Is your freedom a lie?

in life •  7 years ago 

Are you free? If you live in America you've been brought up with this idea that we are the "land of the free." As a country we are preparing to collectively celebrate our Independence.

"Well, are you? are you actually free?"

In 2013 - 1 out of every 6 adult americans were on some sort of Anti-Depressent medication.

35.7% of Americans are considered obese, with another 1/3 of Americans considered overweight.

As of 2016 Americans carried a total of $764,000,000,000.00 (yes thats billions) in credit card debt - which averages a little over $16,000 per family. On a side note with a 20% APR the interest payments annually are 158 billion (someone is profiting from our "freedom" but thats for a later post)

Take a moment and re-read those. To me it communicates we are actually enslaved. We use things we can't afford, poison dressed as food, and chemicals that deaden our bodies as means to hold up this image or facade masquerading as freedom.

So, ask yourself again are you free?

I have spent the last 13 years of my life ridding myself of this ideology that I'm free because some governing system tells me I am. Its been a journey of un-winding the worthless paradigms I grew up in and learning to think. Over the next few days I am going to post different mindset shifts and institutional lies that are actually enslaving us with this ideology of control that is flaunting itself as independence.

Would love to invite you to follow along, share your thoughts and experiences and disagreements if you have them.



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