but I want it?

in life •  6 years ago 

The Worrying Exercise of the Misuse of Misguided Misunderstood Manifesting often thought of as The Law of Attraction theory
(try saying that when you're drunk)

I was perusing my favorite channels on youtube and happily discover one of my very favorite channels also is here in steemland, the wonderful Ed from The Outer Light, (1) and watching one of his latest videos I was introduced to this guy; Ethan from HaHaProductions (2) and loved him, obviously I subscribed and had a little look at his channel and found this little gem and had to share it with you because it struck home with me on a few levels, I have enjoyed some conversations with friends on the concept behind the law of attraction and it led to questioning the idea behind desires and examining the mindset I had before, it is the examining of my mindset that in a way helped in my recovery (3) from victim to , well just an ordinary person really but one that is healthy in mind as well as body and doesn't suffer from over-giving or being emotionally unstable and how I learned how to love myself , except that is such a long title we should probably just go with from victim to me as I am now? I don't know I am not good at titles apparently I am a little over enthusiastic with them
Firstly let me just say that dear reader that the law of attraction is largely misunderstood by all those I have met, luckily I haven't actually met that many people, I try telling them that it goes like this you get back what you give out, therefor if you want to say, manifest love, then you give out love and it attracts the love you want , they don't get it and carry on imagining with all their energy finding a discarded bag of money and then whinge when no bag of money is found
It is not about sitting there thinking if I imagine this enough times it will magically happen; I want a horse so I imagine sitting on a horse etc etc no horse will come trotting by saddled up and ready to ride, if however some thought was put into it and that person decided to work hard at creating a life that includes enough money to buy a horse and ride it; brilliant, and in that sense one could say one indirectly manifested the horse but it did not happen by just being imagined with force, to the point that days are lost daydreaming about fantasies under the misguided idea that this will somehow produce the dream
There are more layers, there are always more layers, if someone decided that say they wanted to take this law off attraction and manifest love, then you have to think about that, to just manifest your crush suddenly falling in love with you is as wrong as love spells and all other forms of manipulation, I seriously believe in free will and that every person has the right to exercise their own choices in life, so if that person doesn't want to fall in love with you then you have no right sitting there manifesting all over the place
Frequently people suffer from the misguided concept that they then have to work at helping the manifestation, seriously if it needs help it aint no good at manifesting, however if that help is someone training for a better job, that's great
Some decide though, that they can help their manifestation by traveling thousands of miles, then waiting for hours in one spot, flashing huge photos of themselves and acting wildly to force themselves into the world of their desire, is this excusable under the simple concept of manifesting? Just helping the law of attraction theory along a bit? Is it just behaviour driven by strong motivational thoughts? If someone decides that the course of action they are taking is right for them they will have little trouble finding a way to justify to themselves their motivation, yet how many even examine why they have a desire in the first place? How many desires do we suffer from that are placed there by others?
At any time with any situation in my life I now ask myself what exactly is my motivation for this situation? and do I actually need this? When manifesting is driven by insane desire it's extreme and in someone else we can often see that, however most of us actually feel we don't suffer from any extreme desires do we, it is only when we bring in different levels of desire that we start to justify our little obsessions
I will let you watch the video before I relate to you why this struck a chord with me even though I am not driven by an insane desire , honest, no really I'm not,

When does a driving force become obsession? When does being motivated turn into I have to live this way because a , b and c reasons? When does an obsession begin to turn into manic desire? How fine is the line is an obsession driven by the mind and an obsession driven by the body? Is an obsession really an addiction requiring to be fed? The levels of psychology in this would probably require me to spend the next twenty years reading; I have limited knowledge in the psychology area
I know that prior to my new life, my waking up, etc let's say the old me (I only consider my awakening to be anywhere near recognizable somewhere in these past two months, even though I have always had a different mindset to those around me and was brought up by a person who had alternative knowledge, to many that know me they consider me having always been awake, before however I had the wrong mindset, no good having knowledge if you don't recognise that knowledge) and so I had fallen many times into obsessions myself.................. and mine are always with love
When I fall in love, I fall deeply and in fact a little obsessively, it's took many months of pretty intense self learning and self improvement to even admit that is one of my problems, I always believed so strongly in the concept of love and I can see now that not only was I way too intense ( I hereby thoroughly and unreservedly apologise to my former partners) I also had the whole concept of love completely wrong
I was always one of those ultra devoted I would die for you, for our love kind of person, I am still hugely and in fact 100 percent devoted to the concept of love, only now I have a much more healthier mindset and can see that one of the areas I was going wrong in was devoting myself without many boundaries, I will devote myself entirely to doing whatever I can to make the person in my life happy,
(they have labelled me over-giving)
It took me a long time and a lot of hard work, seriously therapy is like having to do mind gymnastics sometimes, (I can only do so much at any one time because my poor brain is contorted all over the place, need time to scoop it all back in and digest what I learn and just basically recover from trauma of dragging my brain kicking and screaming into recognition of who I am and why I am this way) to accept that real love doesn't mean I have to literally attend to their every beck and call, I know I am an intelligent woman however the mind is complex and I suffered a traumatic childhood so I know this comes from painful experiences I have had in the past and therapy helped me see that
The therapy was not recognised in the style of physically going to see someone, I simply didn't have the money or circumstance to be able to do that, I did have the internet and found Richard Grannon (4) and once again I am hugely grateful to Mr Grannon for explaining and giving me answers. However that deals with major stuff and I got to thinking, when you think about it how many of us have felt some kind of negative emotion because the love of our life didn't text back immediately (yup I hold my hands up I have done this and ruined a relationship through it) or felt annoyed at a friend because they didn't pick up the phone when called? How many of us have taken offense at someone, a friend even down-voting a post on facebook (I know I once put up a post on facebook I thought was funny and a friend put the shocked smiley and even that tiny incident had me so stressed I wrote to them a long and probably far too emotional message asking why) my point here being that not only do we seem to have lost the power of verbal communication (more on that in another space) we have become obsessed with peoples reactions and the allotted time we think they should happen in, and only if the person has 'a good excuse' for not answering the phone/text/comment etc do we then accept it was ok
See before the matrix took over we understood that people had lives, that time was not ours to control, the matrix shows us a world where instant gratification seems now a viable and expected right,
time is personal, and circumstantial, what to one person is a late night text to another is a welcome relief from insomnia I never thought that the text that was sent could have come at a time when they were in the shower, or they had just been robbed, or maybe they are making replicas of buckingham palace with matchsticks, it doesn't matter, time is only relevant to the circumstance, and there is a need to respect not only other people's time but our own too, unless the text or phone call was an emergency/of vital importance then really there is no worry if they didn't immediately answer
The little obsessions that fill our lives have mostly been invented by the circus of google/facebook/mainstream media, our day to day lives are filled with obsessions created by others, and often I found when examining closely my motivation behind my little foibles ( my life was full of little foibles like I couldn't sleep unless the blanket covered my ear, I am an intelligent woman yet I convinced myself I couldn't sleep unless the blanket was over my ear, foibles, I don't have so many now) I would discover that they were largely manufactured by others and it is only when I learned just how much the media/government/society places so much stress upon an individual that I realised most of my fears were unreal, when I took away all the crap fed to me by previous relationships/society/propaganda I felt more free than I had ever done and the confidence to then be myself became much easier; I was happier and I was very much further towards my goal of true liberation, the fears fell away and all I was left with was dealing with those painful years called childhood
The man in the video, those I have talked to watched and said well yes but he has problems and it doesn't relate to me, yet the next time you expect something from someone and they don't deliver in a time you expect or a way you expect, will you question yourself? Would you examine why you felt that way? Is there any real importance attached to the situation? does it merit your impatience? or your compassion? How often do we rush though our lives suffering without examining why we are suffering, all the stresses one by one heaped up cause a very real danger of burn out or breakdown or some other negative situation
Will you examine all the little obsessions in your life? do you need them? How far are you willing to go to achieve what you desire? Do you judge others for how far they are willing to go? Do you suffer needless stress because of your own or others expectations?
I am obsessed with self improvement, mostly where my mind is concerned, I am not examining whether my actions or words are perceived as good by anyone else, I am concerned with how I feel about the way I act or talk, I know there are times when I act in a certain way or say something that leaves me with regret and so those areas of me I am obsessed with improving, I used to be awfully impatient, I got that sorted now, took longer than I expected though
I can tell you its not an easy exercise but I examined everything, even the deepest areas of my mind where my fears lurked
My road to overcoming, and beating depression/PTSD for good, lay in a large part to having the courage to immerse completely in self examination, it's painful, it's a long slow process, it's complicated and often so difficult I need time to just settle with everything I have learned before carrying on, however, as far as experiences go-
it is also the most liberating

I send out with all my energy immense frequencies of love and peace into all worlds

I am velveteen
and I hope you have a fab day

(1) https://steemit.com/@theouterlight
(2) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDWIvJwLJsE4LG1Atne2blQ
(3) https://steemit.com/introduce/@beckieg/hiya-or-the-birth-of-the-blog-of-velveteen-or-the-introductory-writings-of-i
(4) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU9xNc-P8GWAdafmAcNVi6g

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Very long post, but I did manage to read it, I did not watch the video, due to bandwidth issues on the part of my carrier. A very enlightening expose on yourself, and what you are doing.

areas of me I am obsessed with improving

That is something that will resolve with time, we either grow naturally, and learn or we do not. It does not matter how much we obsess with something, it will get us nowhere as you know.

It was fun learning a little bit/lot about you.

hi, many thanks for your kind and informative comment, I am glad you chose to read all of it, I do prefer long posts myself and I appreciate others don't so it makes me glad when someone chooses to read all of it thank you, I am still new to the world of steem, I have no idea about the bandwidth, however I do feel that as not all of my posts carry a video it will not be a regular issue, I also feel that it is an essential ability to be able to include a video if i wish to so I will learn about it and how best I can offer both writing and video if I choose to remain within the world of steem, and I agree with you I know each day my self improvement increases and I am happy I have learned to take it a little slower and to not punish myself psychologically if I fail , it took a lot of hard work as I am most impatient with myself, and I am lucky as I have people who care that insist I go a little easier on myself, I also would like to say thank you for taking the time to communicate with me and with a genuine interest and care, I have found the world of steem a little overwhelming and in fact became quite discouraged in recent days, the lack of communication felt isolating, and I don't have the desire to fit into cliques, it often feels like steemland is a big party where every little clique is standing at opposite ends of the room, I tend to have a wide and eclectic mix of interests and I like to write about all of them, and I have found tagging really hard, today I shall research the bandwidth you speak of as this is another new area to learn, and it was difficult enough trying to follow what is said about voting, and I still have no real clue about voting I just keep upvoting posts I like, it is very offputting to learn about bidbots votebot stuff etc and to find out some people here aren't people but bots, I was daft enough to try communicating with one and turned out to be a bot I felt a little embarrassed aahh well I am sure I will get the hang of all this if I choose to carry on, it has all been confusing, I have to say that so far my posts have merely been introductory, the way I write I tend to gently introduce myself before getting into the full machinations of my thoughts, so far though it has felt like I am a lone voice in the wilderness, there have been a couple of kind people like yourself who took the time to communicate which I appreciate but I do not always receive replies to my comments and in all honesty before I saw your message I was contemplating leaving steem it didn't feel like a good fit for me, perhaps my style of writing simply didn't appeal to the steem community , your message is giving me food for thought though so I may consider more fully whether I continue writing here or choose another platform, thank you also for your kindness towards my self improvement adventure, as you say though it will all come with time, I will pop over to your blog and have a look around, I am very glad to make your acquaintance and I look forward to getting to you , again thank you for your kind communication I appreciate it, much respect to you and I hope you have an excellent day

The bandwidth issue I have is not on steemit, rather my internet service provider, I use a smartphone to connect, and my speed is not very good at times when it come to playing videos. Steemit is a little bit different than facebook I have been told, I would not really know as I have never used facebook. Lets see if I can help you want to stay for a couple of weeks.

  1. Your vote power only restores at a slow pace, so as a new user you want to only vote for 10-15 post a day. You are down to about 15% vote power so it is very important to let it build back up. according to https://steemworld.org/@beckieg - your vote power will not be back to 100% for over 4 days. The ideal vote power you want is to keep it between 80% and 98%. You do not want it to sit at 100% because then it does no good for you or anyone else. That steemworld.org link is one of the best tools available for steemit.
  2. Try to only resteem things that you really like or think your audience/followers would like. Remember people follow you for who you are not for who you resteem on steemit. You want people to be able to find your post on your site so keep the resteems to a minimum.
  3. In order to build a following, people need to know who you are, and what your thoughts are, so visit pages and people with content you like. If you see a post you like and it juves with who you are, upvote it, and leave a nice comment. If it is something that completely just turns your stomach, say nothing, mute them and move on to the next post. By engaging people on their post you may peek their interest and they may go look at your page to see who and what you are about, (one of the reason to not over resteem).
  4. When you find post that you like, after reading them, voting and commenting on them, take a good second look, see what kept your attention, see who commented on their post, see who the banners (if they have any) link to. Read the comments by the other people that responded to the post, if a comment piques your interest, comment on it. There is nothing that says comments only need to be directed at the poster. Engage his followers also, they could end up following you.
  5. As you find content you like see if there is a common thread that you have been enjoying, if so are you seeing some familiar names commenting on the same post that you do? Is there a community the people seem to belong to? If you see the same names, go visit their pages see what they have, find one of their post you like read it comment and vote for it.
  6. When commenting and being new to steemit and getting used to, for the next two weeks or so do a shout out type of comment. Example: "Hi @blahblahblah, I found your post/blog by following you home from @kjikjikji post, I thought you had a really nice and relevant comment so I wanted to see what you had, I am glad I did because I really enjoyed your post." There is nothing wrong with a little flattery when it is deserved, nor anything wrong with letting someone know how you found their blog. Many people use gina.bot for notifications, and Steemworld's notifications and mentions tool are up and running now also.
  7. When you start to get rewards, you will want to power them up and convert to steem, so that not only your vote power increases, but your bandwidth increases also.
  8. let me know if you need any help with anything else, and the @newbieresteemday people are also a good source of support and a very kind community, ther Tag is #newbieresteemday.

hiya, this is very kind of you, I appreciate your help, these are all good points, and I appreciate that for someone who wishes to build a following they are very useful, if I ever decided that is what I want then I will take note of these points and possibly put some of them into play, however I do feel that as I am only here to see if I enjoy the adventure then I shall continue as I am , I have no wish at all to build a 'following' I believe that some will resonate with me and others will not, I also feel that this is merely an application and whether or not it appeals to me as yet I have not decided, I have no interest in whether my vote is worth a monetary value, I vote if I like something, I resteem if I want to , I have no interest in whether or not this means anything to anyone except myself , I do not believe in commenting unless I feel I actually want to, for whatever reason, so far I have found very few occasions where I felt like commenting, I actually do not like and will not indulge in flattery, I will always show good manners and will always compliment someone I feel like complimenting , I appreciate substance and often even if I do not follow , like, or agree with a post I will still appreciate and upvote if I feel it has substance in my view, tagging is a concept I do not like, I only indulge at all so that it will post my writing, when It comes to the idea of others finding my post the whole concept eludes me, I have said many times in many lives that my creativity, whether it is my art, my writing, or the zillion other projects I find myself enjoying I do not do it for others, only for myself, consequently I have endured other peoples frustration, especially with my art, I won't sell it, I have done on occasion, same as with my writing, I found I didn't like it, so I stopped, I prefer to just create/write/paint etc if others then find that piece of work and then like it, then it's a brucey bonus, (a slang term) but basically I am simply a creator, not seller, I create, and I am happy, as to any value in my vote/opinion,thoughts, it is not placed in anything anyone else can describe nor place rules or a system upon I act as I feel, I am not I appreciate a typical person of steemland and I do believe in my introductory post I did mention I am different, I am not here for anyone else only myself, I do not wish for anyone to find or like any of my thoughts or creations unless they find that they want to, I will not and have no interest in influencing in any way what others choose to do, I am now trying to type with a huge cat taking over my keyboard, it is a tad difficult, I will set aside these points you kindly offer until such time as I feel they are relevant to any situation I feel they are useful, I will however visit and support those mentioned in point 8 as I always believe in supporting those that help others, and kindness always gets my respect, please know I fully respect your kindness and the time and effort you took to make this reply and I very much appreciate your outlook, and they are all useful points for someone who wishes to utilise steem in what appears to be the accepted way, it is nice to meet someone who will go out of their way to help and I appreciate that, for the moment I have no interest in anything other than sharing my thoughts whether others find these thoughts of value is their choice and I have no wish to influence that choice in any way, those that do will gravitate towards me anyway no matter what I do and I am not sufficiently interested in anything to do with selling either myself or my ideas, I like the concept of the steem platform, in that is a blogging platform using the blockchain, that is more or less my initial interest, but rarely am I interested in how or why someone else found it or chooses to be here, it is not for me to say what others find of value, for myself I am very much an introvert and an optimist, I also find it difficult to follow systems , rules, implied or otherwise, like I said this is an application I chose to entertain to see how it felt, I will utilise those parts I wish to and I will write,resteem,and vote as I want to, for all those who wish to be here to build whatever they like I wish them success, for myself i will do as I wish and see how long I find it interesting for, I do appreciate however that in the interests of friendship and I do feel the possibility of this evolving into a friendship and I will always pay you respect and that to me is worth far more than a vote a following or any such concept people in steemland seem to be rather focused on, I appreciate your explanation of bandwidth and I understand now, I do not use facebook for a long long time but I do remember friends telling me at the time they had difficulty with my page when using a phone on account of I will post a lot of videos, usually music videos, I used facebook at the time to connect with other music appreciators, I did feel for my friends however I loved my music so carried on regardless, I appreciate also that words are powerful and are often misunderstood so please let me make it clear I have full respect for your point of view and for those points you have mentioned, you have earned my full respect as an individual and I like that you have taken time and put in effort into communicating with me, you have my friendship and I appreciate all you have said, particularly you display good manners and I find that important, I apologise I do not have time right now to yet visit your space in this world and I will do so at a later time, I am interested in learning more of your thoughts and I look forward to building a firm friendship, right now though I have to go thank you again and much respect to you (there's a storm brewing here and the sky has that ominous feel to it, I do love a good storm, time to enjoy the rain) I hope you have a fab day

you resteem to much , If I wanted to have them on my feed I would follow them myself . That would be a reason for me not to follow you.
You have a great posts . well done
you vote to much and get nothing , curation reward , in return . your voting power is 14% . stop running after high dollar post , its doing more harm than good . Stay out of the trending page

That above might sound kinda harsh . When I started 2 months ago the only comment I received was " Stay out of the trending page" to this day I have not gone there . Best advice I ever received .

thank you for taking the time to write to me and I appreciate your advice, it is good to meet you and I appreciate your sentiment, I appreciate your outlook and in my opinion, which is subject to change, I prefer my blog to reflect what I wish to communicate I resteem these posts that I feel are important for whatever reason, often the posts I resteem are saying exactly what I would say should I research in fact they say it much better than I do and I respect their hard work and expertise, that subject they often echo my own thoughts though not always and I believe in sharing these, I actually would resteem far much more I do however follow a certain little rule with myself in that I am only to resteem x amount of times before writing another post, they are like a relief from how much I would post if I have the time and circumstance to write more, each resteem I do I believe in and want to share it, it represents part of me so I will resteem everything I wish to , I appreciate you may have a differing opinion, I am glad you have somewhere in which to express this opinion and I respect it, as voltaire said I will defend your right to an opinion even if I disagree, well I may be paraphrasing a little, thank you for your kind comment on my other posts I work hard on them so it's always nice to have hard work appreciated and I always welcome positive feedback, as to voting I have watched,read,listened many peoples opinions, every opinion has been different, and often opposing, I personally will stick with my only rule of if I like a post I will upvote it, regardless of how any 'system' works, I am not here to make money or to make money for others if I read something I like it I vote for it and if it is important then I resteem, if the world of steem can't cope with this that's fine there are other platforms I can utilise, I have never yet been on the trending page the very word trending is enough to put me off, I look at new and my feed only, I find the word hot also puts me off, most of my reading is achieved in many other platforms steem is still somewhere I am considering being though I prefer a much wider availability of interest, steem seems very much like it is finding its feet and I very much hope it becomes an easier place to utilise in the future the main reason I stay so far is because I believe in the concept very much, being a huge believer in blockchain I want to see much more of this type of application in the future , I have tested the waters of steem and I will test and support as many applications using this way of working and I will choose whatever I feel most comfortable with, I appreciate my style of communication will not sit well with many and that's fine being very much an introvert I do not seek to have my voice heard by many and I am happy with however this adventure turns out, thank you very much for taking the time to write to me I appreciate your words and I am very glad to make your acquaintance I shall visit your blog and I look forward to getting to know you much respect to you and I hope you have an excellent day

I actually would resteem far much more I

I do understand that and I would do the same if it was a different type of platform

as to voting I have watched,read,listened many peoples opinions, every opinion has been different, and often opposing, I personally will stick with my only rule of if I like a post I will upvote it, regardless of how any 'system' works

That is one of the big problems . everyone has an opinion , and most is not based in facts or the code that was written for the operation of the system .

steem seems very much like it is finding its feet and I very much hope it becomes an easier place to utilise in the future the main reason

It is trying to find its feet so to speak . There are bugs that need to be worked out and in time they will be . It is a nice thing to have different opinions . That is the thing this platform offers . And most have the discussion with respect to all

The most important thing is that you are happy and comfortable . Everything else will fall in place in time
I am looking forward to your post . You put a time and effort into them and that's what makes them worth reading

hiya, I have sat and had a good think, I do think steem is a good concept as far as I understand it, however I am still unsure if it is a good fit for me, today after your earlier comment I felt rather unsettled about my adventure here, the implied rules ruined the fun for me I am the first to accept I misunderstand and nothing about steem has been clear, I know that your comment made me feel like finding another platform, whilst I respect your opinion and your time in further communicating with me I do not respond well to communication that begins with a negative, I also do not feel at all comfortable with the perceived voting system, not a good fit for me at all, I do not respond well to having to fit in with accepted norms when I was labouring under the impression I was free to vote resteem as I please, in fact today I resteemed without voting, seriously lost all confidence in the voting system, I also have no desire for anyone to follow me if they do not want to, the choice to follow is not mine to say and I attach no significance in whether someone follows me, I have no desire to have a following or cultivate an audience, I like communicating, if it's positive, I appreciate all of us resonate at differing frequencies and I respect that, I respect that for you and many others this is a great place and I wish much success for both the platform and those who support it, I remain undecided as to whether to continue my presence here, I do appreciate your genuine interest and your kind words it's more a case of I don't respond well to restrictions, to me it feels like I found a shiney new toy yet when I went to play with it the instructions left me with no toy to play with, doesn't mean the toy isn't great just means I will find a new toy I can actually enjoy, I appreciate the possibilities in this application, and their attractiveness to others, perhaps if they change the voting system, perhaps if other concepts change who knows, for now I really liked an idea in a post I saw earlier about music, I am in the process of deciding whether or not to do a post on that or the other ten posts I was working on, all I have written so far has been a gentle introduction to my existence, as it is a complicated and has often been a surreal experience I have found it is better to reveal only a little and see the response I get, so far I am not confident my way of communication has a place here, maybe the music will help, it often does, my respect to you and my hopes are for your personal peace in your life along with much success in all you want to achieve, I hope you have an excellent evening

one of the great things here is the freedom to do what you want . There are no rules to what or how you run your Blog . how one defines Success is different for each and every one of use . What works for one may not work for another . We each have to find our own way in our own time .
I do know and respect the people who vote to say hello and a support tool . nothing wrong with that . Also people who only resteem and never make a post of their own . They are content and enjoy what they are doing , That's great . I try and assist in giving real answers to questions . To many opinions not based it facts . I hope that you give this some time for a proper understanding .