How Do We Stop Terrorists from Recruiting the Youth?

in life •  8 years ago 

Terrorism and terrorist recruitment is something that there really is no simple solution for stopping. There is no method of brute force and no amount of bombs dropped that will completely eradicate terrorism. The reason is that it is near impossible to tell the difference between a civilian and a terrorist and the majority of people that end up suffering are the civilians. Unless you nuke an entire area (not AT ALL a suggestion), you will essentially never solve the problem with traditional fighting methods. Ultimately more youths will continue to flow into terrorist organization which use them for cannon fodder and make the problem worse. So how do we stop the continued recruitment of youths into terrorist organizations?

First we should talk about how mass scale terrorism is usually born. The large terrorist organizations we see today and have seen in the past, usually form out of some event that triggered mass scale anger and discontent amongst a certain population. Terrorism on large scales 9/10 times happens in countries that lack economic development and stability that you might see in first world nations. The middle east currently is a terrorism hotbed primarily because there is no stability in everyday life and death sometimes seems a better option than to live in the hell they do. This is a technique terrorists use to their advantage.

One of the primary reasons we have seen a large amount of extremist Muslim terrorists, is because religion is used as a tool for recruitment. When a foreign nation like the US drops a bomb in Iraq that kills a young boy’s entire civilian family, instantly he becomes a prime target for recruitment. Young, pissed off and angry at the country that killed his family, he is willing to do anything to get revenge. When an extremist religious leader tells him that he can fight back against the evil that caused him pain and also earn passage into heaven, they jump at the chance. These youths are recruited and turned into religious extremists because they have nothing left to care about.

If these youths were living in happy families with a stable way of live and future prospects of a happy life filled with love, employment, children and a family of their own, they wouldn’t be turning to extremism. However the prospect of that life has been taken and anything but death and destruction seems so far away. When someone comes to you and says, “Life is not over, you can still do gods work and reach heaven for doing it”, they listen. This is why terrorist organizations have had such luck in recruiting the past decade, there are millions of people who are war-torn and have nothing to live for. At this point recruiting them is easy. If we want to stop the recruitment process we need to help provide some sort of stability.

The current terrorism problems that world is facing in places like Europe is a direct consequence for decades of war and instability in the middle east, caused by foreign nations. The US in particular has overthrown multiple governments because we disagreed with political stances and allowed radical extremism to grow. We have a long history of laying waste to a country, pulling out and letting it clean up its own mess. If we are going to overthrow a country and destroy it, we need to deal with the consequences that come with it. If not, we shouldn’t be invading the country in the first place.

We need to support the starving and war torn people with food supplies and help them rebuild their country. We need a large military force to occupy the entire country , while at the same time training new troops to take over when we leave. We need to create stability before we pull out and transition back over very carefully. The youth must be engaged with and given knowledge about what extremists will plan to do with them and how they deceive them. Even if we do all this, there is no guarantee that it will even work.

The best way to avoid the recruitment of youth terrorists, is to avoid creating an atmosphere that breeds terrorism to begin with. The next best thing is educating them on their tactics and to give them a life worth living for. This issue is extremely complex and there really is no right answer. Every country has vastly different people that respond to different situations. The point we are at today is the culmination of decades of war. The consequences we are seeing now show the ripple effect and how long it can travel down the line.

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Totally agree.

We stop bombing their families and destroying their countries under the false pretense of promoting freedom and democracy.

Are there really people that still believe that's why we are in the Middle East?

Start saying NO to the powerful Israeli lobby.

Reject the neocon agenda which in part can be explained in Zbigniew Brzezinski's The Grand Chessboard.

Bring our troops home.

Stop giving people around the world a reason to hate us.

This is one of the causes

And this is the result

What was the cause of the Farhud?

Palestinians use their own families, schools and churches as human shields. The hate for the Israeli people is very real and it's at the top of their list.
The hate for the U.S is a distant second.

You are suggesting that Palestinians are using human shields against the genocide perpetrated against them? You do realize that to have a human shield, there must be something to shield against?

How many Jews live in arab countries? How much of the population of Israel is arab? (%20) Watch the documentary Forgotten Refugees and then talk to me about ethnic cleansing.

Then we can talk about real genocide like the one in sudan happening right now and caused not because we bombed them but because of arabic supremacy.
I'm not trying to provoke bitterness between us, I too used to believe the Israelis were the bad guys, having learned politics from Noam Chomsky I had a lot of reasons to think that.
That has changed I've always been suspicious of popular political viewpoints and once hating Zionazis became the soup du jour I looked into my previously casually held beliefs.
What I found is " The bigger the lie the easier it is to believe".
If your interested in why I changed my mind I'd be happy to tell you.

Yes that's what I'm suggesting. It's a war between soldiers. You're not supposed to hide behind your local children while you shoot the enemy knowing the enemy will have empathy when shooting back.


Very simple :

  1. every country shall not interfere in the internal affairs of another country unless it is mandated by UNO.
  2. Stop the occupation for racial reasons or whatever.
  3. stop killing others if you do not want to be killed

Unfortunately the UN is not the Holy Grail.

Remember the big amount of very dangerous Weapons of Mass Destruction?

There is a reason why the US only agreed to join the UN when their headquarter is in the US.

Yes, I agree with you

So you have laid down the law. Utopian I might say but never mind.

One question though. Who do you propose should enforce your "simple three points"?

I can say how you should NOT try to stop them getting terrorist. Liek the US has done in the last 15 years.

The US financed and trained (I love to point that out, sorry) terror group Al Kaida was a small group when they crashed the planes in the towers.

Then the US started to bomb them.

They 10-folded in size after a few yerars.

Then the bombing was even stronger, Al Kaide partly destroyed.

ISIS, once an even smaller group, stepped in and took over the Al Kaida areas.

Very successful War on Terror! For the terrorists.

Good point. Also murdering Colonel Ghadafi who had the most stable country in africa, the highest standing of living, good education and housing, which then resulted in chaos and looting of their assets by terrorists did not help things either.

But was a huge dictator who starved his people

Really? Did he starve his people or just his enemies he was fighting militarily?
Especially after the US banking economic crises 2008 ff. where he lost billions and additional economic sanctions?

He had oil. Extracted by foreign companies so he didn't need his people. Still Lybia was the most developed land in Africa, according to the UN.

Ghadafis death in 2011 caused by foreign "intervention" caused a civil war in Lybia that may stop about now, with elections planed for 2018. But it still has cost more lives then Ghadafi.

Ghadafi may have been a dictator, but as far as those guys go, he was one of the best in regards to the people of his country.

Al-Queda was an even smaller group when the US financed their militant actions against the russians in the 70's

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Most of the youths are radicalised in their local mosque , the internet and choosing the wrong friends. They are mostly the most vulnerable that can be easily brainwashed. No one has the silver bullet , however targeting their social media channels and mosques that preach hate will be helpful and dont forget that making them being loved and welcomed will also help in better intergrating them in the socciety. Thanks for sharing.

It is true that Islamic terrorist get their ideas from their local mosque. I disagree about the internet, however, in that the it pays a very minor role and is used as a tool after the individual has been radicalized.

ISIS uses the internet and social media platforms prolifically. It's not a minor role at all.
Denying this is like saying that commercials don't help sell products.

I dont think they get their ideas from their local mosque. If they did, we'd all be dead by now.

War... War never changes.

That is not true. It changed a lot.

Just 200 years back a general could be killed in a war for example.

Stop war please all

nice talk man

War is the more hard thing of all, hope something change, I think medias like steem and people like you could make a change. THANKS FOR IT

well that seems to be a mammoth task to do ,it will be very difficult because we have some extremists youths that view terrorism as "cool"

very nice

I am very concerned about us in general and those poor children attracted to that calvary!

Call terrorist for who dey really are. No sugar coating dem.

There is a huge diversity problem here in the U.K and with radicalisation on the rise Mosques and Prisons are an easy target. The screws in the prisons are not trained on combatting terrorism or radicalisation. They turn a blind eye... We rely on hacktivists to remove propaganda spread online. In the U.K over recent months to its clear the current Government cannot handle this surge in terrorism.

well ..if we look back to history,,terrorism started in 1930s .....when west started invading middle east,,,,well i think they love your engineering,,,ua technology ,,,ua infrastructure,,but yeah they dont want ua soldiers there,,,,,put an end to terrorists i mean west on the whole and US and USSR in particular ,,,,,u will stop terrorism,,,,,,,,every penny west spents on israel promotes terrorism,,,,biggest terrorists are there ,sitting in UN and putting sanctions on their allies.....i totally condemn every act of terrorism whether in manchester,,,france ,,,,or america,,,but west never condemns the cowardly acts of israel and US,,,,condemn the acts in syria,,,palestine ,kashmir,lebanon.,iraq,,,,,,and yeah,,,,try to secure your own borders instead of fucking with the MIDDLE EAST,,,,,,

If the west stopped bombing them there would be no need for terrorists. Great post cheers

I'd like to know why it's forgotten, in the majority of the discussions, that most of the problems of "terrorism" begins with historical ethnocentrism and struggle between two or more different cultures. What I'm trying to say it's most of the time we rationally thinks about the welfare to give in the motivation to avoid terrorism, when the main problem is something builded historically for ages sometimes. The Middle East has a problem of post-neoimperialism, so it's almost normal to have so much battles among them. The youth will be added to it, it's not cut the evil from root trying to "educate" them, they give zero fucks to westerns like us, it's trying to fix a long narrative of ethnocentrism.

All Wars are Bankers Wars!

The U.S. fabricated evidence of WMD in order to invade Iraq, which lead to the death of >500,000 civilians in the 2003-2006 period (peer reviewed article: To think that they would care or try to care about those who they didn't kill would be madness.

Government are biggest terrorist organizations in the world. 99% of all violent killings and oppressions where made in the name of government. Oxymoron is to say that biggest terrorist organizations are leading war on terror.

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No.... we dont need to give more humanitarian aid until we depot them out of our countries. We arent affording all the welfare we are handing out, the debt is too much. Wana stop terrorism from happening in your OWN country first and foremost? Don't bring them in.

Well written post. Upvoted.

I think what you lay out is a good approach, there probably is no one size fits all. The other thing that I have always suspected may render people susceptible to any form of extremism is lack of hope. If people have hope and see that they can build a future for themselves then they usually focus on that. (Probably for another time and post, but religions have ruled people's minds for centuries offering hope in exchange for accepting miserable fates on earth). People need to be offered real hope of health and success for their families and a path to get there.

Good article with good ideas. And yeah, the attacking of civilian target is just a terrible policy. I liked President Obama and agreed with him on most things, but the most significant disagreement I ever had with his policies was the Drone War. I have no doubt that Drone Bombing during the Obama era has created more terrorists that we will be dealing with for the next 5 decades than it actually killed or stopped.

But of course we can't just oversimplify things. Engaging terrorists in battle is not easy. They aren't an army you can meet in the open field of battle and defeat. They are integrated among the civilian population to a high degree, which makes it very difficult to attack them while sparing the civilian population. I do get that, but however great that effort is, it would be worth the undertaking to avoid basically using our bombs to fertilize a terrorist farm.

Consult with the CIA and get them to stop instigating all this shit. If we don't address the root cause, we can't possibly succeed. Any other attempt is a mere band-aid.

Do agree. If we would stop policing the world and bombing places into the stone age that would go a long way towards helping to stop terrorism. Sadly that won't happen. The military machine needs their money...

Government are biggest terrorist organizations in the world. 99% of all violent killings and oppressions where made in the name of government. Oxymoron is to say that biggest terrorist organizations are leading war on terror.

With crypto governments dont get to say when we go to war. The people say when to go to war. Use crypto and end the taxation that is used to fund military.