in life •  7 years ago 

This will be my first official post on this platform and I am starting with a bit of my story here on Earth. I was born with a silver spoon but so many people want to snatch the spoon from me and sell so I can be wretched like they have been.


I come from a rich polygamous family; father has three wives. My mother is the first wife but it has not been easy for her which affected my upbringing. I can remember many times I felt like running away due to the turbulence in my house. The truth I learnt through it all is:

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

I got stronger for each time I was disappointed, hurt, broken, cursed or sad. Life was not fair growing up from my side. It wasn't even easy to make lemonade from the lemons that were thrown to me. Still I grew it out and got older. There was a time I was placed in Science class instead of Arts for a year. I read the strangest subjects and topics so I could cope before I got placed in the right class. Still, I was the 3rd in the Science class despite my hate for science subjects.

At the college level, I had to go through three universities to get a degree in Law. I hope I'm not boring you with my life drama. Let me continue. The first college I went to almost changed my religion, my dad wasn't comfortable so he changed my school. I couldn't get law at the second University and wasted two years there. Finally, I got law at the third. At the final stage, a lecture wanted my body and threatened to fail me if I don't succumb to his demands. Well, he did but I prayed hard. The next time I did the course, he was not put in charge so I passed and became a graduate of law to the delight of my parents.


I have learnt so many things so I am putting it forward in this post. The things I have seen and learn about this life we live in.

  • Being born with a silver spoon doesn't mean life will be easy. Infact, it attracts lot of preys to you.

  • It's not Everytime life throws a lemon, you make a lemonade. You have to be strong and throw it back or make something stronger than lemonade.

  • What doesn't kill you definitely makes you stronger but the wound may never heal and it hurts more than hell.

  • Not everyone who ask how you are wants to know how you are, some just want to know whether to laugh at you at that moment or wait till later.

  • Lastly, life ain't fair. Accept it and live with it.

Thanks to everyone that has read this. I hope we all get better in life, make the right choices and be happy whilst making others around us happy.

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