The Sad Reality for Young Women Entering the Porn Business in the United States

in life •  7 years ago 

Believe it or not, the porn industry is one of the biggest industries in the United States, earning about 14 billion a year in revenue. That’s $3000 every second spent on pornography and pornography related goods. There is no doubt an insatiable appetite for new content and more importantly new talent in the industry. Because the nature of the porn industry, it attracts many people who either are ignorant of the practices that go on, or those who lack good judgment when making choices. Today I want to talk about some things you might not know about the porn industry and how they operate.

Due to the large demand for pornographic talent, there always needs to be a fresh influx of girls brought in from all over the country, usually to Los Angeles, which is the porn capital in the United States. The new recruits are usually signed with an agency and will be contacted for specific works, mostly depending on what they are willing to do. The type of girls they are looking for are small petite 18 year olds because they sell the best. These girls are usually put into a house with other girls that are entering the industry as well and are required to pay rent or go back home. This puts pressure for the girls to get jobs right away or face possible eviction.

These girls have a common misconception that when they enter the porn industry they can do whatever types of scenes they want, but the reality of paying bills and rent soon hits them and they are forced to broaden their willingness to more degrading work. Because they are young and ignorant they believe that if they work at it they can have a long term career in the porn business, but the vast majority of girls only last 6 months. This is the secret that no porn recruiter wants any of the girls to know. I have watched a few documentaries where they interview the recruiters and they always say they could never be completely honest with the girls they are recruiting or they would never work there. You know a job is a shit one when the people recruiting you have to hide the whole nature of what you will be doing.

When the girls end up actually getting offers to do work, they will do 5-10 scenes that are your average male and female scenes, but if they aren’t willing to expand their availability, that is it, they wont get anymore scenes. The industry chews them up and spits them out right then and there. Because most of the girls who have done those 5-10 scenes are now used to being paid decent amounts of money up front, they don’t want it to end. To survive long term in the business these girls need to cater to niche fantasies, many of which end up being abusive and very degrading. I wont go into specifics of which fetishes, but im sure you know or could imagine which ones.

The girls who do stay in the business doing these niche types of work, soon find the industry is nothing like they imagined. From common practices such as sticking a sponge in their vagina to conceal the blood from continuous penetration to the heavy use of drugs to numb the pain, it is a nightmare for the performers. The suicide rate among pornographic actors and those in the sex industry as a whole is one of the highest per capita because of this. Most of the women who stay in the industry long term either get addicted to drugs, pick up abusive habits or worse.

Most of the girls entering the industry dream of becoming a star in Hollywood, but end up sufficiently disappointed. Those who don’t last often regret the time they spent there and can suffer from long term depression because of what they did. While a very select few can transition past pornography into other forms of media, the vast majority of history in the porn industry is filled with the blood and tears of those who never made it.

If you are interested in seeing more of this topic there are a few documentaries I recommend you watch.

  • Hot Girls Wanted (2015)
  • Louis Theroux- Twilight of the Porn Stars (2012)
  • After Porn Ends (2012)


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Honestly, we need to un-fuck the monetary and banking system asap so that nobody is economically forced into this situation in the first place.

On a related note, I am also tired of seeing people standing in 100 degree weather, with a sandwich-board sign, for 8 hours pointing at a cell phone or cash for gold store. That's only a few steps up from actual slavery.

Nice thinking. Humans are not something to be used. We should treat everybody well and any exploitation should be Prevented. Totally in support of your view. Keep sharing such Posts..

Unfortunately, humans are really just pawns being moved around in a giant game of chess right now. Let's hope we can band together and overcome that.

@calaber24p, it is very sad... for many years, I have seen the adult entertainment industry (with all its various "name variants") as a sad monument to shattered dreams. I often find myself wondering "Why would anyone DO that?" but I guess many areas of life is filled with predatory "leaders" who will deceive, lie and manipulate in order to get their raw material... and maybe there's more truth in the stereotype of "the naive farm girl from Kansas" who goes to Hollyweird to become an actor, and ends up selling her body out of desperation.

It's hard to sit here and not BLAME someone, but who/what do you ultimately blame? The part of human nature that creates the demand for porn, in the first place... there wouldn't BE an adult industry if there were no people buying it, right? So what's WRONG with us, as a society?

There's no reason we shouldn't be able to have porn and have it produced in an ethical manner.

It just might be less profitable for the porn companies.

But it always leaves the vague question of whether you can even have "ethical porn," given that porn is basically the objectification of human bodies... a lot of people would say that it would be ethical to "objectify" humans, in any context, be it porn or otherwise.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

In my opinion ethical = unforced in this context. Pornhub's pay per view program is ethical enough. Girl may "perform" with her boyfriend in "style" they both want. If they both agree, why not? But "big money" will allways break people no matter if it's porn or accounting: for big money humans are nothing but tools and resource.

Alex, even though some of the promoters (I have seen some of the documentaries listed) state that they deceive the women; it is still unforced. By your logic (unforced=ethical), the porn industry, strictly speaking, is ethical notwithstanding the poor behavior of some recruiters. Given that there are documentaries and other resources that outline the downsides of the industry, there is a degree of self-responsibility that must exist for all of the participants. If the poor behavior of some recruiters makes it entire industry unethical, then the local grocery store is unethical because the cashier will ring up sugary foods without warning you of the health consequences.

It is disgusting and dis-encourageing industry. I don't understand why girls are trying reach top using shortcut method of porn industry. We need to stop this industry, more over we need more viewer awareness is required.
If viewer get decreased then this industry get abolished one it for all.
We steemit community should build a protest against this industry.

It is also true that every one has their own right to live and enjoy their life, but need more awareness of viewer.

Also law and human rights should punish the producer and director treat their actors a sex toy or product for abusing .

You have lighten up very sensitive and important part of our culture and society. I appreciate if steemit can build up a community against this.

We are will all those who suffered the same fate.

Also many don't know that every year many girls and boys also addicted to drug and get infected with AIDS.


No words to say. Your point was great. Only awareness can make things better. Exactly, only that gonna work.

But the morality of humans in these days.... We can't expect that kind of result very soon.
B'cause the lust has more market out there than what we are talking about here..

Yes you are absolutely true. Inspired by your Post I have created one check once. It is also very sad and violent image of this industry.

I am having a hard time following your reasoning? Why should the civil authorities go after people that enter into contract work voluntarily? Strictly speaking, outside of genuine sex trafficking, there is no compulsion in porn. There are people who lie and act in otherwise poor manners, that exists in every industry. I think you are conflating an industry you find distasteful with something that fundamentally unethical. The idea that people should use coercion - as you advocate - against things they find distasteful is rather dangerous.

In ancient times also there was this service. There are those who have an uncontrollable desire for this kind of stimulation. In order that they not disturb the ladies in a society who are married and serving their husbands nicely there is a class of women who will perform this service. Seen in that way it is actually a valid service. It can keep society peaceful. It is not the best occupation but it is something that actually needs to be done by someone. Unfortunately in the present times like everything else it is mismanaged by malevolent personalities. Just my take on it.

Why is there not a class of men who perform this service to save the gentlemen of society, who are serving their wives nicely, from being disturbed?

Porn doesnt "need to be done". No one "needs" porn. But lots of people are harmed by it, including those who use it.

Good question. I was sharing what I found in my studies from ancient Vedic civilizations and how they dealt with this lust problem in order keep society somewhat peaceful. Prostitution was a recognized profession. No one really wanted their daughter to take it up though. But it was not illegal and run by an underground group of criminals. Lust is not something that can be stopped by rules and laws. It is coming from within the heart. So it has to be recognized and dealt with as civilly as possible. That was how the ancients dealt with it.

Out of curiosity, how are viewers harmed? Are they harmed according to your perception or is there a real health impact on them? If people decide that they want to stay in an industry and voluntarily perform activities that some people may enjoy (and others find horrific), I don't understand why it isn't their right to do so?

Well there is a whole generation of men who are having trouble getting it up because they are so porn saturated that they cant enjoy actual sex. Mass impotence is a fairly serious health issue.

Beyond that , porn promotes unhealthy attitudes towards women, young women report increasing pressure to participate in what would have been quite marginal sexual activities 20 years ago, but have now become expected within fairly casual sexual relationships.

Of course people have the "right" to stay in the industry, I'm questioning whether that industry should exist. But its an industry - by definition ist not voluntary because they are paid....and without that financial coercion, they would not chose to do it.

How is an industry not voluntary? I am not trying to be sarcastic; I am trying to understand where your argument is coming from. Regarding mass ED - here are two studies/articles on that:

Another item, how is a wage financial coercion? That doesn't make any sense. Stealing from someone if they don't do something is financial coercion; wages are monies paid for a service.

Also, porn induced sexual exploration is not strictly a male phenomena (see links below). Sexual tastes vary over time. That people expect or prefer certain acts now does not make them bad. What existing previously sexually is not somehow authentic (e.g., pederasty in Ancient Greece).

I think my biggest disagreement with you is not about whether it is good or bad (that is a totally subjective preference - some people will be supportive of porn, others will find it repugnant. Where I disagree is that it is largely coercive. It isn't. Some people make choices they later regret; that, however, does not make it definitively coercive. Some people are coerced into porn, but some people are also coerced into making clothes; that doesn't making clothing a coercive instrument.

This is so sad and hits home for me as I have both male and female relatives that work in this industry.

Thank you for the post. I m looking forward to more post from you.

resteemed and upvoted.

why do they have to go through this things?

to sustain 'life" or to make a living


Let's be honest :to sustain high life they are used to. Nobody stops them from going out of business and getting a job in Mcdonalds. Still porn industry is quite creepy.

So sad and I can't imagine someone treating another human so poorly for profit. The porn industry is a beast and the future is grim for all those girls who want to Hollywood actresses. Sad and informative post my friend.

good material

sad reality but it takes two to tango. as long as there is demand for these stuff ,it wont stop.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Complex topic. I am sure there´s a lot of abuse. Women which are forced to participate in disgusting ways. Those women are willing (unwilling) devoting their body and identity to something really physical.

Sex is overrated in our society. I do deal with some sensitive topics here. But i despise using direct sexual themes.

It´s about free will and respect.


it is a terrible thing and a last resort for women with no way out. followed ya :)

Have you seen some of the documentaries? Some of the women profiled entered in spite of other options. It was their choice because, at the time they entered, they valued the chance at higher incomes over the downsides in the industry.

We cannot judge people by the decisions they make, they are the only ones fully aware of the circumstances surrounding their decisions and therefore I can only assume they are also able to evaluate the consequences relating to them.
I was always told "decide in haste; repent at leisure"!! Never a truer saying!!

Thanks for sharing.

It's really sad. I think when most girls try to enter this profession they had false expectations of how the industry works. Thank you for writing such a wonderful article. I'll try watching the documentaries you suggested.

oh,dear.Thanks for sharing,it is good to let more and more people,so that maybe they can alert their family and friends to help those ignorant girls

It's truly sad. I try to stop the porn to the maximum. We live in an era where porn is accessible everywhere and for free, it is a real scourge. It is bad for health and it destroys lives. Thank you for your article full of common sense, I will follow your blog you are a good person

It is bad for health and it destroys lives.


And no, this post does not count, because it talks about the porn industry, not porn.
The wool industry killed hundreds of thousands back in the 19th century.

Good point. There are a lot of unfounded claims here about the impact of viewing on one's health. It is more of a transference of aesthetic preferences into an evaluation of character. You also forgot to add, cops kill more innocent people than porn kills. I am pretty sure surgeons do as well. We should start a movement to get rid of surgery!

I never understood why Hollywood actresses don't carry the same stigma for posing nude and having sex on camera like porn stars. Just recently there was a big movie where a well known actress actually blew an actor in a scene... what is the difference?

Very sad. why they are doing like that?

I think thisis a bigger problem than it appears (if you can imagine). It's why Putin banned all the sites that recruit online. Once the industry is done with them...they offer them jobs such as "citizen surveillance". Aging Porn stars
given covert authority and moral high ground. Slippery slopes. Great post. Needs more discussion. It's a huge problem all around.👍

@calaber24p wow a very well wriitten article, thanks for sharing with he community your a kind person keep steeming

I do not see problem if you are doing it freely, but yes a lot of women are forced against their will, and it is really big problem.

Very sad after know this thing turned out what we imagine during this porn artist usually really like every episode they do !!
It is unfortunate that very young girls should feel it
Hopefully what they do as soon as they realize it
Thank you very good information mr @calaber24p

A terrible job that any other. In one hand this should ideally motivate those in the industry to gather together and establish labor-principles like we have in many other industries, but it should also helo us outside better appreciate what we consume. Porn is neither prostitution or an easy job, it is a hard bussiness with a lot of sacrifices and possible rewards.

That's quite interesting. People often don't talk about this industry but when you think about the dollar value of about this industry it's huge. Never thought about this.

The suicide rate among pornographic actors and those in the sex industry as a whole is one of the highest per capita because of this.

I did not know this. Interesting post.

Followed :)

This is just another reason to legalize prostitution. If it was legal you would we a dramatic decline in this kind of disgusting business practices.

The same people that are against porn would complain about that too. People who are against these sorts of activities feel that there is a character flaw and public health threat in carnal pleasure pure and simple. It is just Diet Pat Robertson. People have every right to make stupid decisions. If a young girl thinks - against all the odds - she is going to have a career in pornography and make a lot of money, that is her choice. People make ill-informed decisions all of the time. It is part of individual freedom.

Sad truth, but it is what it is . Some of these female performers are forced to do so . Paying bills and etc. Not only females but males too. Some of them are forced to perform in different 'scenes" or else the contract would be terminated.

It is unfortunate that the United states authorities have a liberal stance on the porn industry. The industry has destroyed the lives of young girls. It is really unfortunate.

If people really knew what goes on they wouldn't glorify it. Like they do on the adult channels. Especially men out there who support the it. Would you want someone to do that to you're daughter. I would go to jail or prison because they would get fucked up .

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read before commenting lol. what do you mean by "beautiful pictures" ?

This rabbit hole only goes deeper. The porn industry IS the commercialization of the human sex trafficking industry, with many of those trafficked into porn directly. Not all, but I am by no means painting with a broad brush.

Thanks for highlighting the dark reality in porn, as it's important for people to see it's an industry that can be detrimental to mental and physical health of its actors over a period of time.

Hmmm! Had I know is always at last. US is a country of possibilities and its nice that way. I acknowledge the fact that the porn industry contribute a portion of the country's total revenue but the question is, does it worth it... Consider the other side effects. Morality should not be looked down upon.
I think law makers should have a discipline mind. They know the good yet they don't do it all because of money.
And to those taking advantage of these innocent ones remember what goes around comes around irrespective of what you believe..

I don't understand why girls are trying reach top using shortcut method of porn industry. We need to stop this disgusting industry, more over we need more viewer awareness is required.
If viewers get decreased then this industry would collapse once for all.
Steemit community and every community should build a protest against this industry.

Also law & human rights should punish the producer & director treat their actors a sex toy or product for abusing . Human rights is sleeping.

You have lighten up important part of our society. I appreciate if steemit can build up a community against this.

Also several girls and boys are falling in STD and AIDs diseases. It's time for us to wake up and kick out this industry and crush it!

It's terrible that all these women have to resort to porn because of money problems. When will it end!

Really appreciate your post, the inside of the porn industry is so rarely talked or written about so most people have no idea. Awareness is the key for sure- as has been noted here in many comments.

Terima kasih. informasinya sangat menyentuh dan sangat bagus.

Very interesting story, whether is a male or female one shouldn't sale their precious bodies souls for money, every wrong doing end up wrong.

Don't forget to watch After Porn Ends part 2.

Very sad. I do not have a clear idea about how much these girls can earn doing this job. However, I think that it is a better idea for them to do other jobs where they probably earn much less on the short term but much more on the long term since as you say, their job in the porn industry do not last more than 6 months. It is a pity that young and beautiful girls destroy their lives in such a sad manner.

Respect the women even if they made the wrong choices in life, besides who are we to tell if they did ?

this industry is more or less major in every country of the world. if its a poor country then the girls are being trafficked from there. its the global disease - if i can call it that

Porn is a problem. It’s a personal problem for many and a cultural problem for all. You may think you have not been affected by porn, but you have because it’s embedded in the surrounding culture. The staggering size of the pornography industry, its influence upon the media, and the acceleration of technology, paired with the accessibility, anonymity, and affordability of porn all contribute to its increasing impact upon the culture.

Pornography affects you whether you’ve ever viewed it or not, and it is helpful to understand some of its negative effects, whether you are a man or woman struggling with watching it or simply a mom or dad with a son or daughter or a church leader. There is a plethora of research on the detrimental effects of pornography (and I do not think that what follows are necessarily the worst of them), but here are seven negative effects of porn upon men and women:

  1. Porn Contributes to Social and Psychological Problems Within Men
  2. Porn Rewires the Male Brain
  3. Porn Turns Sex into Masturbation

Good article. This is important to remember. The sex industry is a dirty game. And this doesn't even mention the social stigma of trying to re-enter the normal world after footage of you getting a train run on you is googleable.

this is a good subject as many dismiss it,it is very sad and damaging to the girls.i have upvoted and shared.

This is material world.. one can expect such things and worse here :(

Hi @calaber24p thanks for this post. It is a very sad state of affairs. Women and young girls are abused and it should be illegal. There is also an element of human trafficking which is even worse, where girls are used and abused against there will.

Clearly a case of human mind and body being exploited for profit on both sides of the camera...psychology is deployed to 'hook' into minds of consumers, and like any drug, the dose gradually needs to increase to achieve same effect. Performers as noted are also gradually led into situations that alter self perception and sense of normal. Society speaks increasingly of drug abuse, and even sugar overconsumption as a Health Issue...however, other than a few documentaries, we generally don't view commercialized sex addiction as the same kind of problem.

Thanks for this great article. I think it is really sad ot think about what those girls are actually doing to survive on our planet..

Tragic.. that they begin to do it all for the money then feel sad in the end because money made that way is not really any part of true happiness .

wow...yes, I could have guessed, but reading it on your post makes it more of a sad reality.

Very well written!

You mad me sad @calaber24p, this is brutal.
Why an innocent girl has to enter into the porn industry? The only reason comes to my mind is ignorance and lack of opportunities that one can avail in the US. We all need to educate and make them aware of the results before the situation gets even worst.
This blog is worth sharing, so resteeming it.

Congratulations @calaber24p
You took 30 place in my Top 100 of posts

Sad industry indeed...