If you are unable to get motivated, the problem might lie in your mindset, not your actions. Your brain will look to past examples of how you handled the same situation, such as procrastination. Repeating the same actions will form new thought patterns and habits, so overcoming overwhelm requires a change in your life. Here are some tips to overcome overwhelm:
Doing the least attractive task first
When you feel overwhelmed, it can be easy to react in a negative manner, which may actually make the situation worse. This response may be unconscious, but you are likely to struggle to break it. The less appealing tasks are the most important to complete. Matching values with the tasks can help you find motivation. Doing the least desirable task first might not motivate you out of a state of overwhelm.
Having a sense of purpose
Having a sense of purpose can lift your spirits during times of stress and overwhelm. While a mundane job can have its benefits, a lack of purpose can cause you to feel completely unmotivated. Finding joy in your job is not always possible. Instead, look for ways to get more enjoyment from your work. Here are some tips to help you get out of a state of overwhelm:
If you feel overwhelmed, stop and reflect. Think about what you've accomplished in the past. If possible, consider a kind action you can take to help others. Even a little kindness goes a long way in putting your troubles into perspective. Moreover, the act of helping others releases the hormone oxytocin, which can lower your stress levels. You can take advantage of these benefits by volunteering for a cause you care about.
Identifying stressors ahead of time
Identifying stressors ahead of time will help you cope with them. It is important to realize that stress is a normal physiological reaction to threats and perceived demands. The level of stress that you feel depends on the resources you have available. Resources can include internal or external factors. If you do not have enough time or money to handle a stressful situation, you may feel overwhelmed.
Identifying and minimizing stressors can prevent the onset of a stress attack. Psychological stress can affect your body, emotions, and behavior. It varies from person to person and can be prevented by identifying the stressors in advance. Stress management strategies include finding a support system. Being around friends and family can buffer the effects of stress, while being alone increases the likelihood of experiencing a stress attack.
Grounding techniques for overcoming a state of overwhelm
If you've ever experienced a feeling of overwhelming, the first step in recovering from a feeling of overwhelming anxiety is to ground yourself. This can be achieved through the physical grounding techniques outlined below. One of the most powerful grounding techniques is reciting familiar material. For instance, if you're feeling particularly overwhelmed, try picking up a favorite book or journal. This technique can soothe the mind and provide you with a welcome wave of relaxation.
Another grounding technique is naming two of your favorite tastes and smells. You can practice this technique when you feel overwhelmed by an event, meeting, or even a simple conversation. It helps you connect to the present moment and can relieve anxiety and panic attacks. Some grounding techniques are particularly useful for people experiencing flashbacks or dissociation.