I'M BACK!!!!!!

in life •  6 years ago 

Hey guys, I know its been almost a year since I last made a post on here, sorry guys. A lot has happened in this time and I wanna give a brief update on what has happened since yall last heard from me.

I’m still at McDonalds, and I’m a manager now!!!! At the beginning of last fall one of our closing managers had moved to another state a few hours away, so I started with managers classes. In the span of two months I was trained on how to close and went through my manager classes as well as my food safety class, that was fun and a little stressful at the end. However, I come out of it as a Serve Safe certified McDonalds Swing Manager.

I eventually fell into a rhythm of working only nights and closing one of those nights a week. Fast forward, I am now falling into a new rhythm after a bit of a fluctuation of now working 3 nights a week, one of them a closing shift, and then 2 days that are either morning and/or midshaft, most weeks one of them being an opening shift as well, that’s fun. Overall my job-related changes have been the biggest changes (that I’m willing to discuss in public forum) that have happened in my life since I fell off the block chain.

If you guys have ANY questions for me drop a comment below and I will make sure to respond to yall. Good night and be back soon.

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