in life •  7 years ago 


I decided to use a picture I took at the beach of a wave coming to shore. The wave is powerful moving across the world like energy moves across the universe. Nothing stops it from making it to shore. Things get in the wave's way but the wave just keeps moving getting more powerful as it moves. Humans are similar. Most of us not all of us but most of have goals. There's things we want to do so badly but something always happens. There's no such thing as a smooth life. No matter who you are there's always going to be something to deal with it. You either deal with it becoming stronger and keep moving forward or you give up and stand still. Something the army taught me that will stay with me for life and I shall past it on to my son. That one thing is to adapt. You can plan something and if something happens just adapt to whatever happens and keep moving forward. Never allow anything to stop you from moving forward not even yourself just "BE THE WAVE"

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Riding a wave to the shore is one of the coolest abd humbling experiences in life. You get pummeled, you get battered, you fall off and wipe out. But once you get your rhythm you feel uplifted and full of energy.

Same thing applies life like you say. You just gotta find your groove and be the wave! Very well put sir!

Thanks you for actually reading it

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Your welcome. Was an easy and inspiring read so why not!!