Daily Annoyance...

in life •  8 years ago 

OK, so i need to vent a little (stupid) frustration.

Its nothing major, or even important, in fact its probably worthy of the hated #FirstWorldProblems hashtag.

Today is free lunch day at my work. (We get lunch delivered twice a week. i know, right, and i have the audacity to complain about it!)
Normally this would be a day that i look forward to, it's Friday, the weekend is beckoning, and i'm getting a free lunch. (Can i get a WOOP WOOP!!)
But no. The free lunch this week is a choice between Chilli con carne, Curry, or "Vegetarian alternative".

Here lies my problem.
I don't like spicy food. I don't like the fact that it makes me sweat like mad. I don't like the fact that it makes my mouth uncontrollably on fire. I don't like the fact that it burns on its way back out. There is no upside to spicy food.

As for the "Vegetarian alternative".
I like meat. I eat meat. I'm not a vegetarian. I get no enjoyment whatsoever from eating salad. Don't get me wrong, i like vegetables etc... if they're served as a side with a meaty main. But the vegetarian alternative is what my food eats.

So i am now stuck in an office where everyone will be going to enjoy their lunch, when i have to either get up off my ass and go into town for something proper to eat, or cry at my desk because life sucks. (Probably wont cry, but also wont be walking into town.)

That's my rant for the morning.
Pointless, unnecessarily whiney, but hey. That's me.

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I went to mcdonalds.