The Scaling out of Value...168 units at a time

in life •  8 years ago 


You have 168 hours in your week. The same 168 hours that everyone else has. In that given expanse of time you have a set amount of value you can scale to the individual components of life.

I work with young people and when I ask them what they value. I generally get responses evolving around friendships, family, recreation. When I ask myself that same question, its my kids/wife, desire to catalyze people and make an impact on History.

Most of us will give a fairly grandeur answer to that question. When you pull back your calendar and look at what you give your 168 hours too does it tell another story?

You can't make up values and pretend they are a reality in your life because they sound good. You have to grab a dream, desire, passion, and build your life around it. It can dictate your 168 hours...or it can be a fleeting thought that leads to constant discouragement in this weird millennial mindset of "one day my chance will come"...or "one day I will get noticed". Most people allow their 168 hours to be spent by whatever is around them, generally wasting time. We have this idea that a 40 hour work week is a "full time" job. Thats garbage. Most Americans nearly average a full time job in watching television - check the article from business insider below

You see our culture has some positive and negative influences to it. Things that unless proactively addressed will become a part of your life. One of the most detrimental is this thing in education that forces us to fit into this box. Unless an outstanding mentor or teacher comes along, sees you and calls you out to think and use your brain you will slowly die to all creative thought, never really tapping into your passions and desires. It gradually takes our young people into this idea that one day Ill get a good job and will have enough money to do what I want. By that time doing what you want usually means being fat and lazy.

My question for you is- does your 168 units actually line up with what you value? You want to make an impact or innovate? You want to make a mark on history? Tell your 168 units to get in line. Be proactive, refuse idle dreaming and go and live big.

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