When Beauty Coloring Words # (Ketika Keindahan Mewarnai Kata)

in life •  6 years ago 

Dear My Friends


One word implied...
When your eyes are fixed on you.
Beautiful... with alluring colors dangling from your petals.

Satu kata tersirat...
Kala pandangan mata tertuju pada mu.
Indah... dengan warna warni memikat yang menjuntai dari kelopak mu.


Do not want the eyes to turn away
Cheer it with a look of admiration.
Really you like a charm that expands.
Among the colorful beauty.

Tak ingin rasanya mata berpaling
Mencumbuinya dengan tatapan kekaguman.
Sungguh engkau bak pesona yang mengembang.
Di antara warna warni keindahan.


Your aura is really anesthetized,
seep into the heart.
Until you don't want to feel like you are removing you from the gazing eyes.

Aura mu sungguh membius,
meresap ke dalam sanubari.
Hingga tak ingin rasanya melepas engkau dari tatapan mata yang mengitari.


There is no saturation when you see you
as if you want to pick you up.
But you are only a picture, which is impossible to pick, or exchange.

Tiada jenuh kala melihat mu
seakan ingin memetik mu.
Namun engkau hanya sekeping gambar, yang tak mungkin di petik, ataupun di tukar.



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