More about Weight Loss

in life •  7 years ago 

OK...alright I might be sounding a bit like a zealot, and if that is the case them I apologise for it. It's just that it's something that is front of mind for me at the moment. And I know that's it something that is a high priority for a lot of people so I thought I'd write about it - not ina preachy kind of way, because I do firmly believe we are on our own journey, so what is important to me may well be less than important to you. But if the weight thing is an issue, then here's what I've found out.

Weight is such an emotional topic. I have a niece who has recently been 'fat shamed' out of her school and has had to go to a new school because of the bullying that is associated with it. Kids can be cruel huh. I know I eat more when I'm not emotionally at my peak. Often I will eat when I'm not hungry just to have that sugar high, feeling of fullness, to make myself feel better. I guess a lot of us do that.

The trick is getting past that first week or so of emptiness, discomfort, pain - call it what you will so that you can get your body back in balance, and at a level where the need to feed it to feel good has passed. Here's what I use. I tell myself two things.

  1. Accept the pain - You need to accept the fact that there is discomfort in feeling hungry. It's a fact. Your body is going to tell you that it wants fed. It wants the nice treat, it wants the lovely calorie rich carbs that you've been providing it for the last so many years. And in the event that you don't give it what it wants like any child it will through its toys out of the cot and make things uncomfortable for you - and it will continue to do so until it gets what it wants. BUT - like any spoilt child if you don't play that game and discipline it by sending it to the naughty step, then it will eventually calm down and voila - you get behavioural change. This is going to take a week or so. You just have to accept that if you want change then there are certain steps that you have to go through. This being Number 1.

  2. Walk towards it - You can't walk away from 1. you have to walk towards it. when things are uncomfortable the best way to deal with a situation like this is to walk towards it. You've accepted the pain, now to change behaviour you need to walk towards it to break that habit.

So my suggestion for the day if you're looking to control your weight is to adopt 1 & 2 for two weeks. Moderate your food and change how you feel about it. Try it for two won't kill will be uncomfortable, but then the real gains aways are.

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