Dealing With Offense

in life •  6 years ago 

Are you easily offended?

Do you get triggered from simple words?

Well do I have the video for you today!!!

Deal with your offense, control it, and don't be a douche canoe about it.

Nobody likes a douche canoe.

"You can't control what people say, but you can choose how you react to it." - Joyce Meyer

Have a great day friends!

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Lady, you really make me smile. The problem is the whole control thing by the lefties. They clearly don't mind pissing everyone else off, but need that special place to go cry when anyone says anything they just can't deal with.

My question is who the fuck gave these people the power they seem to think they have? The rest of us need to simply stop giving in to them, period.

As for those who still hold on to the past so they can hate in the present, well I also don't give a shit what they want to sit around crying about because people only hold on to the past because they cannot progress into the future, too inept.

The C word and N word. I don't use the C word in the presence of women & have never called any woman a cu.t and as for the rest of the names out there, If you don't like it, don't earn it.

Yeah for the "party of progress" a lot of leftists are pretty stuck in the past, and insist on all of us still living there.

I don't fool myself into thinking everything is perfect. It never will be, but the victimization some people utilize is revolting. I think it's fine to refer to specific situations in which humanity can improve, or where you've been specifically wronged and things need to change. I was harassed time and again in the discords. I was sent unwanted inappropriate pics, but I just addressed those specific issues. I didn't jump into the deep end and start accusing all men of being pigs, or insisting that I deserved something for my mistreatment. I said my peace and I was done. You can do whatever you like on this platform, people are free to do that. But I am also free to call that kind of behavior out. And I did.

Now, instead of starting a full out gender war, I just created a space for women to talk to each other. That was a solution. Why don't people come up with better solutions? They don't want to find a solution that's why. They just want to have a platform to continuously bitch. If the problems get solved, and their lives are still shit, they will no longer have anyone to blame it on but themselves, and they don't want to have to face that.

Exactly, if they fix the problems at hand and there are still problems they are to blame and now everyone will see it. I just posted a piece that may upset some folks. but I'm just at that point where I don't give a shit.

I like that stand up for good things and that you're scared to do so either.

@bethwheatcraft the world is too uptight and it is definitely not as I remember it from when I was a child. TV shows that were hits back then like "All in The Family" would never be on the air today. Why? People don't see it as a show/entertainment and just say it is offensive so it wouldn't be on the air. Also on the other side of the coin, the mainstream media today offends a lot of people but it's OK because they are far left views. If the view is from the other side it is "JUST WRONG" and is bashed from here to kingdom come. Funny how that works.

Well yeah. Leftist comedians can say whatever they like, but a political comedian like Milo Yianopolous says anything out of order and they want to burn him at the stake. They have even called him anti-gay racist for his jokes. He married a man! A BLACK MAN! It's out of control. Really.

I am all the way with you on this. I am Polish, should I be offended when my chickano neighbor calls me a polak? Fuck no! By the way my wife is a polish Gypsy , Roma. That romanian guy was a idiot, People just look for things to get offended by in today's day of age.

I am Polish too! My grandfather was 100% Polish and was called a garden variety of different things. He never gave a shit.

I think the huge issue is that offense is a first world problem. We have so much free time that we think up ridiculous first world problems like being offended at a word that is only now a problem. It's exhausting!

Pretty spot on, and I am a fellow redhead. "Freedom of speech.... Just watch what you say." ~ ICE-T

I feel like I’m walking on eggshells often too. feminine warrior voices are my favorite to hear, 🙏🏼 Ty for sharing.

Ps: your eyes are like POW⚡️💯

If you are offended, it says more about you that it does
the person who offended you. If I say something to you,
something that you find offensive, it is not my words
that offend you. My words are nothing more than
vibrations travelling through the air. It is absurd that
a vibration could offend you. I do not know anybody
who is offended by the vibrations that come from the
sun (light). It is not the words that offend you, it is the meaning
you derive from those words. I produce the vibrations,
and you decide what the vibrations mean, and if you decide
that the vibrations mean you should be offended, then it
is your fault that you are offended. If I say something
deeply offensive to you in a language you cannot understand,
you cannot be offended, because you cannot derive a meaning
that causes you to feel offended.
(that my two cents anyway)

That's a really interesting perspective! Thank you for sharing!

Those who try to control others, simply, are neither good nor respectful! Although personality controls are usually owned by people with deeper problems, such as codependency, narcissism, sociopathic tendencies or just stubbornness, none of these negative traits need you to bear.The controlling person is very selfish, childish and is likely to prevent you from living a happy life if you are always close to him.
To get yourself involved too far with a controlling personality, or to awaken yourself that the controller is the one who has the problem instead of you.

Liberals of the authoritarian persuasion are the most angry people on the earth; they literally get triggered by anything and everything they don't like. They do make for entertaining content though.