I Would Have Never Became As Strong Or As Knowledgeable If The Game Wasn't This Hard

in life •  23 days ago 

I hope everyone had a good Valentine's Day and I do really mean that. There certainly could have been a lot of great opportunities to show your appriciation and love without necessarily spending any money.

As for me I somewhat bunkered down. Got a great lift in earlier and was moving up weight on pretty much everything. Even did 23 tricep dips in a row which at my weight of 225lb right now isn't an easy feat.

As far as communicating with women I kept it pretty quiet the last couple days to avoid getting roped into some sort of makeshift Valentine's situation where there was going to be additional expenditure because I'm not going to outspend these Super Simps.

Nothing wrong with showing a chick a good time and showing you care but you have to realize the situation with a lot of these chicks. My Instagram feed was blowing up with the Galentines blow out situations of chicks spending all sorts of money on each other and then today it was heavy with additional insanity.

All these women I'm following for the most part on Instagram were women I connected with at some point and for various reasons we either stopped hanging out or we never got to meetup and I just see their endless thirst traps and watch them do what I consider to be strange flexes.

This chick doesn't have any pictures with a guy indicating she is in a relationship of any sort. Now she is in a hotel room and some dude went so above and beyond buying tons of ballons, stuffed animals, several gifts, brought in lights. There was more content but you guys get the picture.

Let's say they went to some expensive restraunt and the hotel cost quite a bit he might have dropped well beyond $1,000. I've seen guys drop thousands to try to fly chicks out and the chicks didn't even get on the plane. Unreal. Maybe that's a drop in the pan for him and it's like whatever.

My main thing where it's a big red flag is even with all this why doesn't she have a picture with homeboy or post a picture of her with him for her Instagram story? Because she is embarrassed of him so she has to keep him hidden and she only flexes all the random material stuff to increase her perceived value to raise the bar for the next guy.

I've seen this behavior all too often and women in general in the United States have become insanely flighty. Also I saw a statistic that 10% of women 18-24 are on OnlySimps. Oftentimes they are for sell in one form or another and also you don't realize how many married women are in more of an open relationship with their husbands and they are allowed to get slammed out by other men. More and more a lot of women are commanding an orbit of various men for certain tasks.

The men are mainly a utility to the women and what I have noticed is it is very hard to attract and retain the attention of a woman who is an 8 or 9 out of 10 especially now even with a good look, elite game, indicators of success and money, etc.

These women actually get extremely frustrated and aggravated with myself and my various friends who I actively talk to about dating strategies. They are used to getting their way and they act like childish brats most often. You have to be somewhat of a brat tamer and have a lot of indifference otherwise you are going to be paying out the ass real quick with these chicks and you are probably never going to get those cheeks.

LitNomad did an excellent video on how ever relationship is transactional. He boils it down to an equation and I generally agree with it but there has to be several If statement conditions to account for age because driving a Lambo in your 20s is different than driving one in your 80s. People inherently understand time is a currency you can't buy more of and that it is one of your most precious resources.

The Billionaires don't have better game than low level drug dealers mainly because of the women they get with oftentimes aren't attractive. You could say they can pay cash money for various women but those women have no genuine interest in them.

Tyrek Hill has kids with 5 different women and its almost like his wife agreed upon it maybe in some sort of contract. We can debate about if this is normal or acceptable behaviour but Tyrek Hill has physically proven himself to be good genetic stock playing football in the NFL, has the resources, status, and is commanding an audience. People complain about Elon Musk having all those kids as well. If the kids are taken care of and they are spending time with the kids there could be far worse situations out there.

We could certainly venture to say that the rough waters out there have made it difficult for a lot of guys who look solid on paper to really spread their genes. Most women aren't fertile and aren't of breeding stock with all the processed foods, chemicals, birth control, scammy vaccines.

As for me there are guys with way better game. Attempting to retain a woman who is in that upper threshold is extremely demanding and expensive. If a 9 out of 10 would have been all about me when I was 20 years old it would have slowed me down in various ways and I would have never gotten as strong, as athletic, and I wouldn't know as much. Would I have a big family by now? Maybe not. I have seen several scenarios where I have tripped back across hot women from my past snd they never had kids or waited too long and couldn't have kids. Most everyone else has been through these insane divorce and custody battle scenarios. It makes you pump the brakes.

Some of the game I have deployed in the last year has produced better results with less expenditure than what I deployed 10 or 15 years ago when I had more youth on my side.

  • Cast a large net
  • Indifference and willingness to walk away
  • I just try to pull up to her place no matter how hot she is.
  • I deploy the same strategy even if she is a 9.5 out of 10
  • If she isn't on my program keep it moving and become even better and keep having more success
  • I'm primarily talking to 21-27 year old women

I might get some flack about some of the various stuff and ultimately our game is patterned from what we have had success with. I can tell you this. Jumping out there and trying to wow her with some dinner at NOBU or some upscale restraunt isn't going to produce results. The chick earlier probably didn't give that guy any play after buying all that Valentines stuff. She probably said her stomach was upset.

What is keeping me from locking down a legit baddie with my level of game?

For starters 98% of the women there is no way it would make sense for me to commit to them in the United States for various reasons.

The women are very flighty, aggressive, and hard to tame in the United States when you are talking in this 8 threshold scenario. Even if a woman does meet all that on paper the pheromones and chemistry might not be a lock. I'm very into been keen on that. If I don't feel compelled to eat her out breakfast, lunch, and dinner I would be very hesitant at the premise of having kids with her. Our senses tell us what women we belong with and in my experience the women with my same archetype are the women I have had the best genetic connection with.

I have ran across what qualifies even in 2024 but what I have noticed is when the connection is right these women freak out and self sabatosh the situation to protect themselves from getting hurt if things don't work out. It doesn't make any sense but that is what occurs. They make extremely bad choices and take terrible advice from jealous friends.

We aren't really going to change that and it's primarily across the board. Men don't have hardly any leverage in this unnatural world even if you are built up. Most women perceive that they can do better. They think they have unlimited time and unlimited options.

I personally don't feel like it is realistic for me to get married and have kids with a woman from the United States. It's very unlikely. I think the more likely scenario is keep building up and becoming the best version of myself and deploy that game in Eastern Europe. Sounds absolutely ridiculous........ all these other guys around are winning and I am losing out right?

Primarily not.......my friends and I dug deep and we were very hard pressed to point out much success. There are a few situations but for the most part it wasn't good results. The people towards the top are running further apart.

The time expendature has been huge and we would all say it shouldn't be this hard but the situation has flipped around backwards. Try to spend next to nothing up front. The super simp game a lot of these guys are deploying is almost never converting. They might end up in a sexless marriage with their wife screaming at them constantly. No thanks.

The game keeps evolving and we have gravitated more towards a polygamous type scenario where the women has the power and she commands an orbit of various men for various tasks. Some have the task of pulling up and fucking her for $0. Just realize that. Happy Valentine's Day ❤

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The wimminz almost expect this level of red and pink simpmania.

Meaning, you are just keeping up, if you do such luscious spreads.

Which is sad, because wimminz … hypergamy floats, as they say. The next guy has to do at least this much. And wimminz do not realize how much they are getting.

They care about the size and price of the rock on her hand, but they do not care how many hours of your life is gone to get there that.

If wimminz actually had to pay men back equally. Time for time, maybe they would really consider the relationship they are asking for.

It really is true and that is part of the reason that it would almost become impossible to impress a good looking woman over 30 and why I largely stopped dealing with them.

Also let's say a guy that looks like he is well positioned was talking to a chick. Like they didn't even hang out or ever meet in real life in some scenarios. That is suddenly her new level that she expects these other guys to be at when in reality she was 20 levels removed from even having a relationship with that guy.

They will often talk themselves out of guys that had something going by suddenly trying to qualify and qualify and requalify him when she isn't really close to being on his level so dude just moves on.

But yeah all the posting off these blow out Valentines experiences have all the women saying, "Why don't I get that???"

Then for a lot of guys it is best to sort of avoid trying to be in a relationship during "cuffing season" Thanksgiving - Valentines Day because the expense and headache of it. Then we see the same thing every year. Most those chicks ditch a lot of those guys after that stretch and prepare to advertise themselves to other men all summer.