RE: Day 709 | Playing Uncharted (19/21)

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Day 709 | Playing Uncharted (19/21)

in life •  5 years ago 

If you haven't played The Last of Us, it's a must play game, basically uncharted on a post apocalyptic world. If you like a good story I could recommend Bioshock The collection (skip the 2nd game). Bioshock infinite was the one I played frist and the story really blew me away. The Tomb Raider games are also similar to Uncharted. If you like something slower paced and a bit more emotional you might want to try Life is Strange which is still one of my favorites.

Far Cry 5 is also on my list, absolutely loved 4 but haven't played any of the others yet.

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I started with Far Cry Primal and then played the rest,
I think I have Bioshock so may try that next and thanks for ht suggestions appreciated :)