Do Not Make assumptions Or Pass Judgment on a Named Cause of Action

in life •  3 years ago 

It is very difficult to disagree with the statement "Do not make assumptions or pass judgment on a person." Who can disagree with this? However, it is also very difficult to judge people by assuming they are all perfect and truthful. What if the person you are judging has never made a single mistake in his/her entire life? You cannot assume that the perfect person is without any mistakes and you certainly cannot pass judgment on anyone solely on the basis of one mistake.

Every single human being makes mistakes. If we are to survive on this planet, every single person will make mistakes. What are mistakes? If someone makes a mistake then it is called a mistake. But if someone continues to make mistakes and never feels embarrassed about it, that person is not a mistake at all.

A mistake is basically an error in judgment. A decision made without due thought, without taking into consideration all relevant information. This decision is incorrect. A mistake can be made even when the person is in a good mood. For example, the person who cut his finger on the table while speaking in front of a lot of people and was innocent about it. But the damage was done and now he will have a problem even speaking to people because of the finger injury.

We are all guilty of errors. The only difference between a guilty and innocent is the amount of remorse felt and the act itself. Even the smartest and the most knowledgeable person can make a mistake. A judge cannot make mistakes; he/she has to be completely accurate all the time.

Why is it important to make sure you are completely accurate? When a judge makes a decision based on facts and not feelings, he is bound to follow the law and order. Do not make assumptions or pass judgment on a person based on feelings. This is considered to be an injustice and a violation of a person's human right.

A judge is not a God. A God could give guidance but a judge cannot. A judge is subject to laws that are specified by the constitution and laws of a country. If a person feels that he is being prejudiced, he has the right to bring an action against the judge based on wrongful beliefs.

People often make assumptions or judgments about others without having all the facts. We should not allow ourselves to do this. Do not make assumptions or judgments about others based on their race, colour, religion, culture, age or any other criteria. Do not make assumptions or judgments about someone based on nothing more than their looks or their behaviour. A judge cannot just make assumptions or judgments about you based on nothing more than your appearance and your attitude.

Just because a person is being unfair or there is a risk of the decision going awry does not mean that they have committed a crime. Do not assume that a person is guilty without all the evidence. Do not make assumptions or judgments on the basis of what the police tell you. If you have been charged with a criminal offence, make sure that you consult a lawyer who deals with such cases. There may be various defenses that can be raised by the accused if you have not read the fine print of the law. Only a lawyer can help you out in such situations.

Do not make assumptions or judgments based on hearsay. We all make mistakes sometimes. Do not use hearsay as a basis for arriving at a conclusion. It is the mistake of the innocent that tends to get punished while the guilty go free. This is not fair and it can have disastrous consequences.

Do not make conclusions based on the preferences of the other party. Everyone makes mistakes; both parties to a lawsuit are human. There is no general rule that one person's mistake should stand while another's should be dismissed. The usual rule of negligence is that general damages must be awarded irrespective of the other party's knowledge or lack of knowledge of the mistake.

Do not make assumptions or judgments based on opinions. Just because an opinion is held by a judge or a jury, it does not make it so. Opinions are not subject to proof in a court of law. As long as the judge or jury reasonably concludes from the evidence that a conclusion about a fact exists, then that is sufficient for a court to find that fact is true. Do not make any exception to this rule.

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