Dtube Pillow Talk: Is Mansplaining A Real Thing?

in life •  7 years ago 

First of all, what is mansplaining?

gerund or present participle: mansplaining
(of a man) explain (something) to someone, typically a woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing.
"I'm listening to a guy mansplain economics to his wife"

Basically, it is a man assuming that a woman doesn't know about a topic based solely on her gender.

This has happened to me on a few different occasions.

I have worked in a few fields now where I am one of very few women, so that certainly doesn't help, haha.

I am not much of a feminist guys, but I really think that mansplaining is a real thing!

So pray do tell, have you ever been guilty of mansplaining?

Have you ever experienced it happening to you?

Have you ever had the opposite? A woman explaining something to you based solely on the assumption that you don't know what you're talking about because you are a man?

Please let me know in the comments!

BTW, I have my surgery today and will hopefully find out whether or not my tumor is benign or not! Wish me luck!


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Let’s all only teach things to our gender. Maybe only talk to our own genders. Backwards or forwards are we going?

I mean I am not insinuating that we shouldn't talk to the opposite sex, but ya don't have to be a dick about it. I don't appreciate being spoken to like a child just because I have a vagina. That shit is whack.

Wasn’t trying to be a dick about it, probably should’ve included more levity in my comment. In the last week women at the gym & at the grocery store have been complaining to me about other men “mansplaining” things to them. I’m sure it’s common & frustrating for women, but the road goes both ways when it comes to gender perspective ignorance.

Most of the workplaces I’ve been in have been dominated by groups of women (always nicer to me then they are younger women... in my experience)

I’m aware of the benefits men have had & do have over women in the structure of society. Would like to see more people (gender irrelevant) encouraging good communication and empathy towards others.

I intended my comment to provoke thought on how to address an emotional & difficult current topic. I’d bet many many men will read “mansplaining” as criticism of them & will just segregate themselves from the discussion & stop sharing information as much.

Personally I Would like to see more people communicating openly & not feel attacked for trying to help or give someone a compliment or share their opinion. Regardless of gender, we are all stuck in our own small perspective & have much to learn from everyone else, just this man’s opinion


My opinion on it is that some people are simply condescending when they talk to other people. So for example lets say some guy is a jerk.. and talks to everyone as if he is God. And then I walk in and assume he is doing it to me because I am a female. But 10 minutes ago he may have spoke equally as rude to 3 guys before I showed up. Honestly I think in this world there are jerks, and nice people. I dont see it through the eyes of a gender. I believe aholes come in all genders. And a true ahole wont care what is between your legs, they will just treat you like crap because they simply don't care about anyone's feelings. For example I have a little girl. When she was a baby I needed to change her diaper in a starbucks, they wouldnt let me and said I had to buy something to use the washroom. Now on the news recently this issue has came up with two black gentleman. But my issue is, did it happen because they were black? Or because its their stupid policy? Because I know full well.. I had a baby with a wet diaper, and they would not let me use the washroom unless I as willing to buy something.. to which I said "you would actually let a baby sit in a urine soaked diaper?" and I walked out. This is just my two cents based on my life experience. I respect your opinions, thoughts, and ideas. My baby is now 10 years old. And I just went elsewhere to change her diaper that day. Take care Beth. Looking forward to your next post.

Yeah I can see that. My husband was actually the one who noticed what happened at the Home Depot...that the paint guy kept ignoring me to try to talk to him, even though he didn't know anything about paint haha. I guess that wasn't mansplaining so much as...femaleoverlooking? Who knows. I have def been in the trenches with it more though in my time in freelance painter/construction helper. Men assume you don't know anything because you are a female!

This is a good way to look at it I think. Always ask yourself if the gender of the person was different, would I be less offended?

Might be some truth to that, but in all honesty Ive had it from both sides. Being a man myself. From a guy I think its more of an ego/self-esteem thing unfortunately.

What are you having surgery for? Best wishes!!

it happens on both sides I've had both men and women explain things to me in a condescending or patronizing tone. I agree with aarongmunoz I think its probably an ego thing that people have. I've never understood wrapping up condescending or patronizing into a word like mansplaning when almost everyone does it anyway lol all that said I've lived a pretty secluded life (intentionally) so i'm probably ignorant to the situation in general.

I as well have had women be condescending, but there are specific situations in which I have to sit and listen to a man explain something to me solely because I am a female. Is it life altering? No. It's not a huge deal. I am not going to march topless and demand an apology. If anything, I find it just annoying, if not mildly amusing, but it's something interesting to discuss at least.

Defiantly interesting to talk about :) but Idk its not to say you do it but its difficult for me to assign intent when someone talks to me that way. Like when my boss at Walmart would be condescending to me I never jumped to "she is doing it because i'm a man" I just thought she was being a jerk. I mean like if I saw a trend of her treating women differently than men at work maybe i'd put two and two together idk I just wonder how someone gets to a point where they would say person x is doing it because of my gender. How would someone reach that conclusion unless person x was clearly sexist in some way? to me the word mansplaning its odd word, it implies that its something exclusive to men and maybe sexist in its own way. IDK lol i'm just riffing i'm so detached this kind of social stuff (or whatever you'd call it) that maybe I shouldn't even talking about it lol. ANYWAY I love watching your stuff! you keep it interesting :)

and I hope your surgery goes well :D

Thank you!

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I've been told I was mansplaining one time, and it wasn't my intention. I asked her why she felt I was mansplaining, and basically, she felt what I said was patronizing. I think as a man, it's important for me to understand why a woman may feel that way, as I do try to be an advocate an ally for equality among genders. We need to learn why someone says we're mansplaining, and be sensitive to that.

So I think some mansplaining is unintentional, and we need to learn. But I know there are men out there that definitely mansplain and it may be more intentional, or maybe intentional isn't quite the right word, but definitely a case of a man explaining things in a way that comes off as if he's looking down on a woman, because he probably does look down to her somewhat.. And I fear some men will never learn.

I will say right now, though, if anyone ever feels like I'm mansplaining, please let me know and let me know why you feel that way, because if I'm to learn to not do that so much, it's something I need to know that I did. I'm not always aware that I mansplained. And having Asperger's doesn't exactly help me recognize it immediately.
