Charging Hillary Clinton For Crimes Committed Would Be Bad For Everyone In The US

in life •  8 years ago 

Before you start reading this, im going to put a disclaimer here so I can try and distance myself from any political side or party, because in reality I don’t have one. I have posted in other articles that im consciously choosing to not vote and in my opinion neither major candidate is representative of what I want in my country. That being said I am going to try and keep this short and precise because from what I have written before about other political posts, people tend to not read them if they are too long and just start raging at me in the comments. So I’m going to try and do my best.

The FBI came out in the past few days saying they have no intention of putting Hillary Clinton on trial for her actions in office, which has been met with the outrage of many. Whether or not Hillary Clinton committed crimes that should be punishable by law during her time in office is irrelevant in my opinion. If we put a former secretary of state on trial for crimes they committed in office, it would be bad for all of us. I am very much for transparency, however I also acknowledge there are actions taken during office that no elected official ever wants to get out. In a perfect world I believe there is no need for such actions, but in reality I cant make the government more transparent or stop them from taking place in black ops. A trial that revealed how the secretary of state operates in our country would outrage many in the world who would turn their hatred onto America. We have been able to sustain the wealth and power as a country primarily because we deal in black ops and nontraditional forms of intelligence gathering.

Hanging out our dirty laundry for the whole world to see not only makes us as a country look bad, but vilifies our elected officials. Our elected officials by far aren’t the greatest examples of good human beings, however they are less corrupt than many other around the world. Not to mention many of the trade deals we currently have in place would be affected if certain information that im sure is available, were to leak. For the same reason Ford pardoned Nixon, we should not put Hillary Clinton on trial. I hate the world we are living in and that people like her can get away with things like this, but realistically just because of one bad actor, we as an entire country would get dragged into the fray. I would agree we should put her on trial if things would change, but let’s be realistic, they won’t long term. As long as we have the means to take part in the operations we do, someone will run them. I can guarantee you that every secretary of state/war has taken place in similar types of co ordinance, but hasn’t actually been caught because they weren’t using an email account.

Like I said, Im keeping this one short, but I really wanted to talk on this topic because I have been seeing people everywhere on social media talk about it. When it comes down to it, I don’t think we want to air our dirty laundry to the whole world because I believe it would end up hurting ourselves and our geopolitical relationships in the long run.


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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

If there were "crimes", I disagree. No one is above the law. However, the situation with Hillary is awkward because Director Comey has repeatedly opened his mouth and expressed opinions when it was inappropriate to do so. The job of the FBI (as every law enforcement investigatory agency) is to investigate and recommend charges when there is sufficient evidence to do so. The FBI and every other agency, as a matter of policy, normally do not comment on investigations that are underway. They may not always follow this policy, but they should, and when they do not, THAT looks fishy - especially in high-profile cases. If I'm ever investigated by the FBI or other police agency, I would hope the would not feel the need to publicize it. Under the US system of "innocent until proven guilty", the mere act of investigation is not evidence of guilt. For all I know, the FBI may be investigating me - they can investigate anyone. The FBI's duty is ONLY to evaluate evidence and decide whether or not to recommend charges. It is not appropriate for FBI officials to express opinions beyond the scope of this determination.

Stopped reading your bullshit after the first sentence. The fucking evidence is overwhelming. We live in a god damn banana republic.

Don't worry, they just wanted to give people hope. Never intended to press charges. 650,000 emails reviewed in 3 days? Haha. Just will embolden the next crook that gets in office.

Great piece, however, I think the issue at hand with her and her administration is systemic around the world. Opening up the issues with the Clinton crime family would lift a whole layer of corruption world wide.... I think the sooner that happens...... the better.

i agree completely, as long as we don't forget about their partners in crime, the bush family.

The whole world already knows about the complete criminal corruption of the us government, political and judicial systems. Its time to stop pretending

Seriously, see my last post for an idea of the people your attitude would protect.

If the entirety of Hitlery's crimes came to light, not 1 in 1,000 good people would be able to believe it. The level is so horrifying that most people's minds would shut down. And Hitlery is not alone, there are 10,000 people closely involved with her that had to keep their mouths shut for this to continue.

That said, is better to look like fools in front of the world, or like idiots?

The world is watching. They are reading wikileaks. If we put Hitlery on trial, then we lose credibility with other governments. If we do not put Hitlery on trial, then business will continue as usual with other governments, but people of other countries will look at us sadly.

In my opinion, a giant light has been turned on, and we are shining it into the corners of the government. All the things that used to thrive in the dark are being dragged out, kicking and screaming into the light. This illumination is happening all over the world. So, we must stand for what is right. Hitlery committed treason. She should pay for it.

we do not hold our members of government to account. that is the source of most of our problems currently. most people throughout the world are not stupid. they see our hypocrisy. we are meddling in the affairs of people all over the world, and we refuse to put our own house in order. if we set about to rid our government of corruption the example we would be setting, would be something to which others could aspire. as it is our corruption becomes a justification for others to remain corrupt.

I would disagree, I think having criminals in office makes us look bad. Having the elite not live by the same laws makes us look bad. Cleaning up corruption and putting Hillary and other elites in jail would demonstrate that our judicial system can work.

Much respect.

Firstly, for taking such a mature stance in speaking out bout such heated political matters from a place of neutrality, through the midst of screaming, charged voices.

Secondly, for your willingness to share a controversial public stance that is bound to be attacked by many whom scream their biased opinions with anger.

And third, for your compassion, foresight, and intentions keeping the best interest of the whole in mind.

A complex matter, no doubt. And personally, I don't know enough about it all to offer a firm stance. Yet, the way you approach the topic here - regardless of whether "right" or "wrong" - has definitely won my respect.

Well-presented. :-)

While I disagree with the post, I agree with @rok-sivante.

Actually, this illustrates why we've got to try her.

If we don't, this will become precedent. Look our shit stinks, too. That is why, despite the fact that the toilet handle is coated in arsenic and electrified, we should put on a rubber glove and flush.

Charging her should just depend on whether she did something illegal or not.

That's it.

And where do we start? Murder? Treason? or Cheese Pizza?

Fuck that this bitch needs to hang!

Bitch has literally visited Lolita Island with her husband and has connections to child trafficking and you want to write this shit. FUCK THAT! She needs to hang.

Everything needs to be exposed and people need to go to jail. Everyone already thinks this country is a joke thanks to Obama administration and the rest of the establishment. Laws have been broken which most are very serious. This needs to be addressed so we can drain the swamp of corruption.

You can kick the cancer of corruption down the road, like you can kick the cancer of an imploding financial system down the road. What nobody can do is avoid the consequences....which are inevitable and horrifying.

Dirty laundry? What a supremely inadequate euphemism for all the warfare, terror, injustice and savagery that has been unleashed by these sociopaths.

The only hope for any of us is that those who can only function in a world of division, warfare, theft, terror and totalitarianism are outed for the monsters they are.

I agree with you, sort of. It at least isn't clear that good would come of it.

When it comes to calling something a crime, I don't give someone a pass because they're the government-- locking someone in a cage because you don't like the drug they used is the act of kidnap and that's a crime. But I don't hold them to a stricter standard either, and sending emails in a certain manner isn't actually "a crime" when you just pretend you're an alien who doesn't have the context of her job title.

It's similar to like a terms of service violation, it's a violation of US government protocol that you agree to when you become a member of it.

A violation that could have huge consequences, sure. But when you get over it being technically a crime, you just have to be ok with however the government system chooses to police its rules (just like you have to be ok with what YouTube thinks isn't allowed on its site). So I don't see any inherent need to prosecute her as you'd need to if it was an actual crime like rape or assault.

"Hanging out our dirty laundry for the whole world to see not only makes us as a country look bad, but vilifies our elected officials"

I think time-preference has a bit to do with it. Hanging out the laundry seems certainly more bad than good short-term, but it may lessen the chance of it in the future.

I don't lose any sleep over what they decide, because it would just be playing wack-a-mole anyways. It's a natural function of democracy that the most corruptible people will compete the hardest for the positions of power and over time win them. So even if it's "bad" in a sense, it's on the other hand good to not pretend there's actually a way to stop a democracy from becoming corrupted.

Well, I just hope this doesn't turn into another Nixon - Watergate scandal where Hillary is forced to resign from office after being elected president.

As for the rest of the word, I think they already know the state of American politics. So I don't think anything brought out of a trial would be a surprise to anyone.

As for electing to not exercise your vote. Not voting doesn't bring about change. Why not at least use it to get a third party candidate on the debate stage. I believe this is what we need to make a difference.

Did you know to participate in the national debates, other party candidates need “support of at least 15 percent of the national electorate?" And I think, if I recall correctly, that is from the previous election cycle.

So even if you don't support someone like Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party, you could use your vote to get another party to 15% support. Then in four years, whoever is running in this "Third" Party could join the debates.

Okay, I have to admit....I stopped reading your post about half way down the first paragraph. I'm not sure most people even realize what happened in the whole Bengazi deal. They had to cover up a deal that they made with Syria. They were shipping weapons over there and giving them to the "rebels", CIA's best friend and the whole thing was batched. They sent the fine ambassador to retrieve some missles from the guys they helped out and he couldn't buy them back, so they had a mess on their hands. They had to clean it up so conveniently they didn't or woudn't help them when they got attacked. Simple as that. Hillary did her part to keep the secret swept under the carpet. Congress had their chance to hang her but it they waited to long, actually they wanted it to go away so they didn't have to do anything about it. Can't you see it's all rigged? It's not in their best intentions to do anything about it, and bascially the dude who wrote this is sorta right. They are better off not putting it to hillary because she would be taking the fall for everyone. Don't believe for one moment that this wasn't a planned military effort. They all were in on it. Some things don't go as planned and this is just one of them and to bad the truth can't be told but then the people would find out the truth and get pissed and the never ending wars couldn't keep on going on and on if they knew. Welcome to the propaganda capital of the world, and hang on because the play will proceed on.