I came to steemit so I could make some quick money, yet... I discovered something a lot more valuable. I REALLY LOVE WRITING!

in life •  9 years ago 

I used to write as a kid, just small stupid stories. Just to get thoughts out of my head I'd put them on paper, and my friends and family would love reading whatever it was. Steemit makes it worth it again. Even for 7 pennies and some asshole comments, I can't get enough.  

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I wish more people would write short readable paragraphs like that! Maybe someone will create a website called tinysteem.com where shorter posts will be shown first :-)

Thanks, and i was thinking of tagging things with "status" or "smalltalk" for things like that actually. Just quick thoughts, ideas that need encouragment. Im sure a million thoughts get surpassed every day that could really truely be something if they had actual support behind them from other people.