Where is the scammer hiding? Did he run to MOOOOOOOOMMY's to cry on her shoulder and tell her about the big bad Trolls? Collect more money from MOOOOOOOOOMMY the enabler? Is he in a nice comfy jail cell after his latest scam to defraud unwitting victims in his worthless DIYTube coin scam?
Poor little man, a mere 49 years old, never held a real job and tried to scam others into paying his way. Some were even kind enough to purchase Dick Head a Bride imported from the Philippines. But wait, How could the scammer import a Bride with no viable means to support said Bride. Was she just another scammer that crossed paths with Dick Head? Were the import a Bride fund raising drives all part of the scam?
To all the elderly cat Ladies do not be fooled.
For those the do not recognize the name Dick Head see the list below:
Yes all the same person
The scammer can also be found on other social media platforms such as Youtube using the listed names.
Beware of the scammers return.