Martin Luther King Jr. I Had A Dream

in life •  7 years ago 

Just a man in time with more than money on his mind. On the edge of change he rose to the calling of something higher. They moment he seized caused a ripple affect in the dark presents upon this planet. Love we all have to share and happy we should be, because I have the chance to thrive today. As I look at our world today I see the job is not over and we all have the voice to be like Martin Luther King Jr. and stand up for some body. To open our hearts and let it be field with love and joy is not hard to do. I look at the children of our world and see the light of the sun bursting with every laugh and feel the peace of the ocean as they speak. We are winning the race! We must show our love for everything that is here, we will make it to another new era as sister and brothers of the world use your voice as a tool and lets keep it pushing LOVE, PEACE & HAPPINESS.

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Black history month.. Many people originating from the Caribbean and Africa played a huge role in developing Canada's culture and legacy....
All men are created equal.....
However in Canada, at the moment, you would have to use "people" definitely not "men" lol. We be sensitive.
great speech and thanks for sharing.