How to Let Go of Grudges - Important Key Principles to Remember

in life •  4 years ago 

People have grudges. They are a fact of life. And there is nothing wrong with it. We all need to vent sometimes. Whether you like them or hate them, grudges are inevitable.

In order to let go of grudges, you first need to identify why you are holding onto them. It could be out of anger, a sense of revenge, the feeling that someone has done something to you that you feel justified in your anger, or just a general sense of discontent. These are all valid reasons to hold on to things and this is where the danger comes in. If you let go of the grudges, you will automatically let go of the anger as well, and this could potentially lead you down a path of even more resentment.

This may seem like a lot of work to put into, and it is, but it really isn't. You would be amazed at the number of people who hold onto grudges simply because they are scared of letting go. I know from personal experience. When I was young, my grudges were so strong that I thought about ending my life at that very moment. Thankfully, I didn't have to make that decision.

So how do you let go of your grudges? The first step is to identify the cause of your feelings of discontent. Did you never get to tell the person who made you mad that they weren't good enough for you? Was your relationship ending because you were unhappy with their lack of attention?


Was there a particular person who treated you in a way that you considered unfair? Have you gone through a particularly awful experience recently that made you vow never to speak to anyone else about it again? These are all great questions to ask yourself to determine what the real problem is. Then, you can work out a solution for it.

After you identify the problem, you can decide how to let go of grudges. There are a few key principles to remember here. First, if you want to let go of a relationship, it is important to take it one day at a time. Grudges are usually formed as a result of past hurts. As such, the longer you hold onto them, the more resentful you will be, and the harder it will be to let them go.

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