Thanks Mel - 4 Days in a row WITHOUT hitting the snooze button!!

in life •  7 years ago 

If anyone has not watched the YouTube video by Mel Robbins, you need to watch it....NOW!!

Click Here to Watch

Hands up if you hit the snooze button 3 times (or more!) in the mornings?? Yep, that's me!

Well I've always hated dragging myself out of bed in the morning, especially in the winter time. I've tried everything to help get me up in the morning and nothing really works.

But then, randomly I watched that video from Mel and it has literally changed my life.

Today is Friday, I watched the video on Monday.

Tuesday morning, 6:00am BANG I'm out of bed and out the door running.

Tuesday was a beautiful sunny morning though which made it easier. I thought to myself, "hmmm what happens when the weather turns bad? Will I still be able to do it?"

Wednesday morning, 6:00am - 5-4-3-2-1 BANG out of bed again and out the door for a run followed by meditation.

Thursday Morning, guessed it same again!

Friday Morning, 6:00am - 5-4-3-2-1 BANG...It's rainy and cold here in Adelaide this morning but I'm out there running and back home for meditation.

Never before have I done this 4 days in a row. Never in all my 37 years.

Go watch the video now. It's as easy as counting down from 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1....literally!

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