Conquering Your Fears (Beware of the Photos!!!)

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)


Today, I'd like to talk about fears (and conquering them as the title suggests.) We all have fears and some of us even let them rule our life instead of facing them. Sometimes our fears develop out of nowhere and sometimes there can be a good reason.

It doesn't matter whether there is a reason or not. Fears are nothing but stories that play out in our heads, when it comes down to it. We often let those stories play on an infinite loop and that makes it worse. I'm going to illustrate this point by sharing a silly (possibly psychogenic?) phobia I have.

Let me introduce you to a very special phobia called...


The fear of clusters of small holes or bumps.

And I do warn you:

I think nature is messing with me, I really do.

You see, it's innocent enough, right?


A simple honey comb

No problem, I can handle a honey comb...


A delicious English Muffin

No big deal...

Just so you know, this is where I start itching.

All over my body.

I'm not even kidding...


The Surinam Toad - It gives birth out of the little holes on its back...


The lovely lotus seed pod


The seed pod looks even more beautiful in its dried form.

Please excuse me while I get a sledge hammer and a torch so I can destroy the lotus seed pod. It deserves to die.


OK, I'm back.

At this point, you must think I'm absolutely insane. But I really do fear clusters of small holes and bumps. What if something crawls out of the holes...or??? Uneasy is probably the best word to describe how they make me feel.

Then some asshole had to go and Photoshop it onto body parts.


I'll be considerate (to myself and others) and not show the OTHER Photoshopped body parts. They literally make my skin crawl. If you're weird and twisted, you can Google trypophobia and see them for yourself.

Now back to my original point!

It's only a fear.

Are clusters of small holes really dangerous? Probably not. They're ugly as SHIT, but that's beside the point.

What real reason is there for me to be terrified of a lotus seed pod?

It has taken a couple years since I was first exposed to these types of photos on Facebook (where else, right?!?), but I am finally able to look at these without shrieking and covering my eyes. It's a HUGE step for me in conquering my fear.

Sometimes you have to look the lotus seed pod in the eye and tell it you're not scared. Well, one of its eyes...

So next time you're scared of something, ANYTHING, remember how silly @cali-girl is for being scared of clusters of small holes. Maybe just maybe this will give you the courage to conquer your fears and move on with your life.

Conquering your fears really is that simple.

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good writing

what kind of sorcery is this?
you just turned my stomach upside down...
so weird....

⬆(What if i told you... that this banner is clickable)⬆

Welcome to my world!

giphy (6).gif

That is a interesting phobia indeed, I do think some of those pictures are a bit gross but not really scary. Good job on trying to overcome your fear! I like how you write with humor, you are good at keeping the readers attention. :)


Yep. Seems like I have Trypophobia too!

Uh oh. Sorry about that..........

No, no, it's fine. You've educated me. I now know there's a word for it. That and I wanted to kill these pictures with fire lol

Let's do it! I'll help you. It would be so satisfying...

Very much so! :)

I'm glad you were able to concur all of your fears! I've never heard of Trypophobia, but it sounds like some shit haha

My Ex had a phobia of crumpled napkins! No nobody believed her, so anytime we ate with other people there was a 50% chance she would leave crying because people would barrage her with napkins. I felt really bad for her, but I have to admit it was kind of funny haha

Great post!

Wow. Crumpled napkins... Poor thing. :(

Gonna go take a boiling hot shower now.


wow this gave me the super ibby gibbys lol

Mission accomplished! jk :P

My Evil Twin, be it known to you that I find clusters of small holes or bumps simply fascinating.


Well that makes one of us...

Just way too cute. Love it!!


Just commented on your last post, and went browsing through your blog. I also did a trypophobia post! Now I'm itching again! I need to stop looking at this stuff!

I know, right? Those photos... They're awful!!!