In The Wake of the London Terrorist Attacks PM Theresa May Seeks To Regulate the Internet

in life •  8 years ago 

Yesterday London saw multiple terrorist attacks leaving , as of now, seven killed and many more injured. In response Prime Minister Theresa May has made statements that it is time to regulate the internet, saying “"We cannot allow this ideology the safe space it needs to breed - yet that is precisely what the internet, and the big companies that provide internet-based services provide,”.

In recent years Britain has cracked down hard on the internet and internet providers, blocking sites and policing what their citizens can and cant view. This is no different than how China cracks down on sites like facebook and google so those who speak out against the government can be silenced. Theresa May has completely missed the point on this one and furthermore going after the internet will do nothing.

Terrorists will always use what services they can to communicate and cracking down on the internet won’t stop this. The only effect cracking down on the internet will have is making is easier to exploit and spy on Britain’s own citizens. People who are really doing illegal activities always use the best technology available and there are already decentralized message passing systems that could be far easier and more effective than these so called internet “safe spaces”.

This is exactly how totalitarian countries start controlling their people. First you blame a target that everyone is against and you give up your rights, then the next thing you know you are the target for speaking up. Where do we draw the line at censorship and more importantly when do we say enough is enough? These politicians obviously don’t have any understanding of how the modern world functions or know exactly how it functions and are looking to exploit their own people. Either option is unacceptable.

I understand that after an attack everyone is scared and fearful, but we cannot let ourselves be bullied into sacrificing the rights of our own people because of a few bad actors. If you shut down a terrorist’s website, all you will do is push them deeper and deeper into the dark web, to the point where it will be impossible to trace any of their movement. We are better off allowing them to exist on the main internet and monitoring their movement more closely. Not to mention many of the attacks that have happened were because of intelligence organizations fouling up, not because we let them talk on the internet.

Terrorists will always find a way to communicate and organize, so if you are British, American, French, German, whatever, don’t accept that governments need to regulate the internet to catch terrorism. It gives them the tools to monitor yourself and take away your human right to privacy.

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Instead of regulating the internet..the prime minnister needs to call it like it is and go after the root of the problem (ISIS) by her giving into this fear and taking such a cowardly action as a result, she is only hurting her citizens and letting terrorism breed. Great post! Resteemed!

The government probably either allowed or directly paid for this event to happen so they could use it as an excuse to regulate the internet. Its completely obvious to anyone who looks.

This is why decentralized networks like Steemit are becoming more important than ever.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

yes, but we still need to stop them from grabbing even more control over HTTP which was invented and structured to be an open and, thought at the time, censorship-free network as well!

Governments worldwide are trying to exploit every opportunity that offers itself to install even more totalitarian control -- from "9/11" to "London Bridge". That makes sixteen years of Things-must-change, yet these things have happened again dozens of times. So we have clearly been conned by these "promises" which haven't "cured" anything when it comes to attacks, terrorism, and their roots.

They [governments] are only now getting to grips with basic HTTP-based internet matters -- i e, like 30 years late! How on Earth will they protect us "addressing internet issues"?! The best thing governments can do is admit their utter and total failure and get their dirty hands off their citizens.

Brits used to do this and it even worked!

Yes and we still do lennstar, but the media is frightening people. After the July 5th bombings in London, we all carried on as normal, no-one tried to blame the internet.
As someone that lived and worked in and around London my whole life, I have to say terrorism has been a constant companion, be it the IRA, individual nutters like David Copeland, or now religious extremists. We are deeply hurt by these acts, but they must never change our way of life, otherwise the perpetrators have won.

Teresa May is callously using these horrible events, to desparately try and prop up her own catastrophic election campaign, she sees a way to turn one of her many hated policies into political capital.

she is of a piece with politicians in US who voted 100% in favor of the Patriot Act after 9-11

We need to allow the law abiding citizens of the UK to own and open carry guns!

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." -Benjamin Franklin

the people have nothing whatever to do with these decisions

This is not about trying to control the terrorist groups. They will organize however they can whether that be through the mail, newspaper classifieds, telephone or even secret hand shakes and other cryptic activities. Those have all been used over the years prior to the Internet - I don't see anyone calling to regulate any of those options. Why?

Because it is more about controlling the narrative than it is controlling the terrorists. It is, and always will be, about controlling the larger masses.

I am in Arkansas. The middle of the United States. Thanks to the Internet, within four fours of the attack I was able to find out via social media and websites (even some articles here on Steemit) that there was a bad situation over there. I even did my best to pool together a few of the news stories into one in hopes of helping anyone that read my article to have a better understanding of the situation.

Now, if the government controlled the Internet like the British Prime Minister wants, I would have probably not heard about this sickening event for a week or two. Just like it was in the 1960's (at least how it was as I was told since I was born in 1976). Government wants control and regulation so they can tax and destroy anything they deem unworthy of existence. The Internet is nothing different to them. They want to use terrorist attacks so they can pass legislation to inhibit activities of the citizens.

Just look at 9/11 here in the United States and how quickly, the useless, TSA was implemented and people all of a sudden were fine being literally strip searched, in many cases, in exchange for the privilege of flying. I don't know of any other country that does this to their citizens prior to boarding a plane and those countries send as many, if not more, planes into the sky to land somewhere else.

Regulation is control and the ability to eventually destroy. Remember that.

Yes, the goverments are slowly losing control in some ways ex,..btc/internet. However, they are spending billions to try to gain control of the people through online surveillance, video surveillance, and media. It's the most wasteful battle that will never end :(

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

those areas are the only ones working on the basis of guns, intimidation (bullying), tactics, or armies -- the only business these outdated, tax-payer funded losers understand*).

*) not even fully at that, else they would apply what one can and should learn from "crowd-control" and the heck transition to some better-suited de-escalation strategies, at last...

yeah, for example in Russia they close the access to linkedin, but I don't care about that, it's easy to change the ip adress and access that website, so it's funny for me because they said that linkedin is stoling information of russians, it's not so important because I don't use linkedin a lot, and I even don't know how to find there something useful, I like facebook better

funny politics :)

Don't forget collaborators with the governments: google, Facebook, yahoo, the list goes on.


pretty sure government money and technical assistance were behind the start-ups, DARPA specifically

What's happening in this world is pathetic!

Theresa May has a huge history of disregarding civil liberties. As Home Sectretary she implemented the famous Snooper's Charter:

She uses horrendous attacks to augment her surveillance state. Every.Single.Time.

Like I said earlier in another post, the government does not understand the Internet or the technologies involved. All this will do is hurt the innocent as, like you say, if dodgy characters want to involve themselves in terrorist or other illegal activities online, they will find a way

actually, the government employs a small army of people who do nothing but net

Invite thousands of terrorists into your country and when they behave like terrorists... Shut down the internet! Makes perfect sense to me!!!

I whole-heartedly agree, a back-handed method for more control and surveillance - resteemed.

nice....your post deserve my upvote and resteem....

They used a rental van and some knives ...

"I'm sorry you're scared and we involved in a terrorist attack, but here, let me help by taking away some more of your rights." I'm sure there will be a whole bunch of people totally fine with that if it happens -- not. Haha!

Firstly, its somewhat doubtful Theresa will still be PM in about a weeks time. Even the security services/police dislike her, which is saying a lot.

Secondly, no offence to you, but can we all stop using that "Surface/Dark/Deep Web" image that has been repeatedly proven to be complete nonsense?

I see gun control as the same strategy. Criminals and malevolents will always have ways to get guns. The government's ideas is that there should be no way for responsible people to defend themselves. The governments are way way out of control. What we need is "government control."

How bad is this. How sad is that

Dont worry she'll be out Soon, great post though.

This globalist elitist A-hole Prime Minister (Prime anti-liberty A-Hole) might consider shutting down phones, or driver licenses, or not allowing people to walk down the street. They already got rid of guns, even the police don't carry guns. They use these incidents to take away a little more freedom....have you noticed or are Americans asleep. In Texas even women strap on a six shooters and there are no terrorist mass murders there as yet. The only serious attack was at the Army base because troops on base are not allowed to carry weapons. Only the SP (Special Police) carry firearms. Those troops could not defend themselves when that lunatic went on a rampage praising the Good Lord and shooting His people. What a contradiction! Some of these terrorists can't wait to meet those 70 some virgins. Criminals always find a way to carry out their crime. There is definitely two solutions to this terrorist problem: 1. DEPORTATION (for these imported SOLDIERS WITHOUT UNIFORM). 2. JAIL (for the homegrown terrorist idiots/losers). When the authorities during WWII discovered that Italian or German immigrants or home growners (to coin a word) were advocating a conspiracy they ended up in prison immediately or were deported immediately. The trouble today is that the present day leadership doesn't have the guts to do what needs to be done and those that do are attacked to no end, e.g., the never ending attacks on President Trump using polished BS and out and out lies. Liberal Americans don't want to be confused with the facts since they have their minds made up. Maybe they will change their mind when a terrorist gets a hold of a back pack A-bomb and lets it loose on some large American city. But, even then, I doubt that they will still not want them to be DEPORTED or JAILED. This self destructive American lunacy has disquieting similarities with the end of the Roman Empire. Maybe we are experiencing the end of the American Empire!?!

I agree

Bang on mate. I've been saying since the first attack in Manchester that these tragic events will be used as an excuse to take away our freedoms.
The hidden hand behind these attacks needs to be exposed before it shapes our society into the planned Orwellian nightmare.
It's the Hegelian dialectic in action and the public will beg to be protected from the on-going pain.
It never fails to work. Problem-Reaction-Solution.
People need to wake up, quick.
I like your style. Followed.
Check me out at @tremendospercy

As long as Western countries continue occupy and destroy the middle east, attacks will probablyly continue.

Wow really really well said @calaber24p. I'm really hoping that people aren't overcome by fear and confusion in the UK and let their votes be swayed by what happened. Theresa May has already implemented the 'snoopers charter' which mandates all ISPs to keep history records for 2 years. Censorship is the next step towards a totalitarian state.

the only people on the dark web are the ones who want to hide what they are doing, so they should surveille there, not on everyone else. This is no different than the US Congress passing the Patriot Act, which had been written and prepared long before 9-11

Hmmm order out of chaos . #freemason

Hi @calaber24p. I wonder if you would look at my post about the recent attack in London. I am seeking help in promoting awareness that all is not as it is portrayed in the media. I am quite new to all this so it is quite upsetting. If you think my post is worthy I would appreciate if you could resteemed it to your followers.

The UK government among many others in the west use taxpayer money to bring in these radicals and their imams and continue to pay them monthly to stay to terrorize and kill its own citizens. Irony or self hate?

Let's just deal with the truth of the matter!