How to Do Appreciation Right - Tips for Doing Appreciation the Smart Way

in life •  4 years ago 

Appreciation is something we all need, and yet we rarely give ourselves and others the appreciation they deserve. Why is that? Is it lack of effort? laziness? Have you ever given yourself and others a bit of appreciation? Here are a few examples of appreciation:


When I was growing up, I wanted everything to be perfect. I didn't accept credit card offers or a hand-me down car when it came to school. It was because of this resistance to accepting gifts that I never received any. So how did I learn to appreciate things? Simple: by giving them.

Appreciation is the easiest way to express love to your family and friends. We can all give and receive appreciation without saying a word. The best way to do this is to express it through actions. For example, if someone was doing a great favor for you, thank them in a simple, appreciative way.

It's also a great way to show appreciation to those we need on a daily basis. Maybe your child mails you pictures of themselves. If you don't reply or help them with the photo, why not send them an email with a simple, "I'm glad you sent me that picture. It's such a great look on you. I appreciate your trying to help out my kids." This will show them that you truly appreciate what they're doing for you, and that's more than likely what they need from you!

Appreciation is one of the best forms of communication. By expressing it in writing, it shows the other person that you care enough about them to let them know what a big deal you're making of them. Not only will this result in a larger tip at the end of the night, but it will also make them feel appreciated as well.

One more example of expressing appreciation is when you meet someone at a party, event, park, etc. When you do so, try saying something like "Wow, I didn't expect you to pop out of nowhere!" or "What a thrill to find you here. It really is a treat!"

The point of all of these examples is to show people who you are by simply showing them how much you appreciate what they do for you. Appreciation is the best way to show people that they are appreciated. So, instead of getting offended when they give you a gift, take full advantage of it. Even better, if you are in business, give your compliments this way: "Thanks for giving me your time. I truly appreciate it."

As you can see, there are multiple, positive ways to give thanks without getting offended. Try it out! You'll be surprised how much easier it is to do so! Happy Appreciation! !

I can tell you from personal experience just how important it is to give someone a sincere thank-you. If you work in a sales environment, especially, you will know that it's extremely difficult to go through an entire day without mentioning someone's name. It happens all the time. And it's one of the reasons that salespeople have such a hard time with giving people thank-yous!

The way I learned to do it was to model someone who was successful and then model the way I would like to be treated. If I put myself in the position of a successful person, I can tell you that it will help you with your own appreciation. For example, if you're a salesperson, you might notice that you come across as too eager and excited to talk to people. But if you take a few minutes and think about how you talk to other people, you'll realize that you come across as somewhat cooler. In fact, it may even make you more likeable.

If you're unable to put yourself in the position of someone successful, there are other things that you can do to get in the right frame of mind. If you can't seem to smile, even for a second, then find the time to do so. When you smile, it's not only clear that you're happy, but it shows the person that you appreciate them too. It can give them a small boost to their self-esteem!

Of course, the easiest way to give someone a thank-you is simply to send them a gift. But sometimes, that just isn't enough. Instead of leaving your gift at home, consider coming up with creative ideas that show that you actually put some thought into your gift. One of my favorite gifts are those that are handmade. You can purchase beautiful handmade jewelry to give that showing someone that you really thought about what they would love.

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