The Reason Why I Respect Donald Trump

in life •  8 years ago 

This may actually be the only reason why I respect him and when I say respect I don’t mean that I would bow to him or even clap for him in any way. However, he does have one quality that I admire and I think it is important for me to bring it up because he deserves a tiny bit of credit for it.

Now, we all know that Donald Trump is an asshole and he deserves 99.9999% of the criticism he gets. He is super disrespectful towards all sorts of people (men, women, blacks, whites, rich, poor…), he is a pathological liar, a narcissist, the list goes on and on…

The only thing that I do admire about him, which I guess is also something that I hate about him, is that he doesn’t give a fuck about what people think or say. Well, in a way he does care about his image, but not to the point where he will change his behavior. Sure, he listens to the radio and reads posts on Twitter all day, but he sticks to his values, they might be shitty values, but he sticks to them despite all the criticism he gets.

In a way he is like the anti-Gandhi. He will stick to his view and approach no matter what. Of course we all wish he would stand for peace instead of hate, and for love instead of aggression but that is unlikely to happen because he is waaaaaaaaaaay to busy being himself.

Me, on the other hand, tend to lean towards love and peace, but I struggle to stand up for my values like he does. I hear criticism and I shake a little, I don’t dare to always say what I think or do what I know is in my best interest.

This is why I think that there is at least one thing I can learn from Donald Trump.

That being said, this guy is a dick.

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i guess because he knew no one really give fuck about him too, plus you know he's not in there for the country, just the money he can make.

Of course a narcissist doesn't really care what other people think of him.