Therapeutic Thursday

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)


I did something I havent done in ages yesterday.

I walked out of the house and met up with a friend for lunch.

As simple as that sounds it was a huge deal for me. I have been so flat out with Steemit and work that I became a hermit. I never left the house on my own, 8 months here and I'm still not confident with turning the alarm on.

This week has been all about freeing myself up and letting go of responsibilities for a while to just really be able to feel me, ME, again.

So with my @SteemPh leave booked in, and my @TeamAustralia leave booked in too, although not as formally since there's plenty of people who are there to help ~ it was time to walk out of the house and try to live a normal life again and meet up with a Steemian.

What can I say? Steemit is life! Lol


Was one of the very first people I met in the mountains when we first moved up here. I wanted to find my mountain tribe so I called out on Facebook, arranged a meet-up and I met @strongnbold and we've been friends ever since.

I wish I could say I was as good a friend to her as she has been to me but I haven't. As you can see I invited her to Steemit and then didn't support or look after her.

This is the same woman who despite her own anxieties have taken time to be there for me and teach me about the bus route at the last house.

I've got a lot of making up to do.

@strongnbold is awesome and for the first time since she showed me the bus route, over a year ago, we finally caught up and had lunch together yesterday.

There's just something about bonding over the best pork rolls in the mountains...

I didnt realise how isolated I felt until then and I wondered at the huge change in my lifestyle, while feeling thankful I had real life friends left.

Exploring the hood

We decided we both needed vitamin D and despite the cold winds, the Sun still felt warm on our backs as we explored the hood.

I love my suburb. I am totally biased of course but I really feel its one of the best burbs in the mountains. Views everywhere ~ the view the kids at the primary school has is 👌👌, gorgeous parks and pedestrian paths that I never knew existed, despite living in the area for over 3 years.


One of the views from the school.

We parted ways eventually, making sure to meet up again soon, maybe even turn this into a weekly thing.

I headed off to walk home, ultra relieved that its all downhill on the way back. The way out was ridiculous. I have never walked up my street before yesterday and I shit you not, I felt like my little heart was gonna pump right out of my chest.

And yeh I did consider quitting and sitting at the top of the street and calling Hubby to come get me lol and he would have lol ~ but no, this was something I needed and wanted to do for myself. I thought the hill was gonna kill me but here I am telling the tale.


So yesterday's lesson?
Live my life completely. Go out even though the anxiety is strong. See my friends. Exercise and take time away from the PC.

Don't be like me and be so out of whack unbalanced.

Happy Friday Steemit!


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Hermit, I'm working on that too! Cheers to you for getting out and doing things like this!

Aww thanks @tbnfl4sun 🤗🤗

Good on ya mate. It's way too easy to recline into hermit mode. Sometimes stepping out the old comfort zone yield amazing rewards.

It's so hard workin a demanding full time job and keeping up with everything here, time to slow down for me!

🤗 I hear ya. I think the first step is realising something needs to change. And you're there. Even if you only manage to steal 10 or 30 minutes to yourself. Do it.

My dear friend, you are a beautiful friend and have always kept it real. You made me a stronger woman. I love your no bull attitude! You make me laugh.
Pork roll again soon my dear, when i have my license lets got exploring more of this anazing place we live! Mwah

Oh and I'll get the hang of this steemit! Creative juices are reactivating 😁

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