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I think about this a lot, but I don't have kids to raise as badasses.

The issue is that most parents are fucking up their kids by providing and helping them with everything. Those kids grow up without any independence, expecting somebody, the government, their job, maybe even their parents to solve their issues.

I remember that at 12-13 I was riding my bike for 20km away from my home, to some camping place with friends no older than me, a few times each summer, and nobody had anything against it. Nowadays, parents don't let their children leave the park, what about bike from morning till dusk.

Thankfully, I live in Romania, and people are not that soft over here, yet.

Thanks for the shoutout, awesome clip.

Ah, I didn't know that you live in Romania.

Yes, it's pretty cool since my online income is worth a lot more over here. And the food is good, really good, and often organic.

Are you not from there originally?

No, I am from here. I was considering moving until 1-2 years ago when I realized that it's not as fucked as I thought.

I have to agree, we are training kids in some pretty wierd ways. Parents are projecting their fear on to the kids who just soak it up. I guess the underlying issue is parents who aren't conscious and aren't perceiving things clearly.

I have a friend who is adamant that the next step for humanity is consciously raising children, not just unconsciously giving them what didn't work for us.

Nice post brightstar, keeping it sassy 😎

cold showers protect your muscles after a workout from absorbing lactic acid.... OMG... i almost got hit by a slowflake wow that was close i mean snowflake.