-Arab and for a non- Arab over and Araband and not for white over the black and black over the white except in piety. Verily, the novelist among you is he, who is the most pious."
All these examples show that the Holy prophet ( SAW) what a great piece maker in the world. Is conflict resolution is a guideline for modern scholars in promoting world peace. His lifestyle and teachings contribute a lot in establishing peace.
" Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the messenger of Allah and last of the prophet; and Allah has full knowledge of all things.
( Al Quran, 33:40)IMG_20190704_101907_6~2.jpg

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