DISCUSSION: Do you find people in your country racist?

in life •  7 years ago 

Hi Steemians :)
I want to start a discussion about very delicate subject. Do you find people In your country racist? Since I am from a very homoethnic country Poland, we didnt have many foreigners in here before, but now since Poland is rapidly growing more and more people of other orgins are comming here. Most of Polish people are very open and respectful to every individual, but some are not. Especially, when we have in Europe lot of incidents lately, people are starting to be afraid of foreigners, and even there were some acts of aggression towards a people of other skin color. Anyway, form other hand Im white and when I was living in Rotterdam on a colorful district I as well have faced racism towards me because I was white. I think this problem in Europe is getting bigger. Tell me what do you think, because I`m really confused.

What I can add is that for me racism is a most primitive and antihuman type of collective thinking, but I see nowadays that is not only aimed towards black and yellow people, but aimed on whites as well.

It will be an biggest challenge in this century to all open hearted people in the world to learn how to live together in peace. Because we are all different.

Peace out to all good people around the world I was honoured to met on my life journey! This is our common duty and highest concern to develop a fundaments of dialogue between indviduals, nations and races.

Be responsible for a world future because this is a proof of your humanity.

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From America, and racism is often a problem in places along the border, or in boom or bust towns where the jobs left. The conservative politicians in this country do a really good job of placing the blame of job loss on immigrants and "welfare queens". It's an easier sell than admitting that the politicians of this country have been selling out our workers to billionaires for decades now.

Wal-Mart comes into town, destroys all the mom and pop stores and then pays their workers a starvation wage. Then Wal-Mart pays lobbyists to lobby against increasing the minimum wage and in order for the senators or congressmen to defend that to their constituents they have to find a way to point the finger at someone who isn't rich.

So race games are being used a lot in America right now to divide up the working class so that the uber rich can skim a few more billion dollars while we squabble over pennies.

That all sounds pretty cynical, but a ray of hope is that much of the millenial generation isn't fooled by that bs. As long as we got the internet we can do a pretty good job of fact checking the BS

Hey, thanks for an complex comment, I never been to America, but my sister said, that If you are poor, or immigrant, many people disrespects you, she is polish and she said that in the blacks there were surprised that she, a white girl is actually speaking with them normally.

America has a long and unfortunate history of mistreating African Americans. It will take a lot to heal the damage our ancestors did to their ancestors. A great documentary you can watch on Netflix is called 13th

It is about the 13th Amendment to our constitution that banned slavery. However many people in the south at that time really didnt like that, and they found ways to keep people as slaves but with a different name, like share croppers, or by unjustly calling them criminals. When people in America go to jail (any race) they do manual labor for almost no money. It's a way to keep a form of slavery alive because if you're a felon, you aren't allowed to vote anymore.

So it's not a coincidence that in the south of America many African Americans were and are arrested and then deprived forever of their right to vote.

I will surely watch this, thanks, man, the same my friend was telling me that the prisons in USA is on big buisness.

Yes, it's very bad because if you have a for profit or "private" prison then you are creating a system where some people make money off of sending people to jail, which obviously encourages those people to try and get more people in jail.

In America there's little racism among white people but a LOT of racism among black people and Native Americans.

Yes, I think now we must say loudly that racism can be aimed to anyone by anyone.

I live in the UK. The vast majority of racism I see takes place online, behind the disguise of an avatar. However it is nothing compared to the blatant and in your face racism that's currently coming from the USA. :(

When I was living In UK most o people were very good to me, but we Poles in UK are facing, that we were easy to attack by media, and people, because some can say "fucking Polack" its not a racism because we are white. So political correctness does not apply :) But form another hand when a I was trying to act the best, and work hard Ive have earned respect and lifetime friends there. Anyway I must admit, that there is a mess in UK now because of so many people from around a world, and it`s a process to settle down this situation, people must to learn to live together. There is no other way.

Unfortunately, this is a growing issue we have here in South Africa, which is sad because Nelson Mandela fought so hard to give freedom for all. I wish people would stop looking at the color of skin and stand together and unite as a nation, we are people supposed to build a better future for our children and making the country a better place, not burden the future with the mistakes our forefathers committed.

Yes I`ve heard that there is a mess in Suoth Africa, wish you good luck! :)

Thanks :)

Lots of racism in the USA, but better in some areas and other areas getting worse!!

No. I think Scandinavia overall is pretty friendly :)
I recommend reading Hello Nazis and Racists. Think it will speak to you

I'm from germany and in my generation i see no racism at all anymore. Also very open to every view of the world, sex etc. But apparently there are still groups of people, mainly in eastern germany that have an issue with people from other nations, especially with the recent issue of the immigration-wave. But I know nobody who would say something bad about anyone from another country, with another skincolour or another sexual orientation.