Getting Back Into Video Game Consoles

in life •  7 years ago 

ve been recently getting back into playing video games after graduating from college, more specifically consoles. However even before my college career, an addiction to MMOs and other online computer games, led my astray from the major consoles. I almost entirely missed out on the playstation 3 and Xbox 360 generations so now I find myself going back and playing many of the titles I missed. On top of that I have also purchased a Playstation 4 and have been playing some of the newer titles I personally find interesting.

The last time I was really into consoles over the computer was probably near a decade ago so its amazing to see the amount of video game player infrastructure that has popped up since then. Compared to the early 2000s, theres a plethora of resources out there for the regular player. Even just the social connection that consoles now have through their network platforms is amazing. The competition via statistics and trophies are some of the best additions I have seen yet.

Due to the price of crypto going up and thus having more money to spend, I started collecting some of the systems that I missed out on, specifically the PS3.I started by taking advantage of many of the new resources I hadnt seen been aware of in the past that were now available. I wanted to track the collection and I started to look for a few websites for doing so, what I ultimately found was It is still a work in progress, but I have been volunteering a bit adding pictures and the owner is a great guy who loves games and collecting.

The site is free and offers features like tracking your collection value over time and will soon be integrated into a phone application. Like I said, I help do some remedial stuff, but the owner has many big things planned in the future. If youre interested to see my still pretty small collection you can see it here

Another site I wanted to look into was something I could compare trophies with other people online. Im addicted to collecting things in games and showing off my progress, so the trophy systems are perfect for people like me. I found to be one of the coolest sites I stumbled upon. There is basically an entire community of trophy collectors and game collectors who compete for the top ranked spots. You link your various network accounts like steam, PSN, Xbox live, ect and can show your friends your progress, what you are playing ect. I will never have that much time to play, but it is cool to be able to show my friends what im currently playing. If you are interested to see my profile you can check it out here.

There are so many resources for players and collectors since I was last really into gaming that its amazing. I couldnt imagine that so many awesome services would be available and mostly for free. That is one of the reasons I got back into gaming, its a community of people who are dedicated simply to the love of the art and are willing to spend their own time to help others appreciate it as well. Im looking forward to playing some of the great titles ive missed from my time off and ultimately getting back into things after such a long break.


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you are a great lover of video games great work

Did not know that you were a gamer, but as apparently you are a gamer since long time ago, maybe you know about TIBIA, woooooooooow, that game has good gameplay is really cool cause is from 1997.

There are players that still playing this classic.

Tibia is definitely interesting. The player view is one of the reasons I could never get into it, same for ultima online.

Yeah, I was recently at a friends place for a week and loved playing Persona 5 (think shin megami tensei) on his PS4 - there's something very nostalgic about a console and a couch, right?

Yeah definitely, It feels a lot different than hunched being hunched over a computer like I have been in the past.

Nice.It's like a walk down the memory lane. I recently bought a Tv video game which was hip 20 odd years ago. But these days people look at these gadgets as if it belonged to the dinosaur era.

Yeah I hear you, I dont have many retro stuff and im not sure if I plan to collect retro games, but I definitely see the appeal.

I've never been one to collect, but know a few people who have numerous versions of the same console and games, and they tend to keep them forever. What are the best games you've played since making the switch back to console?

Im addicted to collecting many things. Just something about having a collection resonates with me. I try to cut down on it because I know having collections of useless stuff is just a waste of money, but some of the best games ive played this year were persona 4, yakuza zero, horizon zero dawn, and I really enjoyed the ratchet and klank remaster. Im also playing the uncharted remasters since I never played through them. I have so much on my list I need to fully play through though.

We currently spend our leisure time playing PlayStation 4 PlayStation 3 and XBOX One, we play our video games while we spend our leisure time, but we do not benefit from them.

I would argue that relaxation gained from video games is good for the mind in healthy doses, like everything

But I agree with you that it gives us the time to entertain we take it as our entertainment

Nice read. Haha so many people love video games that you wouldn't think do. They have been such a large part of so many peoples lives.
I too have a pretty collection of gaming stuff laying around at home

Yeah it really is serious for many people. You should put your collection in the site and see what its worth if you have time.

I am also a lover of video games, more of Xbox than PlayStation, now I follow you to read us. Greetings.

I am also Playing star wars battlefront's an amazing game .... upvote done...

I haven’t been able to start enjoying the ps4 generation yet. My last console was a Xbox 360 and my favorite game there was Skyrim.

I am hoping for a good 2018 and maybe I could get back into consoles. I truly want to enjoy the new generation and the new elder scroll must be around the corner.

Hope you come back soon and hope that the new elder scrolls IS actually around the corner and that they dont just try and put skyrim on every system, eventhough it is a great game :)

Witcher III, Middle Earth, Zero Dawn, Fallout, GTA... should I keep on going?

Keep at it man, great game collection you got there

the last console that i really loved was n64. i absolutely loved playing smash brothers and road to wrestlemania :)
i've been sticking mostly to pc games ever since but i'm thinking about getting an xbox one x now and enjoy consoles again.

I’m found myself a pc gamer in college because I was always near my computer. As time has passed and I started having children, I have found that consoles are the easy way to go. They are only a change of an input away from being able to play. It’s hard to stay current with so much time devoted elsewhere, but a good way to get rid of some stress when you can play.

Getting back into gaming and collecting is addicting. VERY addicting.

I've been considering getting back into gaming myself. This has been mostly prompted by the release of the game Detroit Become Human on the PS4. Overrated hype aside it seems like a very interesting game, which probably has a good moral for the future. Also, as I've gotten older, I've realized just how much strategy some games require of our intellects. Of course I'm of a gamer generation where my friend and I would get cheat codes and tips in magazines likes tips n' tricks.

I'm really more of an old school gamer myself. Zombies ate My Neighbors, Contra, Super Mario , and other 90s and 80s games. Those games, though limited graphically, totally made up for it in complexity and moral-telling. In fact, many games tell a story of scenarios that may unfold eventually.

It's really amazing that game, but unfortunately I can not feel it because my level down, thank you for sharing and it's very useful, successful friends always.

Some of my favorites on the PS4 are:

Tomb Raider
Resident Evil

Health for your hands. I like your posts very much. ;) I will wait for you on my page.

Great to see a fellow game lover

nice post @calaber24p

I was from the generation of 8-bit console, nintendo system master etc ...
I went to the amiga 500 and pc computer several years splus atrd, but I admit regret the friendly side of the console. On pc games are great but often we play solo or multi but rarely with someone to our side. The living room console on this side share has several really nice. As you have left the games for a moment and I regret today to have missed some games.

I like that attitude. If crypto can pay off, revisiting the Saturn would be for me.

Getting a modded 50/60hz setup and all region.
Very much the former day of import collecting. Capcom, Hudson, Treasure, SNK gems to name but a few. Was fun back in the day to scount online stores for mail order imports and the odd second hand games stores in London. When Cex was a good bargain.