The craftsman of beauty 美的使者

in life •  7 years ago 

客厅 新.jpg

In our life, we have different jobs and go to work every day. Each job has its characteristics and its value , each job has its necessity. There is a market because of its need and it can survive because of its need .

When we go to hospital , we can get in touch with doctors, when we go shopping, we can keep in touch with the salesmen . You can also get in touch with the waiter when you go to restaurants. When you fly , you can be served by beautiful stewardess. In short, people must be needed in all kinds of jobs , and there are so many elites in these industries.

Every industry needs skillful craftsmen to complete, each industry will have its elites . Those who have real professional integrity are admired by people . Today I will share the story of the decorator with you .

生活中,我们每天奔波在不同的行业,不同的岗位上。每个行业有每个行业的特点和价值,每个行业都有它存在的必要性,有需要就有市场,有市场才能生存。我们看病,能接触到医生,去商场买东西接触的而是销售人员,去餐厅吃饭, 有餐厅服务员,坐飞机, 有空姐,总之各行各业都的有人干,而且需要精英去干好。

今天我要说的是,那些装修工人们。对于我来说,这是第一次接触装修公司, 接触装修工人。 由于前段时间有点事,本来打算装修的房子,后来停工了。这个月又重新开始。

前两天,水电工人把水电走好了,现在正在干的是瓦工。要说装修房子真是一件让人头疼的事,如果你要大包的话,可能担心装修公司的材料不够好,如果你要自己做的话, 那又太麻烦了。没办法, 最后我选择了半包,也就是主材我自己买, 其他的有装修公司承担。


说句心里话, 刚开始真的有些担心, 怕工人干不好,打麻烦。这几天跟瓦工师傅接触,觉得瓦工师傅真不错,干活细心,又踏实。给我家干瓦工的师傅姓朱,50左右岁,看上去比实际年龄要大点,中等身材,比较瘦弱。我家的整个瓦工活都是他负责。

活是从前天开始干的,昨天去的时候,师傅干活的速度很快,卫生间正在做防水,厨房正在贴瓷砖。因为不是全瓷的, 所以每个瓷砖贴之前,都要用水泡一段时间,然后再上墙。每块瓷砖贴上水泥沙子活成的泥浆,然后再贴上去,之前的墙面用一种胶做过处理,这样才能更加牢固。




朱师傅说, 他干瓦工已经干了30多年,他会很细心的完成他的工作,不会糊弄业主的。每块瓷砖一上手, 他便知道好坏。他是安徽人,家里孩子们都成家了, 老伴因为给儿子带孩子, 就没有跟他一起出来。而他几乎常年在外面接活,只有逢年过节,像春节这样的大假才回家。


一般业主有什么要求,他也能尽量的满足人家的要求。我的卫生间,有个需要一个圆形的淋浴房,里面下挡水条的时候,需要有一半做到地砖以下,一般的师傅怕麻烦,基本就不做了, 而是直接高于地面贴上去。但是朱师傅说,那样不好,看起来也不美观,他会切割好圆,只不过慢工出细活,需要的时间长点。

我被他的话,所感动。是啊,讲究速度的话, 赶紧干完回家走人,不懂的业主也不知道,也不会提出来,更别提美观不美观了。 有的人可能为了赶工期,直接就告诉业主不会,不能做,可能也就作罢。但是他没有,还是一丝不苟的,按部就班的干完。

厨房的贴的差不多了, 他每铺一块, 都用小锤头敲一敲,让瓷砖跟墙体更贴实。每天除了吃饭能歇下来, 其余时间都用在干活上。这不禁让我肃然起敬,一个人在外地,撇家舍业的干, 真是不容易。

我们每个家庭的房子最后美观漂亮的能居住, 都是这些工人辛苦劳作的结果。所以有人说,现在最贵的是人工,以前劳动力不值钱, 但是现在,工人们如果得不到应有的报酬,人家是不会干的。事实也是, 这些又脏又累的活,更需要有人去做!

因此我要说, 那些坐在机关办公室里的白领们,工资高,条件好, 值得我们羡慕,而这些每天奋战在工地上的一线工人, 也让人肃然起敬。职业不分贵贱, 只有认真完成的态度,更加让人敬佩。





感谢您的阅读, 晚安!

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offcourse every job has his own chracterstics ...and thats why the whole world is growing in every field ..may it be technology,heakth care ..decorating...etc etc ..........btw u nailed it so simply and sweetly with a great message that everyone is valued in his own field...thanks alot for sharing

yeah, you are right .

the design of the house is very nice, i liked

thank you .

This is very close to me as I am currently looking for a new “fixer upper” home to buy, and remodel. You could be of most help to my cause!

The pictures are very nice, I like bright colors, whites and grays. I like the modern look.

Interior design is a very important profession. People want their homes to reflect their personalities, and it is important to be happy in the place that you live. Decorators make that come to life.

Thanks for sharing!

thank you for your comment and i agree with you that our decoration reflect our personalities . living comfortabley is very important for every one and thanks for those decorators.

What a beautiful beautiful Decorator if you could share with me

thank you .

Beautful writing, very nice photography, great post, thanks