Let Go And Move Forward

in life •  4 years ago 

Moving Forward is not a Choice; it is a Requirement. To choose to move forward is to take with (on a journey and a sail) what is valuable and good from whatever it once was, and whoever it once was. Moving forward allows us to take all the good memories and good tangible items with us, even if it has been someone else, or if it has been a lifetime.

There are so many emotions, concerns, and worries that get in our way to move forward. I am not sure that we ever truly get beyond the negative naysayers and out into the world. Some people are negative because they have never done anything, they have no experience, they do not understand, and they do not know how to do something, let alone to give instructions to another human being. They keep telling themselves and everyone around them that they are stupid, dumb, useless, and can not do anything. How does this happen? Let's look at how this occurs.

When an agent gets stuck in a life threatening situation such as a car accident, airline flight, terrorist attack, heart attack, gun shooting, choking, drowning, choking, or other physical trauma; our brain comes up with all kind of creative theories, excuses, solutions, etc. to explain away what happened. It's not our nature to do what the brain says. It is our nature to move forward, to take direction, to trust our gut instincts, to trust our higher self, and to do the best we can in spite of what is going on around us, and even in spite of our very best efforts to stick to what we initially believed was the right thing to do.

Then, usually after we have done all the fixing that we can, we feel like we have done everything we can, and we don't know what to do next. We often feel like we have failed, like we have lived through one more horrible experience, and then we start to believe that maybe we just have to move on. The pain may be so great that we start to think we will die if we don't take time to heal. Then we try to ignore the feelings of pain and suffering around us, to move forward with our lives, but we are once again stuck in our own play-within-a-play.


What I believe has happened over the years is that we are being conditioned by society, schooling, media, Hollywood, and even our own personal teachers to believe that moving forward is about the easy way out, that there is no pain involved, and that if we don't move forward it is somehow wrong. We are taught to believe that there is only one thing we can do and that is to march back to where we came from. And there are few people who have not been conditioned to believe this, unfortunately. It has become a deeply held belief that if you want something bad enough, you can find a way to have it, whether its through a family member, a friend, a television show, movie, advertising, the law, medicine, and everything else under the sun. And most people believe this, because they have been brainwashed into believing that their whole lives are not true, because what they are "seeing" doesn't add up to reality.

If you are not moving forward, if you are not letting go, then you are not living life in the way that you were meant to live, and you have wasted your chances to achieve true freedom. You can either let go, or you can move forward, and learn to be happy with both. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

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