A day of local fun

in life •  7 years ago 

Here in our little seasonal town, more and more restaurants are staying open year round. Our favorite weekend date bar was closed for some cleaning last week and just reopened the other day. Hubby and I decided to get a little brunch date in this Saturday, since he has been so busy all week, getting ready for his weekend away.
I ordered a gin martini and a yummy egg dish. No pictures, though.

Before food, we also headed over to our favorite local gift store. Scout Vintage. This is where we go for most of our gift giving occasions. They close each winter for a couple months for the owner to go on her buying trip. This year, she came back to a bigger store.
Seems like a little thing, but this is actually pretty exciting for us. The old store was so tiny, a person basically needed to get kind of personal with anyone they needed to 'squeeze by'. They are now in an equally tight space, but now there is a second floor. I am eager for the Christmas season, now, as she always does a beautiful job of decorating!
(actually, I'm ready for warmer weather for awhile so I can work on the car)

Anyway, we grabbed a couple little trinkets while we were shopping but the real fun of the trip was when I spotted an umbrella on the sale table.
I don't collect umbrellas...I don't even like using umbrellas! But it was all muted in color and a nice fabric and a great handle.


The items on the sale table were half off...
...check the tag...
$12...minus 50%...
$6?! How could I not get it?

I didn't actually open it until after we left the store, as (like I said) I don't use umbrellas, so it didn't really matter if it was broken or had a tear or anything like that.

So then I realized it was monogrammed.
Little sticker type, iron on letters... 'DM'

It really is quite nice. And even if it is just some sort of strange decoration in our ranch full of random bits and baubles and umbrellas, I think it is a nice reminder of a nice day out with Hubby.
That nice day was, of course, followed by a crazy cold rainy wind storm of a day...
Today was another nice one, but there is more cold rain on the way.
It is hard to make plans these days, but I have fence panels and a storm door scheduled to be delivered by Thursday so that I can get these home improvements done while Hubs is away at his illustrator conference.
He'll either be pleasantly surprised or horrified. It all depends on if what is in my mind translates to real life.

Wish me luck!

Since I'm not a M-F girl, today is my 'Friday'. Anyone else out there headed into a 'weekday weekend'?

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DM donna morgan what what! ;)

hahahahaha!! that's exactly what I told Jason you would say!! lol