Meme Addiction and how to Beat it like a Champ!

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

Meme addiction affects so many of us including myself. I really got hooked on Memes after someone made a Meme of me and from then on it was just non stop hunting for the dopest Gifs and Memes available. Food, water, air, sex and work all fell to the wayside as I jumped from site to site searching for that next fix. Was it going to be another Pepe one or perhaps a Gif of a Unicorn propelling itself through a magical rainbow? For now I am in recovery and hope to be a productive citizen again after I just want to post this one last Meme someone years ago made of me.......I blame this horrible downward spiral on them and life just won't ever be the same since I saw that ten hour clip of He-Man singing "What's Going On?" The struggle is real. To beat this addiction please follow these two steps

  1. Turn all devices capable of bombarding you with Memes off
  2. Start an Organic Garden
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Whoever memed you like that is a really bad person... Memes are powerful and highly addicting and you shouldn't go around meming innocent women like that

I mean, super cereal, what kind of irresponsible low life goes around meming women all willy nilly?

this is a fairly accurate depiction

interesting note -> did you know rare Pepe memes are worth money?
google it... and if you understand it... please explain it to me

There is no explanation... Pepe does as Kek commands but for you interest here is a collection of rare Pepes (please no steal):

Remember kek has blessed you with these ultra rare pepes and you should no steal or consequences will severe occur

the majesty... ooOoOH THE MaJesTYYYY!!!

I just cried from this, it triggered a relapse

Dank meme addiction is a serious threat to society....

the struggle is real as I stated and with my two step detox system you also can free yourself from this problem

But I'm a lost soul... it's too late for me. There's no going back now

I should meme you, you keep following my work and for that I am thankful?

However, I'm a terrible influence and shouldn't be trusted

stranger danger

addiction is a hijacked word.

Interesting because hijacked is an addicted word....

