How to host your profile pic (and other pics) from Google Drive !!!

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

Just recently I updated my profile picture. I was using as recommended for Steemit users but the site is no longer online for whatever reasons.

Let me show you how to host your profile picture with a reliable well known service like Google Drive.

1. Make sure you have a Google Drive account and are logged in.

2. Upload your image file to Google Drive.

3. Right click on the file and click "Share".

4. Click "Advanced".

5. Click on "Change".

6. Change Link Sharing to "ON - Public on the web". Click "Save".

7. Copy the "Link to share" to your clipboard.

8. Head on over to and paste your share link. Click "Create Permalink".

9. A link will be generated for you called the "Standard URL". Copy this to your clipboard.

10. Head on over to your Profile Setting.

11. Paste the link into your "Profile Picture URL" and click "Update".

Your profile picture should now work smoothly without using other unreliable image hosting.

Please let me know what you think and leave any questions or comments below.

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Thank goodness! I've been wondering why my image comes up blank every time I try to put one in. Thanks for the informative post and time you spent to create it.

Hope it works out for you!

Thanks. A very useful how to... Didn't know Google link are not permanent...!

Thanks for this post. I tried a number of sites and yours is the only one that worked.