in life •  6 years ago 



Some time ago I’ve written about the ‘best’ time to submit a blogpost so you’ll receive worldwide exposure.
I came up with the term 4 o'clocky and I thought this might be a great idea to make a blogpost every day at 4 o'clock local time with this title. Every day I’ll submit a blogpost about something that keeps me busy and is important enough to share so Lets blog on, here we go!

   This My 4 o’clocky for today...

All day long thoughts run through My head. my mind is always connecting the dots, trying New things, making plans, making decisions, lurking along, seeing possibilities, Being influenced, throughout the day I am also persuaded by advertising and influenced by music and smell. so My mind is My radar. I always listen to My innervoice too. Of course I am also Steemian now and that means that I have to master blogging every day and gave ideas for that. My fouroclocky is a daily one that needs to be thought about. I need to know all the rules of the different discords I am in, I have make sure to keep an eye on my VP, read blogs and also have to choose who I vote for with how many and from which group. Sometimes it is quite a lot. I also want to do good, who does well, meets well!


So forgive me If you think that i am thinking to much and My thoughts are not your thoughts but these a just things from my mind typed onto the steemisfere.

Right now My mind is watching the live stream from Steemfest and they are talking about steemmonsters so I am thinking about monsters and My fouroclocky at the moment. So the brain is Working day and night because in the night I dream so Than My mind works too. So My mind is Working always and that is kind off cool !

I love My brain. And I love to think, so I think I Will See you on your blog soon, I think 😉

Thanks for stopping by, its appreciated
And remember Focus on Being creative instead of Being busy !

  • “Consistent Actions Create Consistent Results”
  • “Not everyone is a blogger but everyone has something great to offer"

Lover of Life and L❤️ve in General - @brittandjosie



I fully support @s3rg3, who is witness with his developer group @blockbrothers for the Steem blockchain. If you want to support them, they would appreciate your vote here.

They build Steemify, a notification app for your Steemit account for iOS.
Get it Here:

Member off the #steemitmamas #steemitbloggers #needleworkmonday and #payitforward and on Discord

Sources used : My own private stock collection, Google and with others its mentioned in the blog.

I would like to thank all my STEEMIT friends who have been supporting me. Feel free to leave me any feedback.


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I like this fouroclocky idea. I have an eleven o clocky every day where I drink coffee. I amy combine this with a post. 4 O clock is a great time to post because the americans and the europeans are up.

Love the idea .... start with that Sunday than its 11-11. Best day to start your elevenoclocky or 11oclocky I Will be the first fan,
ThAnx for replying CUSOON


Very clever idea. I normally like to write my blog posts at that time too.... so we must be onto something. Been hectic busy with life lately though. Thank you for sharing your daily thoughts I think most of our minds are just as random as yours in this post 😀

Let me know When your life is less hectic than we Will blog together at the Same time and I Will mention it in My blog.
GREETZ britt

Four o'clocky. I like that. It's difficult for me to post at any time the same time every day. My schedule goes from here to there and there to here, so any day of the week I could find myself doing something different. I'm blessed to be able to post as often as I do.

You do so good it doesnt have to be at the Same exact time always but i love to have My niche 😉