The Main Reason Why I Dislike Donald Trump

in life •  7 years ago 

There are countless reasons to hate Trump, his attitude towards women, his attitude towards immigrants, his views on climate change, the way he talks, the way he moves, the way he breathes… yes, people make fun of his breathing too...

I too dislike all these characteristics of Trump, but the thing that I dislike the most about him is his inconsistency. He will say one thing and a few weeks, days, hours, he will say something completely different. This drives me craaaaaaazy.

Its not even the fact that he is a compulsive lier. I honestly wouldn’t care as much if he would just lie. Sure, it would still bother me, but I can’t handle him going back and forth on everything he says. Its ridiculous.

Truth is very important to me, in fact, it might be my most beloved value, and if someone is a liar, then at least I know that they are a liar. But this guy goes beyond ling to a place I have never seen before. He lies AND THEN HE SAYS THE TRUTH and then he lies again.

Seriously, I can’t keep up! Make up your mind bro!


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He is an opportunist. His only consistency is that he takes advantage when circumstances arise, and he is utterly shameless when so doing.

I totally agree with you.

I completely agree. His opinions change with the wind to suit his needs

Wrong...vampires don't feel the wind! :)

You get dizzy listening to him.

I actually love Donald Trump! He reminds us, we have a lot of work to do as a society, people care more about self interest than the common good & no mater where you come from or where you were born, the son of an orangutan can reach the highest heights in this country! After all, let's find the good in each other, like Donald Does. Isn't he into "Grabbing" the good parts of women, without permission? I mean, that's a go getter if I ever saw one! WTF? Right? ;)

Damn, you said it!

The son of a wealthy orangutan.