If you have a definite desire to find out if you can have a pleasure from the pleasure and enjoyment of the moment, then you might be interested to know if your life can be ecstasy. Ecstasy or drug addiction is not just a question of taking drugs to 'have a good time.' In most cases, the reason behind taking drugs is that one desires to have an altered state of mind. This 'change' in consciousness actually changes one's whole life experience and perception of the world. The experience can be described as a 'trip,' and many people who take drugs to feel that they have really 'eenoused themselves.'
What exactly is the 'trip' like? It varies according to each person. Some people who take ecstasy report an out of body experience or feelings that are so powerful that they have a near death experience. Others feel as though their entire life has been somehow changed. There may also be feelings of anxiety, fear, panic, depression, or just being totally in the moment.
When considering whether or not you can experience the ecstasy, you may be wondering what sort of questions to ask yourself about whether or not it is possible for you to have this altered state of consciousness. There are a variety of different answers, but most of them center around the questions, "can you really have fun while high?" and "can you really be in a life-changing experience?"
One thing that many people with drug addiction issues do experience is the kind of euphoria or "high" that many of us think of when we hear the word 'ecstasy.' The highs associated with drug addiction often feel like euphoric feelings that can last anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days. Other people, however, do not have these extended "highs." What these people usually experience instead are short periods of increased feelings of pleasure that come on quickly and disappear just as quickly.
People with drug addiction issues do have the ability to have moments of such intense pleasure that they may wonder can your life be ecstasy. Can you have a drug-fueled love affair with your significant other? Can you experience orgasms that rival any orgasm a woman can have? Is it possible for you to go from a frustrated or depressed emotional state to one filled with uncontrollable joy? The truth is that most drug addicts have to experience a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs in their life - and yes, it's not always a good thing.
But most drug addicts find that they have the strength to move on from their "high" feelings and look at their lives in a new light. After experiencing a drug addiction, a person is likely to experience feelings of shame and powerlessness; but after they experience their first "hit" with ecstasy, they are able to look at their past experiences objectively and find the hope that life still has possibilities even if their current situation seems hopeless. So can your life be ecstasy? Yes, it absolutely can!